HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Why didnt Nancy Pelosi allow Pubs to choose what Pubs were on the J6 committee? Does that seem reaosnable?

She didn't choose the pubs. McCarthy refused to choose the pubs. So it went to her by default. Pelosi rejected 2. And asked for McCarthy to replace them. This was AFTER McCarty rejected the proposal of a NON_POLITICAL committee consisting of people appointed equally by Republicans and Democrats, taking politics out of it almost entirely.

This complaint to me is a pyromaniac whining the fire department didn't put out a fire he set quickly enough.
It was partisan to withhold the FULL release of ALL video evidence!!!
Most of that video is probably just Trumpbots doing things that are not directly related to the insurrection. No one cares about that. Handing government evidence to just one highly dubious media source is about as shifty as it gets. Everyone gets access or no one does. That would be fair.
The delusion is palpable.


The only time I would have "feared" this. "Fear" not being the correct term, since I don't fear the truth. The only time when I would think this could be potentially politically damaging to Democrats is if McCarthy would have released this to all news outlets and somehow indicated it had something damaging on it.

Releasing it to Carlson alone is saying " look we have all this raw footage, let's see if your production team can come up with a narrative that makes us less culpable."

Don't get me wrong he will be able to do this. If just for people like you. I can see the segments before me. He'll show some guy who got a stiff sentence in court, show him sitting in a chair in the house chamber and say something like. " Does this look like a treat to Democracy to you?... You decide. " He will fail to mention that 30 minutes before that footage he put bear spray in some cops' face.

I do not "fear" these types of things because the only place it resonates is in your echo chamber. It just makes me pity you and loath the people that put this poison in your ears.

I iterate.

So if shows verified fbi agents dressed in trump gear, inside the capitol.. what will you say?
I would say arrest these people and investigate them and the FBI.

My question to you is what if it shows nothing verifiable? Will you accept these people were there because of them believing the election was stolen?
Most of that video is probably just Trumpbots doing things that are not directly related to the insurrection. No one cares about that. Handing government evidence to just one highly dubious media source is about as shifty as it gets. Everyone gets access or no one does. That would be fair.


I would say arrest these people and investigate them and the FBI.

My question to you is what if it shows nothing verifiable? Will you accept these people were there because of them believing the election was stolen?
"Sure, we have video evidence of a man breaking in and brutally murdering an entire family in their home, but look at all this footage we also have of him NOT murdering them. The murders were done in just a few minutes, but we have hours and hours of footage showing that the accused is hardly ever violent."
Exactly. What doesTucker think he has?
Neither did the Capitol riot. You bots just reverberate what you are brainwashed to believe. Anybody that believes a bunch of yahoos had the slightest possibility of taking over a country with the strongest military in the world is a complete moron.
That's the way Trump and his cult are.
They never think things through, they just react, and it shows.
Even the morons who planned the attack, weeks before the event.

NOW, they cry.
So verified FBI agents, waving people into the capital, you still think it’s fake? Lol

Prediction: They're going to say it's totally fake! They won't know how or be able to explain the technology, but those who have bought and shared hundreds and thousands of very incriminating or just downright childish poorly photoshopped images that they think make Trump look crooked, immature, undignified or outright evil are going to tell us what masters we are at "editing" evidence and that's how they know ours is faked.

That's the way Trump and his cult are.
They never think things through, they just react, and it shows.
Even the morons who planned the attack, weeks before the event.

NOW, they cry.

They may have been stupid for going into the Capitol but the real morons are those that have been convinced by their lying leaders and the MSM that they had even the slightest chance at succeeding.

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