HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Lotta COPE in this thread.

Lotta liberals internally trying to deal with earth-shattering realities like this:

"What if J6 was mostly--if not completely--a lie?"

"What if Trump really WAS a better president than Biden, even if I don't like Trump personally?"

"What if the vaccines do more harm than good?"

I suggest they all make for the corners, suck their thumbs and rock back and forth for a while--whatever it takes. Bumpy ride ahead, libs. Truth hurts when you haven't been hearing it. I would say "we know"--but, we really don't. We been over here being truth-tellers the whole time, and you just called us names.
The Capitol building was paid for by the American taxpayer.

The security cameras were paid for by the American taxpayer.

The politicians salaries are paid for by the American taxpayer.

The American taxpayer are entitled to the footage taken by the cameras they paid for, of the building they paid for, that filmed their employees that they pay for.
If McCarthy felt compelled to release them.....OK, as long as those who receive them are responsible and fair. AND....we have competing reviewers.

However, we have seen for two years what Carlson's bias is towards the 'January 6th tourist event'. He even produced a lie-riddled documentary about the insurrection/riot. And this is the person McCarthy chose to exclusively curate the thousands of hours of video for broadcast release? Color me skeptical.

On the other hand, if McCarthy releases tomorrow the same video to, say, PBS or MSNBC, or ABC.....with the proviso that neither Fox nor PBS, or others.....can air footage until a specified date, say 1 week from tomorrow....then I'll watch to see what they have found and chose to air. And maybe I will learn something new.

But giving the video only to Fox is unethical.
Or allowing them a week's head-start in reviewing before sharing with others.... is also unethical.
Hence, if they are to be released....give it to several competing broadcasters with the proviso:
'look it all over folks, but you can only begin release on X-date."

The commies had such opportunity, but their choice was to hold all of it from the public. They could have done the exact same thing, just give it to leftist outlets like CNN or MSMBC, but they didn't. So even if Fox chooses biased events of the video, at least we're getting some of what really happened.

I think it was a good move by McCarthy. Instead of our congress people spending hundreds of hours reviewing it, let Fox do it for free!

I only started watching Tucker about a year or so ago. But in that time I found he's not afraid to criticize Republicans. In fact he just bashed McConnell tonight and told him he always has an open invitation to his show for a debate on his stance of Ukraine. He did the same with Graham and Cheney. He even did the same ith McConnell several times before he became speaker.
Don't know what they expect to find that will be mind blowing or earth shattering?

But after the big reveal this week of how FOX NEWS does not give a hoot about telling the truth to their viewers for GREED GETS IN THEIR WAY, why would anyone believe anything they claim they found???

Obviously, McCarthy knows they will find nothing nefarious...otherwise he would not have FAUX NEWS Channel do the leg work, and the video would be with a congressional committee staff to review and investigate the footage....

Oh my! Oh my! Is this Republicans in government using their influence in their owned right wing media, to spread disinformation, aka Twitter files only with Fox? Too Funny! Hypocrites! :rofl:

So how does one spread misinformation with actual audio and video of what happened?
The Capitol building was paid for by the American taxpayer.

The security cameras were paid for by the American taxpayer.

The politicians salaries are paid for by the American taxpayer.

The American taxpayer are entitled to the footage taken by the cameras they paid for, of the building they paid for, that filmed their employees that they pay for.

The Democrats tried to float the "sacred" tag after J6. "Sacred" ground, are you kidding? Just shows that these feckless cowards WORSHIP the state and WORSHIP govt.

We do not.

Hand over the tapes.
The BLM riots didn't cause this Country to almost be taken over by a deranged corrupt autocrat wannabe.

Neither did the Capitol riot. You bots just reverberate what you are brainwashed to believe. Anybody that believes a bunch of yahoos had the slightest possibility of taking over a country with the strongest military in the world is a complete moron.
Why so scared of video of the insurrection?

Scared it might show FED INVOLVEMENT?

That's exactly what they are scared of. Why do these leftists think there is nothing there when their leaders hid all of it from the public? Of course they are hiding something or many things, and didn't want us to know about it.

But the Fox team will figure out what it was they are hiding, and that's what bothers them the most.
Why? Tucker has no power to do anything? Mac & all his worthless homeOs' should be watching it with referals to Law enforcement. Too hard for 100s' of them with staff of 25 each? Too lazy or dont care two yrs lateALL FOR SHOW!!!!!!
Amen . Truth right here ... what are the tapes gonna show? There is already footage of cops moving the barriers and letting people into the Capitol. Magnetic doors being opened from the inside . Yet these dirty democrats deny ... no consequences zero accountability... it will be Trump Trump Trump as usual..deny and lie. That's what democrats do. Oh and cheat at elections.
No other media outlet wanted access? Really? They only wanted the Brown Shirts at Fox to have access?

Fox will lie thru their teeth over this footage & you rubes will swallow every bit of it just like you did after the election.

What other media outlet complained about not having access to those videos other than Fox under the last Democrat led House?
The Democrats tried to float the "sacred" tag after J6. "Sacred" ground, are you kidding? Just shows that these feckless cowards WORSHIP the state and WORSHIP govt.

We do not.

Hand over the tapes.

Now they claim transparency is paramount. Where were they when the left outlets used all these "anonymous" sources to make claims against Trump? Where were they during the first phony impeachment of Trump conducted by using an anonymous source for their actions? Why no concern about transparency when Dementia's dope head son sold his finger paintings for more money than Rembrandt's were going for to anonymous Chinese buyers?

No concerns there, but now that McCarthy gave an exclusive to Tucker and Fox, Republicans just crossed the line!
Why so scared of video of the insurrection?

Scared it might show FED INVOLVEMENT?
Because they will see video footage of a march with bit of added unarmed riot-ness, as opposed to their golden dream of it being an insurrection.

I'll just sum it all up. Trump lost, if he wasn't so abrasive, he would have won. I would say he's one of the most tenacious and stubborn guys on the planet, which has its pros and cons. He's latched onto dodgy footage of the election process in various states, he believes he was cheated, I mean, he felt everyone loves him and thus should have stormed the election.

So he can't take the country violently, he can only stamp his feet, so he asks for a peaceful march, but unfortunately some nuts got a bit rowdy. So why didn't Trump give the order to overthrow the government? Because he knows he can't, he wouldn't give any such order, he wants everyone to know he felt cheated.

So we all know that, we know what level his foot stamping got to, but the world has a problem, Lefties. They're emotional, they gallop past the level we all know it reached. So they view it as this happened, and that happend, and they desperately needed to know it was an insurrection, their dreams are built on that.

And day after day, their bubble keeps bursting, they had such high hopes, but the non emotionals could see the Lefties impending disaster.

And despite Trump's character, he is far more qualified to run a country than Obama and Biden. But as the world knows, America run their politics on character assassination, and not by economic results.
Since when is releasing it all “normal”? Ever happened before?
You are not making any sense. First of all, if there is evidence of an event, any and all relevant evidence should be be released. Let the public determine and assess what is relevant. Also, you don’t think it it is normal for any of it to be released, or for all of it to be released.
Because they will see video footage of a march with bit of added unarmed riot-ness, as opposed to their golden dream of it being an insurrection.

I'll just sum it all up. Trump lost, if he wasn't so abrasive, he would have won. I would say he's one of the most tenacious and stubborn guys on the planet, which has its pros and cons. He's latched onto dodgy footage of the election process in various states, he believes he was cheated, I mean, he felt everyone loves him and thus should have stormed the election.

So he can't take the country violently, he can only stamp his feet, so he asks for a peaceful march, but unfortunately some nuts got a bit rowdy. So why didn't Trump give the order to overthrow the government? Because he knows he can't, he wouldn't give any such order, he wants everyone to know he felt cheated.

So we all know that, we know what level his foot stamping got to, but the world has a problem, Lefties. They're emotional, they gallop past the level we all know it reached. So they view it as this happened, and that happend, and they desperately needed to know it was an insurrection, their dreams are built on that.

And day after day, their bubble keeps bursting, they had such high hopes, but the non emotionals could see the Lefties impending disaster.

And despite Trump's character, he is far more qualified to run a country than Obama and Biden. But as the world knows, America run their politics on character assassination, and not by economic results.

And it's a big problem in our country today: people vote for a President using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Looks, charm, good looking family and so on. Forget about their accomplishments, attempted accomplishments, or their ideas. What kind of dog do they have that they'll bring to the White House?

A late friend of mine told me of when she went to the gas station to fill up when prices were at their highest last summer. She made a comment about the prices to the woman next to her. The woman replied "I don't care if it was $10.00 a gallon, as long as Trump is out of office!" It's a real shame people like this are allowed to vote, because it's people like this that brought on all our hardships we are facing today.
And it's a big problem in our country today: people vote for a President using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. Looks, charm, good looking family and so on. Forget about their accomplishments, attempted accomplishments, or their ideas. What kind of dog do they have that they'll bring to the White House?

A late friend of mine told me of when she went to the gas station to fill up when prices were at their highest last summer. She made a comment about the prices to the woman next to her. The woman replied "I don't care if it was $10.00 a gallon, as long as Trump is out of office!" It's a real shame people like this are allowed to vote, because it's people like this that brought on all our hardships we are facing today.
Yup, that woman is a, "Cut off your nose to spite your face".

If Trump wasn't abrasive, he would have won a second term.
When admitted liar Tucker Carlson comes back with a bunch of cherry-picked, out of context and possibly faked bullshit with no means of independent verification you will believe him like Jesus himself said it. I pity your gullibility.
You mean out of the context you want, right?
When admitted liar Tucker Carlson comes back with a bunch of cherry-picked, out of context and possibly faked bullshit with no means of independent verification you will believe him like Jesus himself said it. I pity your gullibility.
We've seen a couple of hours of "CHERRY PICKED" videos out of thousands. Anything more will be new information.

Why are you afraid of what will be released?

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