Huge Breaking News: Scientists Find Treatment To Kill Every Kind Of Cancer Tumors

Nope, I just call 'em like i see 'em. Anyone who rolls into this thread with this kind of stuff has no interest in anything but trying to affect others negatively. He's a waste of flesh.

Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch and PROVE where he is wrong.

But I know that actually reading through a post and trying to think about it and make sure you understand it is contrary to you libtards operating procedures, but you might want to do it at least occasionally.

You're welcome, libtard.

Your attacks made the two of you virtually interchangeable.

I am offended! /s lol

I don't think I have kicked a guy when down. The things I say are 'rough and tumble' but not malicious as I don't truly mean to hurt anyone's feeling.

Mercury cant hurt my feelings because I have no regard for him so what he says really doesn't matter at all.

And I don't really have much as feelings go anyway.

But thanks Boop for the defense...sort of. :D
Thanks, it seems every day is hump day these days......


I hate being out of work.

Out of work like construction, temp layoff, or looking for a new job? Either way, not being productive sucks, squared.

Herniated disk at T7-T8

Painful and cant sit for too long or back cramps up.

Thanks for your concern. It is appreciated.

Mother Fletcher, that doesn't sound excruciating or anything! Holy owich. :(

No, I mean Obama's death panels. The same ones that REQUIRE end of life counseling.

Sweet Jebus but you are stupid. How can you stand being so dumb?

PROVE where he is wrong.

Sure, Shortbus, I'll be glad to.

The "death panels" are for living wills. A living will is a document people are given to fill out and sign before major surgery, upon entering a nursing home, when making out a will at the attorney's office, on senior citizen and healthcare websites, et cetera.

The living will has a list of options on what should be done should the person suffer an illness or injury requiring life support and the person is unable to communicate their wishes.

The options of a living will are basically do not resuscitate, resuscitate but discontinue life support if brain dead, resuscitate and keep on life support for x period of time, resuscitate and keep on life support indefinately.

The choices are entirely up to the patient to make. In addition the person may designate a power of attorney (separate paperwork) and make out a regular will (more separate paperwork.)


Sarah Palin and company lied.

Interesting that the lying **** and her crew of ugly never told you that the insurance companies routinely denied coverage for certain procedures to persons over a certain age because it cut into the insurance companies' profits. Those were the real death panels.
Sweet Jebus but you are stupid. How can you stand being so dumb?

PROVE where he is wrong.

Sure, Shortbus, I'll be glad to.

The "death panels" are for living wills. A living will is a document people are given to fill out and sign before major surgery, upon entering a nursing home, when making out a will at the attorney's office, on senior citizen and healthcare websites, et cetera.

The living will has a list of options on what should be done should the person suffer an illness or injury requiring life support and the person is unable to communicate their wishes.

The options of a living will are basically do not resuscitate, resuscitate but discontinue life support if brain dead, resuscitate and keep on life support for x period of time, resuscitate and keep on life support indefinately.

The choices are entirely up to the patient to make. In addition the person may designate a power of attorney (separate paperwork) and make out a regular will (more separate paperwork.)


Sarah Palin and company lied.

Interesting that the lying **** and her crew of ugly never told you that the insurance companies routinely denied coverage for certain procedures to persons over a certain age because it cut into the insurance companies' profits. Those were the real death panels.
Where's your link?
Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

Here, try this:

What is a Living Will? -

Good to know that you're a regressive willing to swallow any narrative, no matter how implausable, that comes from the extremists.
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Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

Here, try this:

What is a Living Will? -

Good to know that you're a regressive willing to swallow any narrative, no matter how implausable, that comes from the extremists.
Got any more red herrings to throw out there? Living wills have nothing to do with Obama's end of life counselling in his fucked up healthcare scam. Try again, hack.
Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

Here, try this:

What is a Living Will? -

Good to know that you're a regressive willing to swallow any narrative, no matter how implausable, that comes from the extremists.
Got any more red herrings to throw out there? Living wills have nothing to do with Obama's end of life counselling in his fucked up healthcare scam. Try again, hack.

They have everything to do with it, liar. Living wills are what the wingnut pundits were referring to when they claimed "death panels."

I'll tell you what, YOU post a link that proves that there is a death panel.

No one has been able to since the bill was signed. Because there is no death panel.

Link to the death panel, SJ. Post it.
Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

Here, try this:

What is a Living Will? -

Good to know that you're a regressive willing to swallow any narrative, no matter how implausable, that comes from the extremists.
Got any more red herrings to throw out there? Living wills have nothing to do with Obama's end of life counselling in his fucked up healthcare scam. Try again, hack.

They have everything to do with it, liar. Living wills are what the wingnut pundits were referring to when they claimed "death panels."

I'll tell you what, YOU post a link that proves that there is a death panel.

No one has been able to since the bill was signed. Because there is no death panel.

Link to the death panel, SJ. Post it.
I'll give you the same answer you gave me.
Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

I have to post a link to prove my point but you don't have to?
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Great news, but it'll wreak havoc on Obama's death panels.

I'm guessing that since the OP didn't have any information on the protein that is curing cancer he/she is talking about cannabinoids. We know the uses of weed today but for some reason don't care because we have it tainted in our brains as a bad thing stoners use.

Weed was banned so certain Lobbyists could profit and that's a fact. If you don't think so, you are wrong and haven't researched the topic.

Science is showing that weed/marijuana can attack cancer and/or keep the cancer cells from splitting. This is only news here in America because we don't read Israel news papers where they have been studying this for a while now.

Study the other uses pot has. It's not just for stoners, it's for everyone. In fact it's only poor use is smoking it.

Making laws against weed was a bigger death panel than your theoretical death panel you speak of.

"Through many detailed experiments, handily summarised in this recent article in the journal Nature Reviews Cancer, scientists have discovered that various cannabinoids (both natural and synthetic) have a wide range of effects in the lab, including:
Triggering cell death, through a mechanism called apoptosis
Stopping cells from dividing
Preventing new blood vessels from growing into tumours
Reducing the chances of cancer cells spreading through the body, by stopping cells from moving or invading neighbouring tissue
Speeding up the cell’s internal ‘waste disposal machine’ – a process known as autophagy – which can lead to cell death
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If it's true. Killing cancer cells and not killing a person are two different things.

Had you read the article, you might have observed that it stated the amount of healthy cells killed was not even close to the amount of cancer cells killed.

But I know that actually reading through a post and trying to think about it and make sure you understand it is contrary to you libtards operating procedures, but you might want to do it at least occasionally.

You're welcome, libtard.

I did read the article. Two years before you apparently and I still gave it some credence. That even makes you mad.
There's little doubt here that if this is true, lobbyists for the cancer treatment industry will be discouraging its approval by FDA in order to spare the life of their cash cow.

Sorta like, legalizing marijuana would kill a known cash cow for the lawyers and police they fight its passage...despite what it would do for increased tax revenue.

The same applies to the Fair Tax...puts too many people into the mode of searching for some other means of support. Accountants and tax lawyers would be devastated.

Those that profit from treating the symptoms do not want to see a sure-fire cure implemented.
Link? Dude, it's common knowledge, right up there with the earth not being flat.

Here, try this:

What is a Living Will? -

Good to know that you're a regressive willing to swallow any narrative, no matter how implausable, that comes from the extremists.

SJ is most likely retarded or stalling for time to find a way to backpedal gracefully. I thought everyone knew about living wills.
Sweet Jebus but you are stupid. How can you stand being so dumb?

PROVE where he is wrong.

Sure, Shortbus, I'll be glad to.

The "death panels" are for living wills. A living will is a document people are given to fill out and sign before major surgery, upon entering a nursing home, when making out a will at the attorney's office, on senior citizen and healthcare websites, et cetera.

The living will has a list of options on what should be done should the person suffer an illness or injury requiring life support and the person is unable to communicate their wishes.

The options of a living will are basically do not resuscitate, resuscitate but discontinue life support if brain dead, resuscitate and keep on life support for x period of time, resuscitate and keep on life support indefinately.

The choices are entirely up to the patient to make. In addition the person may designate a power of attorney (separate paperwork) and make out a regular will (more separate paperwork.)


Sarah Palin and company lied.

Interesting that the lying **** and her crew of ugly never told you that the insurance companies routinely denied coverage for certain procedures to persons over a certain age because it cut into the insurance companies' profits. Those were the real death panels.

Look, you stupid slanderous bitch, you restating your claim and rephrasing is NOT PROOF.

God damn! How do you people get to be so fucking stupid?
If it's true. Killing cancer cells and not killing a person are two different things.

Had you read the article, you might have observed that it stated the amount of healthy cells killed was not even close to the amount of cancer cells killed.

But I know that actually reading through a post and trying to think about it and make sure you understand it is contrary to you libtards operating procedures, but you might want to do it at least occasionally.

You're welcome, libtard.

I did read the article. Two years before you apparently and I still gave it some credence. That even makes you mad.

Yeah, guess you just missed that part about it having negligible effects on healthy cells, dimwit.
Time?s Mark Halperin: Death Panels Are 'Built Into' ObamaCare | NewsBusters

STEVE MALZBERG: I think they focused on the death panels which will be coming, call them what you will. Rationing is part of it.

MARK HALPERIN: I agree. Huge. It’s going to be a huge issue, and that’s something else about which the President was not fully forthcoming and straightforward.

MALZBERG: Alright, so you believe that there will be rationing, AKA death panels.

HALPERIN: It's built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled.

MALZBERG: Yeah, okay.

HALPERIN: But I’ll say something else about that issue which is we do need to do have some of that in this country because we can't afford to spend so much on end-of-life care. A very high percentage of our healthcare spending is for a very small number of people at the last stages of their life. I'm not saying the system shouldn't allow that, but there's too much cost. There are judgments have to be made. We have to decide…

MALZBERG: Made by who, Mark? Mark, made by who? The government?

HALPERIN: By individuals. No, by individuals. And health insurance companies.

MALZBERG: But it’s not going to be made by individuals if you say it’s included in the healthcare…

HALPERIN: It’s not now for many people who have insurance, their insurance companies make those decisions.

MALZBERG: But they don’t pull, it’s very rare that they, in other words, if someone needs a bypass, the insurance company doesn’t say put them in a hospice or give them a pill like Tom Daschle told that he would do. I mean…

HALPERIN: Sometimes, sometimes people run up against caps and costs with their insurance that make it impractical to get certain kind of coverage. But don’t, don’t draw me into a false argument here about what I’m saying. All I’m saying is as a society, we need to have this discussion in an honest and straightforward way because we can’t afford everything, every instance that people would like to have?

MALZBERG: And has, okay, and has the President been forthcoming that we need to have that argument? No.

HALPERIN: No he was not, and Democrats were not when the law passed.

Yep, Obamacare DEATH PANELS.
ObamaCare ?death panel? faces growing opposition from Democrats | TheHill

ObamaCare’s cost-cutting board — memorably called a “death panel” by Sarah Palin — is facing growing opposition from Democrats who say it will harm people on Medicare.

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean drew attention to the board designed to limit Medicare cost growth when he called for its repeal in an op-ed late last month.

How did Howard Dean call for the elimination of something that doesn't exist?

Obamacare does have DEATH PANELS.
Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains "Death Panels" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Halperin Clarifies ?Death Panel? Interview, Defends Point About Obamacare?s ?Rationing? | Mediaite

Halperin agreed with the host that “death panels were coming.” Halperin told MSNBC he was referring to health care rationing that would be an inevitable consequence of the Affordable Care Act’s attempts at cost controls.

“I said something imprecisely,” Halperin said. “I was asked about rationing or ‘death panels’ in the Affordable Care Act…I didn’t use the phrase and I don’t think there death panels in the Affordable Care Act.”....

“The point I was trying to make—and which I did make—is that there is in the law something intended to lower health care costs, which will produce rationing, whether you think rationing is a good or bad idea,” Halperin said.

“However you want to call rationing, at some point we’re going to have a system that doesn’t allow people to have as many MRIs as they want to have,” host Joe Scarborough said. ...

“Let’s separate the two things out,” Steve Rattner said. “The death panel thing happened because there was something the original bill that said that people could get counseling near the end of life to make the best decisions. Sarah Palin found this, went crazy, started talking about death panels. So they did a 180, and now the law says you cannot change benefits, you cannot do anything to change people’s availabilities.”

“They say that, but the way markets work is if you restrict payments to providers, it’s going to have an impact on patients,” Halperin replied. “Whether we should have a system that has the government play a role in deciding how much care people can have at the end of life, my point is: Obamacare does that. That’s where we are headed. We’re going have to have a big national debate about it. Part of the political challenge for the president now is, every one of the things that wasn’t discussed on passage, wasn’t discussed in the context of the presidential campaign, is going to be controversial, and the president’s going to have to defend it.”

Yep, Obamacare does indeed have DEATH PANELS. Of course they don't call it that, but if you need that $150k surgery and all the vanishing doctors are booked for the next six years because of the economic strangulation of Obamacare, you might get passed over if you rare 80+ years old in favor of those who really need it.

That is the nature of how government manages resources, they ration it, while the free market sees ways to get services to those who are willing to pay for them.
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