Huge Gaping Puss-filled Hole in Tea Party Argument on Obamacare/PPACA

[ame=]Obama tells Joe the Plumber, I want to Spread the Wealth - YouTube[/ame]
The only gaping pus filled hole in the whole country is obama. He's the abcess. It needs to be drained. Republicans are running around with anti biotics and the bacteria can't stand it.
Funny how wingnuts demand any so-called 'promise' Obama couldn't fullfill makes him out to be a liar, yet almost every Republican politician since Reagan has had infullfilled promises.

The PPACA, Obamacare, is the law of the land.

Now stfu
Huge Gaping Puss-filled Hole in Tea Party Argument on Obamacare/PPACA

Argument: Americans need to know how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, will work before it is implemented.

Hello? :cuckoo:

How the heck could anyone know how anything like that would work b-e-f-o-r-e it is enacted? The disingenuousness of such an argument is totally out of right field. Only others living in a self-contained bubble could hear that and believe it makes any sense or deals with the real world.

Doesn't anyone who plays board games have to know the rules before they play it?
No one knows the rules or even the details to the New Health Care Act.

You're comparing ObamaCare to a board game?

No wonder the rw's don't understand it.

No I am not comparing the New Health Care Law to a board game.
Did you just read the first line only and not the 2nd one?

You are not understanding, what I said is, that before something is started you have to know the rules and details.

Nothing has been given to the people about how this thing is going to be done or how it will impact us.
We do know that it is designed to get people off of employer paid Health Care and that the individual has to now pay for it.
This is why the Unions are up in arms about it.They are losing their great health care benefits paid mostly by their Company.
Government employees still have their employer (us the taxpayers) paying for theirs, but the majority of Americans are losing their employer paid Health Care.
Companies don't have any details as to how the New Health Care bill will impact them.
They have had three years to get out the information, but we have not been told much of anything about it.
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i, for one, want to be on record for speaking out against the practice of filling holes with cats.
Funny how wingnuts demand any so-called 'promise' Obama couldn't fullfill makes him out to be a liar, yet almost every Republican politician since Reagan has had infullfilled promises.

The PPACA, Obamacare, is the law of the land.

Now stfu

He could have been honest about it and have said that the New Health Care Bill is designed to get rid of employer based insurance and made for individuals to pay for it.
PPACA passed both houses of Congress although at the time the majority of the public was against it. Before someone chimes in thats because some people thought "It doesn't go far enough", doesn't matter against is against,period. Then, we are told by the House Speaker "You won't know whats in it until we pass it".

I'd say theres something screwy going on around here if my name wasn't Latimor,

and it isn't!!!! :)
Huge Gaping Puss-filled Hole in Tea Party Argument on Obamacare/PPACA

Argument: Americans need to know how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, will work before it is implemented.

Hello? :cuckoo:

How the heck could anyone know how anything like that would work b-e-f-o-r-e it is enacted? The disingenuousness of such an argument is totally out of right field. Only others living in a self-contained bubble could hear that and believe it makes any sense or deals with the real world.

Soooo, anyone who claim it's bad law before the law is enacted has hole in their theory.
Unlike those who are claiming it's a good law. How the heck they know the law is good, before it's enacted?
Funny how wingnuts demand any so-called 'promise' Obama couldn't fullfill makes him out to be a liar, yet almost every Republican politician since Reagan has had infullfilled promises.

The PPACA, Obamacare, is the law of the land.

Now stfu

He could have been honest about it and have said that the New Health Care Bill is designed to get rid of employer based insurance and made for individuals to pay for it.

Sorry, but your post is :cuckoo: employer base health care insurance is still hanging on after a decades long assault by right wing conservatives and libertarian whackos
Ame®icano;7910410 said:
Huge Gaping Puss-filled Hole in Tea Party Argument on Obamacare/PPACA

Argument: Americans need to know how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, will work before it is implemented.

Hello? :cuckoo:

How the heck could anyone know how anything like that would work b-e-f-o-r-e it is enacted? The disingenuousness of such an argument is totally out of right field. Only others living in a self-contained bubble could hear that and believe it makes any sense or deals with the real world.

Soooo, anyone who claim it's bad law before the law is enacted has hole in their theory.
Unlike those who are claiming it's a good law. How the heck they know the law is good, before it's enacted?

While Dante always takes the stand that great harm is often done in the name of good intentions (Dante mocked the 2008 Hope and Change imbecillity), and that progress always leaves victims in it's insurance is a good thing. We know this because of data from places like Switzerland and Germany...and the Fastest Horse. :cool:
What I will never understand is the level of hatred aimed at the “Tea Party”. The tea party didn’t cause your health care premiums to increase…the tea party did not raise your taxes…the tea party did not exclude congress and their staff from the affordable care act…the tea party did not spy on you and it didn’t collect your phone records…the tea party didn’t lie to you as to whether you would be able to keep your doctor…the tea party didn’t embarrass the nation with a phony red line…the tea party didn’t applaud the Arab spring and send dollars and aid to the Muslim Brotherhood…the tea party isn’t trying to wipe out the second amendment…the tea party didn’t try to prosecute reporters for doing their job…the tea party didn’t leave Iraq too early so they could win an election…the tea party didn’t hide under their desk when our ambassador and three other brave Americans were under attack in Benghazi.
The Tea Part is the villain? Really?
What I will never understand is the level of hatred aimed at the “Tea Party”. The tea party didn’t cause your health care premiums to increase…the tea party did not raise your taxes…the tea party did not exclude congress and their staff from the affordable care act…the tea party did not spy on you and it didn’t collect your phone records…the tea party didn’t lie to you as to whether you would be able to keep your doctor…the tea party didn’t embarrass the nation with a phony red line…the tea party didn’t applaud the Arab spring and send dollars and aid to the Muslim Brotherhood…the tea party isn’t trying to wipe out the second amendment…the tea party didn’t try to prosecute reporters for doing their job…the tea party didn’t leave Iraq too early so they could win an election…the tea party didn’t hide under their desk when our ambassador and three other brave Americans were under attack in Benghazi.
The Tea Part is the villain? Really?

Tea Party = reactionary radicals
Nobody should ever get upset when our political betters squander our money. America should just bite the pillow when DC is going in dry.
Huge Gaping Puss-filled Hole in Tea Party Argument on Obamacare/PPACA

Argument: Americans need to know how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, will work before it is implemented.

Hello? :cuckoo:

How the heck could anyone know how anything like that would work b-e-f-o-r-e it is enacted? The disingenuousness of such an argument is totally out of right field. Only others living in a self-contained bubble could hear that and believe it makes any sense or deals with the real world.


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