Huge Breaking News: Scientists Find Treatment To Kill Every Kind Of Cancer Tumors

Lol, I knew there would be some libtard come into the thread and piss on everyone's parade, 'BUT YOU ARE STILL ALL GOING TO DIE!' bullshiht.

Yes, there are trade offs to EVERY treatment, cocksucker.

I cant tell if you are PO'd because your link is a year late or you have people affected by cancer close to you. Because of that I'm not going to call you a retarded moron for your comment. Yes we all are still going to die even if we could take a pill and do away with cancer. Dont you realize that?

I am not PO'd at all, its just that secular fascists like you disgust me to the core of my being.

Yeah you were pretty PO'd. Don't try and deny it. We all know better. Regardless I noticed your love of cocksucking shined through once again as your instinctual reaction to stress like a infantile need for a pacifier. :lol:
Either way, not being productive sucks, squared.

Yup, but most handle it better and are reduced to making a mockery of themselves on the forums like bitter angry JimBowie does.

I hate being out of work.
Well you seem like an asshole who's entire goal is to piss others off so I hope you stay out of work and every second of your life sucks.

You are worthless and should be melted for candle wax.
This is just breaking and is incredible news to hear. I've lost several family members to cancer in which they never responded well to the treatments they were taking at the time. Hopefully this will be the end of people suffering with many forms of cancer.

Scientists find treatment to kill every kind of cancer tumor | Fox News

Linked article's about a year old.

Expect this discovery to be discredited. Not in anyone's best interest to find a cure for anything when treating things is infinitely more profitable.

/cynicism off

Finding a cure, and making it widely available are very different things. Making it affordable is another thing entirely as well. Molerats and sharks are a couple animals known for not being able to get cancers. Research into why has been going on for quite some time. I'd imagine many cures have been found, but why announce them? Drug companies aren't in the busienss of curing things but making money treating things. (ok I didn't really turn off my cynicism.) :)

I have zero confidence in western medicine.
Either way, not being productive sucks, squared.

Yup, but most handle it better and are reduced to making a mockery of themselves on the forums like bitter angry JimBowie does.

I hate being out of work.
Well you seem like an asshole who's entire goal is to piss others off so I hope you stay out of work and every second of your life sucks.

You are worthless and should be melted for candle wax.

By comparison, you are currently suffering. That was a shit thing to say.
Nope, I just call 'em like i see 'em. Anyone who rolls into this thread with this kind of stuff has no interest in anything but trying to affect others negatively. He's a waste of flesh.

Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch and PROVE where he is wrong.

Eat shit you cock sucking bitch.

I am not PO'd at all, its just that secular fascists like you disgust me to the core of my being.

Yes, there are trade offs to EVERY treatment, cocksucker.

But I know that actually reading through a post and trying to think about it and make sure you understand it is contrary to you libtards operating procedures, but you might want to do it at least occasionally.

You're welcome, libtard.
Nope, I just call 'em like i see 'em. Anyone who rolls into this thread with this kind of stuff has no interest in anything but trying to affect others negatively. He's a waste of flesh.

Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch and PROVE where he is wrong.

Eat shit you cock sucking bitch.

Yes, there are trade offs to EVERY treatment, cocksucker.

But I know that actually reading through a post and trying to think about it and make sure you understand it is contrary to you libtards operating procedures, but you might want to do it at least occasionally.

You're welcome, libtard.

Your attacks made the two of you virtually interchangeable.
Actually, you are worse. Jim just lashes out. Okay - a lot. But YOU took something he said (when he let his guard down with me) and used it as a weapon against him so I will reiterate: That was a shit thing to say.
This is just breaking and is incredible news to hear. I've lost several family members to cancer in which they never responded well to the treatments they were taking at the time. Hopefully this will be the end of people suffering with many forms of cancer.

Scientists find treatment to kill every kind of cancer tumor | Fox News

Hope it's for real, the news comes from FOX , so naturally Liberals will try to deny it.

If its for real the big problem is it may be some time before it gets through the FDA and is readily available. The path a new drug travels from a laboratory to common usage is very long, sometimes years.

Retrovir was first studied as an anti-cancer drug in the 60s with poor results. Years later, it was discovered the drug could treat AIDS, and finally got approved in 1987.

How many people are going to die waiting ?

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