HUGE!! Fed judge says Obama SMUGGLING illegal kids into america


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Yet another monster scandal involving this pathological criminal in our WH. Will the gutless repubs do anything?

Homeland Security helps smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S. - Washington Times

By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Thursday, December 19, 2013

A federal judge in Texas late last week accused the Obama administration of aiding drug cartels, saying that instead of enforcing immigration laws, agents knowingly helped smuggle an illegal immigrant girl into the U.S. to live with her mother, also an illegal immigrant, in Virginia.

In a 10-page order, Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the case was the fourth such case he’s seen over the last month, and in each instance Customs and Border Protection agents have helped to locate and deliver the children to their illegal immigrant parents.

The judge said in each case, the taxpayers footed the bill for flights — including flights to multiple locations in different parts of the U.S. that it took to find one of the children’s parents.

“The DHS is rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws. More troubling, the DHS is encouraging parents to seriously jeopardize the safety of their children,” the judge said, adding that some of the children have been made to swim the Rio Grande River or traverse remote areas as part of the smuggling.

In the case before the judge last week, a 10-year-old girl whose mother, Patricia Elizabeth Salmeron Santos, paid a smuggler to get the daughter from El Salvador across the border and to Virginia.

The agents apprehended the smuggler and the young girl, and prosecuted the smuggler, but delivered the daughter to Ms. Salmeron Santos in Virginia, even though agents were aware she was in the country illegally.

“The DHS, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals,” the judge said. “It completed the mission of the conspiracy initiated by Salmeron Santos. In summary, instead of enforcing the laws of the United States, the government took direct steps to help the individuals who violated it. A private citizen would, and should, be prosecuted for this conduct.”
Yet another monster scandal involving this pathological criminal in our WH. Will the gutless repubs do anything?

Homeland Security helps smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S. - Washington Times

By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Thursday, December 19, 2013

A federal judge in Texas late last week accused the Obama administration of aiding drug cartels, saying that instead of enforcing immigration laws, agents knowingly helped smuggle an illegal immigrant girl into the U.S. to live with her mother, also an illegal immigrant, in Virginia.

In a 10-page order, Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the case was the fourth such case he’s seen over the last month, and in each instance Customs and Border Protection agents have helped to locate and deliver the children to their illegal immigrant parents.

The judge said in each case, the taxpayers footed the bill for flights — including flights to multiple locations in different parts of the U.S. that it took to find one of the children’s parents.

“The DHS is rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws. More troubling, the DHS is encouraging parents to seriously jeopardize the safety of their children,” the judge said, adding that some of the children have been made to swim the Rio Grande River or traverse remote areas as part of the smuggling.

In the case before the judge last week, a 10-year-old girl whose mother, Patricia Elizabeth Salmeron Santos, paid a smuggler to get the daughter from El Salvador across the border and to Virginia.

The agents apprehended the smuggler and the young girl, and prosecuted the smuggler, but delivered the daughter to Ms. Salmeron Santos in Virginia, even though agents were aware she was in the country illegally.

“The DHS, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals,” the judge said. “It completed the mission of the conspiracy initiated by Salmeron Santos. In summary, instead of enforcing the laws of the United States, the government took direct steps to help the individuals who violated it. A private citizen would, and should, be prosecuted for this conduct.”

If Obama was a Republican liberals would be screaming "Iran Contra." Drug cartels?
Republicans won't do anything about Obama because Harry Reid would just toss it out....And the press would make the evil republican even more evil.....

The right protects drug cartels and employers who hire illegals but you nitwits will get hysterical over a 10yo girl.

Does it matter that your hero, Ronnie Ray-Gun, helped save many women and children from El Salvador? No, of course it doesn't because it doesn't fit today's agenda.

If I had a 10yo daughter (or any other family) in El Salvador, I would do anything necessary to get them out.


So far, the right has NO "monster scandals" and this doesn't change that. Calm down and keep looking. And, educate yourself about this issue.

Reality is that amnesty is wrong, and yes Ronnie was wrong too..........

Ronnie was not just wrong, he was incredibly stupid. Or maybe he just took a bribe. Lots of mexicans are conservative but not the illegals. Illegals are the illiterate unskilled losers of mexico and their dream is to come to america and go on welfare and vote democrat forever.
If the smuggled girl was late because of chritie's bridge scandal, it would be a huge deal.

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