Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

That presumes that democrats are capable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.....I'm here to tell you that they aren't.

Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

Were you "embarrassed" when John Houser shot up a movie theater?

Strange --- looks like I never got an answer to this very basic question.

Wonder why.

Could it be that addressing it would mean the concession that the entire thread is built on a collective Ass-ociation Fallacy?
Irrelevant to the baseline fact.

BTW, I don't hang on each and every post notification to come running in to respond, so get over yourself.

Soooooooooooooooooo no answer.

The question stands untouched --- Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

It wouldn't. There goes your fake point, under the Coriolis Effect. Association Fallacy gurgles down the drain. Glug glug.

That was actually a question for the OP as well. He has no answer either.

She is a member of the democratic party who has championed bringing muslims into America....and this one has exhibited her intolerance for Israel and the Jewish people. That should not be allowed to stand. Even Nancy Pelosis has condemned her remarks.....Freshman Democrat Omar Apologizes After Pelosi Pressure Over Anti-Semitic Remarks

Also it is much more than just a matter of 'embarassment'......what she is attempting to do is to make it acceptable(at least for democrats) to attempt to denigrate our long relationship and alliance with Israel....she needs to resign....period!

You didn't address the question, Pinkie.
Freshman Democrat Omar Apologizes After Pelosi Pressure Over Anti-Semitic Remarks

Freshman Democrat Omar Apologizes After Pelosi Pressure Over Anti-Semitic Remarks

“Good that some Dems have condemned the disgraceful anti-Semitic remarks of Rep. Omar—but their words are empty unless Dem leaders remove her from the Foreign Affairs Committee,” Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the second-ranking House Republican, said on Twitter. “No one with her anti-Semitic views should be allowed to represent U.S. foreign policy on that committee.”

You STILL didn't address the question, Pinkie.

Nanci Pelosi's remarks has explained the situation. If you cannot understand her remarks....e-mail her for clarification.

Since the midterm elections, the liberal media have been singing the praises of Democratic Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar for being one of the first Muslim women in Congress.

That praise came despite Omar’s long history of trafficking in staunch anti-Semitism. On Monday, the liberal broadcast acknowledge her hate, but only after recent tweets from Omar forced the Democratic Party leadership to denounce
networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had no choice but to her.

Nets Finally Find Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism, Only After Dem Leaders Denounce Her

On Monday, Cordes noted that Omar’s fellow Muslim Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, also supported the BDS movement against Israel (which also has anti-Semitic roots). But Cordes didn’t do her due diligence as a journalist and dive into Tlaib’s extensive connections with radical anti-Semites.

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What was her tweet?

Do you even know?



Ilhan Omar on Twitter
All this because she accused an lobby of spending money to influence events?

You STILL didn't address the question, Pinkie.

Nanci Pelosi's remarks has explained the situation. If you cannot understand her remarks....e-mail her for clarification.

Since the midterm elections, the liberal media have been singing the praises of Democratic Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar for being one of the first Muslim women in Congress.

That praise came despite Omar’s long history of trafficking in staunch anti-Semitism. On Monday, the liberal broadcast acknowledge her hate, but only after recent tweets from Omar forced the Democratic Party leadership to denounce networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had no choice but to her.

Nets Finally Find Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism, Only After Dem Leaders Denounce Her

On Monday, Cordes noted that Omar’s fellow Muslim Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, also supported the BDS movement against Israel (which also has anti-Semitic roots). But Cordes didn’t do her due diligence as a journalist and dive into Tlaib’s extensive connections with radical anti-Semites.

You STILL haven't addressed the question, Pinkie.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Since the Democrats are a huge huge embarrassment to America, this anti-Semitic Muslim chick should fit right in.
The Israelization of Anti-Semitism

In the twenty-first century, criticism of Israel that is grounded in anti-Semitic thinking and aimed at Jews in general has become the dominant verbal form in which Judeophobic ideas are articulated and disseminated. Between 2002 and 2012, the Israeli Embassy in Berlin and the Central Council of Jews in Germany received over 14,000 emails, letters, postcards and faxes from all regions of Germany. Figuring that this material could provide us a window into the contemporary German mind vis-à-vis Israel, we conducted a study of these messages and found that the vast majority began with criticisms of Israel’s policies but immediately deteriorated into anti-Semitic assaults. We call this phenomenon the “Israelization of Anti-Semitism.”

The Israelization of anti-Semitism - The Boston Globe

Somehow McCarthy's anti-semitism is fine but you're all outraged by Omar saying that Greenwald was influenced by APAC;s lobbying money
Will the increasingly radical democratic party become the party of Jew Hatred in America?

Will an increasingly progressive Democratic Party become steadily more anti-Semitic?

Whoaa.. Back it up.. No doubt this lady is an anti-semite.. HOWEVER, nothing she's said or done since taking her seat is really anti-Semitic. You get to criticize US relations with Israel just like ANY other country you want to criticize. And Yes -- I was Bar Mitvahed back in the day..

Wait until it REALLY shows.. It will no doubt. She's probably jonesing to get in on that ISIS bride asking to come back to the States.. Stuff like that.

Second -- look at the BIGGER picture of the Dem party.. Don't like Catholics (DNC emails), don't like Christians much at all in fact. Religion of ANY kind is competition for altruism and generosity with OtherPeoplesMoney..

So why should it be different for Jews? The jack ass party is virtually god-less. Fought over taking God out of their Platform statement. BUT -- they're tossing constituencies over the cliff faster than a lemming marathon. Just wish them well. They're scuttling their own ship just fine..

Worry about YOURS.... The one with spineless, rudderless, wimpy leadership in Congress...
Will the increasingly radical democratic party become the party of Jew Hatred in America?

Will an increasingly progressive Democratic Party become steadily more anti-Semitic?

Whoaa.. Back it up.. No doubt this lady is an anti-semite.. HOWEVER, nothing she's said or done since taking her seat is really anti-Semitic. You get to criticize US relations with Israel just like ANY other country you want to criticize. And Yes -- I was Bar Mitvahed back in the day..

Wait until it REALLY shows.. It will no doubt. She's probably jonesing to get in on that ISIS bride asking to come back to the States.. Stuff like that.

Second -- look at the BIGGER picture of the Dem party.. Don't like Catholics (DNC emails), don't like Christians much at all in fact. Religion of ANY kind is competition for altruism and generosity with OtherPeoplesMoney..

So why should it be different for Jews? The jack ass party is virtually god-less. Fought over taking God out of their Platform statement. BUT -- they're tossing constituencies over the cliff faster than a lemming marathon. Just wish them well. They're scuttling their own ship just fine..

Worry about YOURS.... The one with spineless, rudderless, wimpy leadership in Congress...

Well, I am not a republican but you are correct about some of the Republicans in congress....aka......McConnel,Ryan etc.

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