HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Hold it. Did this guy give exclusive access to Tucker or does any media outlet have access?
The fact you people knew there was all of that footage not released under the previous House speaker and now you are concerned about it being released to one person says it all. To quote one of your icons, “at this point, what difference does it make?” Why wasn’t it all released at once? What are you worried about?
What are you expecting McNear to "discover" that hasn't already been?
Well we already know that the BLM rioters were 1000 times worse. Back in the summer of 2020 they invaded police stations, looted homes and businesses and killed at least 25 people. And they are a bunch of criminals.

On January 6 there was maybe 20 people who used violence. from the start the mass media blew January 6 way out of proportion.

I suspect the new videos are going to show us a lot of peaceful people on jan 6 wandering around the capital building standing around doing nothing as opposed to the “violent insurrectionist” we were told that they were. Plus it’s been shown that the FBI apparently had undercover agents egging on some of the January 6 protesters.

btw Black Lives Matter is a disgrace to the great honorable African nation.

The Christian and Muslim people of Africa oppose BLM because BLM is a disgrace there a joke they don’t talk about the dignity of Africa… they are about being “the victim “ and stealing as much money as possible from working class Americans … blm is weak and pathetic they have no place in America

I’ve talked with people from Africa including refugees and immigrants they want nothing to do with BLM.
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No other media outlet wanted access? Really? They only wanted the Brown Shirts at Fox to have access?

Fox will lie thru their teeth over this footage & you rubes will swallow every bit of it just like you did after the election.
You enjoy the bad economy we have now?

What about CNN and how they cover Black Lives Matter. Don’t you see how this is insane corruption. Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 were 1000 times worse than the one single event that Trump voters engaged in on January 6. What about that ? that is clear cut hypocrisy.

Do you enjoy paying six dollars for a dozen eggs. ? Do you like the fact that the home mortgage loan rates have nearly tripled. ? Do you like how we’re giving away billions of dollars to people in Ukraine we don’t even know where the money is going. All the meanwhile the people of East Palestine Ohio are suffering they’re seeing their animals die the fishes die… they’re getting sick and they want answers well ….too bad for them that the president has left for Ukraine he goes and visits Ukraine instead of visiting the people of Palestine

Imagine living in East Palestine and you see this smiling millionaire politician and Joe Biden go on a secret visit to Ukraine. Why in the world did President Biden do this ….he could’ve gone to East Palestine this morning instead.

The secretary of transportation has not even visited East Palestine yet , what the hell
The fact you people knew there was all of that footage not released under the previous House speaker and now you are concerned about it being released to one person says it all. To quote one of your icons, “at this point, what difference does it make?” Why wasn’t it all released at once? What are you worried about?
Releasing it to just one person is odd.
Well we already know that the BLM rioters were 1000 times worse. Back in the summer of 2020 they invaded police stations, looted homes and businesses and killed at least 25 people. And they are a bunch of criminals.

On January 6 there was maybe 20 people who used violence. from the start the mass media blew January 6 way out of proportion.

I suspect the new videos are going to show us a lot of peaceful people on jan 6 wandering around the capital building standing around doing nothing as opposed to the “violent insurrectionist” we were told that they were. Plus it’s been shown that the FBI apparently had undercover agents egging on some of the January 6 protesters.

btw Black Lives Matter is a disgrace to the great honorable African nation.

The Christian and Muslim people of Africa oppose BLM because BLM is a disgrace there a joke they don’t talk about the dignity of Africa… they are about being “the victim “ and stealing as much money as possible from working class Americans … blm is weak and pathetic they have no place in America

I’ve talked with people from Africa including refugees and immigrants they want nothing to do with BLM.
The BLM riots protesting police brutality in the summer of 2020 because people weren't paying attention to more peaceful forms of protests like athletes taking a knee for The National Anthem had absolutely NOTHING to do with a bunch of Red Commie loving MAGAt Trumptard insurrectionists storming The U.S. Capitol in an attempted coup against U.S. democracy on January 6th 2021.

It is a false equivalency.
A spurious and disengenuous correlation.

Therefore, when you begin a post like this....with a complete falsehood, it pretty much makes the rest of your post a bunch of caca.

Not even worth further reading.

See how that works?
There is no reason all of the videos should not be released.

Lets see what every cop did, lets see what the feds did.

I saw video of a MAGA supporter BEGGING COPS TO CALL BACKUP. He said “You guys need more police here now, why arent you calling backup?”

Does that sound like an insurrectionist?

No one has explained to be how the dude with the horned hat was going to get control and command of the military. The mostly peaceful protestors had no weapons.

Explain to me how they were going to overthrow the government.

You know who did overthrow a government?

If you're a mainstream media normie, you're in for one helluva bumpy ride.
Releasing it to just one person is odd.

Personally, I find this development unethical....not to mention unwise and imprudent

If I owned WaPo, or NYT, PBS, NBC, or any other large organizations capable of professionally and securely reviewing this footage then I'd have lawyers filing for access in a micro-second. This is government property.....if it is given to one for-profit entity...then others too should have access.

I'd hope to hear the McCarthy justification for releasing to Fox and Carlson, most especially after what was released by the court last week.
For me, it is a WTF!-moment.

Why not release to all?
Or why not release to a selected group so that there is cross-vetting?
Why to just one network and one widely-recognized as partisan media personality?

Now, I have no idea what is portrayed in those 41,000 hours. I would expect the vast majority is just empty corridors or sidewalks. Surely there will be some hours of violent we have seen across many platforms and venues since the insurrection/riot/sedition occurred.

My concern is the competency, motives, and ethical-character of Carlson and Fox. Last week's court release of Fox's communications about 'The Big Steal'...and their enabling of the players advancing it was disturbing.

Let's watch to see how the rest of the media....Fox's RightWing competitors, and Fox's MSM national competitors react tomorrow.

I will not be surprised if this is a "bumpy ride" for Kevin McCarthy

Personally, I find this development unethical....not to mention unwise and imprudent

If I owned WaPo, or NYT, PBS, NBC, or any other large organizations capable of professionally and securely reviewing this footage then I'd have lawyers filing for access in a micro-second. This is government property.....if it is given to one for-profit entity...then others too should have access.

I'd hope to hear the McCarthy justification for releasing to Fox and Carlson, most especially after what was released by the court last week.
For me, it is a WTF!-moment.

Why not release to all?
Or why not release to a selected group so that there is cross-vetting?
Why to just one network and one widely-recognized as partisan media personality?

Now, I have no idea what is portrayed in those 41,000 hours. I would expect the vast majority is just empty corridors or sidewalks. Surely there will be some hours of violent we have seen across many platforms and venues since the insurrection/riot/sedition occurred.

My concern is the competency, motives, and ethical-character of Carlson and Fox. Last week's court release of Fox's communications about 'The Big Steal'...and their enabling of the players advancing it was disturbing.

Let's watch to see how the rest of the media....Fox's RightWing competitors, and Fox's MSM national competitors react tomorrow.

I will not be surprised if this is a "bumpy ride" for Kevin McCarthy
Shows how low McCarthy has sunk.
It will take "a while" for the Fox news army to go through the materials and distill them down to a few that can have the greatest impact - to show the phoniness of the 1/6 committee, and how they had no actual interest in getting to the truth.

Then we will have the usual Leftist suspects claiming that the tapes don't actually show what they show.

But it should be interesting nonetheless.
You enjoy the bad economy we have now?

What about CNN and how they cover Black Lives Matter. Don’t you see how this is insane corruption. Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 were 1000 times worse than the one single event that Trump voters engaged in on January 6. What about that ? that is clear cut hypocrisy.

Do you enjoy paying six dollars for a dozen eggs. ? Do you like the fact that the home mortgage loan rates have nearly tripled. ? Do you like how we’re giving away billions of dollars to people in Ukraine we don’t even know where the money is going. All the meanwhile the people of East Palestine Ohio are suffering they’re seeing their animals die the fishes die… they’re getting sick and they want answers well ….too bad for them that the president has left for Ukraine he goes and visits Ukraine instead of visiting the people of Palestine

Imagine living in East Palestine and you see this smiling millionaire politician and Joe Biden go on a secret visit to Ukraine. Why in the world did President Biden do this ….he could’ve gone to East Palestine this morning instead.

The secretary of transportation has not even visited East Palestine yet , what the hell
The BLM riots didn't cause this Country to almost be taken over by a deranged corrupt autocrat wannabe.
It sounds like it's going to take a few weeks for them to comb through all the footage.

I'd expect to start seeing incoming bombshells some time next month.
Don't know what they expect to find that will be mind blowing or earth shattering?

But after the big reveal this week of how FOX NEWS does not give a hoot about telling the truth to their viewers for GREED GETS IN THEIR WAY, why would anyone believe anything they claim they found???

Obviously, McCarthy knows they will find nothing nefarious...otherwise he would not have FAUX NEWS Channel do the leg work, and the video would be with a congressional committee staff to review and investigate the footage....

Oh my! Oh my! Is this Republicans in government using their influence in their owned right wing media, to spread disinformation, aka Twitter files only with Fox? Too Funny! Hypocrites! :rofl:

Personally, I find this development unethical....not to mention unwise and imprudent

If I owned WaPo, or NYT, PBS, NBC, or any other large organizations capable of professionally and securely reviewing this footage then I'd have lawyers filing for access in a micro-second. This is government property.....if it is given to one for-profit entity...then others too should have access.

I'd hope to hear the McCarthy justification for releasing to Fox and Carlson, most especially after what was released by the court last week.
For me, it is a WTF!-moment.

Why not release to all?
Or why not release to a selected group so that there is cross-vetting?
Why to just one network and one widely-recognized as partisan media personality?

Now, I have no idea what is portrayed in those 41,000 hours. I would expect the vast majority is just empty corridors or sidewalks. Surely there will be some hours of violent we have seen across many platforms and venues since the insurrection/riot/sedition occurred.

My concern is the competency, motives, and ethical-character of Carlson and Fox. Last week's court release of Fox's communications about 'The Big Steal'...and their enabling of the players advancing it was disturbing.

Let's watch to see how the rest of the media....Fox's RightWing competitors, and Fox's MSM national competitors react tomorrow.

I will not be surprised if this is a "bumpy ride" for Kevin McCarthy
As SOTH it looks like McCarthy is out pick up where Trump left off. Cause as much chaos as he can.

This has got to be one of the most empty headed stunts ever pulled by a Speaker of either party in history. Every major media outlet in the Country will now have Kevvy at the center of their bullseye.

What an IDIOT.
If I owned WaPo, or NYT, PBS, NBC, or any other large organizations capable of professionally and securely reviewing this footage then I'd have lawyers filing for access in a micro-second. This is government property.....if it is given to one for-profit entity...then others too should have access
PBS wouldn't use the footage to support those protesting the stolen election.
If McCarthy felt compelled to release them.....OK, as long as those who receive them are responsible and fair. AND....we have competing reviewers.

However, we have seen for two years what Carlson's bias is towards the 'January 6th tourist event'. He even produced a lie-riddled documentary about the insurrection/riot. And this is the person McCarthy chose to exclusively curate the thousands of hours of video for broadcast release? Color me skeptical.

On the other hand, if McCarthy releases tomorrow the same video to, say, PBS or MSNBC, or ABC.....with the proviso that neither Fox nor PBS, or others.....can air footage until a specified date, say 1 week from tomorrow....then I'll watch to see what they have found and chose to air. And maybe I will learn something new.

But giving the video only to Fox is unethical.
Or allowing them a week's head-start in reviewing before sharing with others.... is also unethical.
Hence, if they are to be released....give it to several competing broadcasters with the proviso:
'look it all over folks, but you can only begin release on X-date."
PBS wouldn't use the footage to support those protesting the stolen election.

Prove it....or don't allege it.
Your avatar's reputation for gravitas, due diligence and truthiness has already been dinged.
Don't keep diggin' the hole.
consider how much Tucker misrepresents everything, i'd say thats the general way he's going to present it. Unless you have a better theory?
Consider how much the msm misrepresents everything i'd say the general way they presented it was edited. Unless you have a better theory.
Consider how much the msm misrepresents everything i'd say the general way they presented it was edited. Unless you have a better theory.
In the case of video evidence, the media just needs to show the relevant footage.

Also, not every media company is equivalent. Each one has its own bias and fact check rating. In the specific case of Fox vs MSNBC or CNN, fox has definitely drifted down.

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