Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

Sadly the Jews are liberals first and Jews second.

Why is this a sad thing? Frankly, the less religious people are, the better. religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Israel/Palestine is two angry tribes arguing over who an imaginary fairy in the sky gave strip of desert to. It's beyond silly.
Will the increasingly radical democratic party become the party of Jew Hatred in America?

Will an increasingly progressive Democratic Party become steadily more anti-Semitic?

Whoaa.. Back it up.. No doubt this lady is an anti-semite.. HOWEVER, nothing she's said or done since taking her seat is really anti-Semitic. You get to criticize US relations with Israel just like ANY other country you want to criticize. And Yes -- I was Bar Mitvahed back in the day..

Wait until it REALLY shows.. It will no doubt. She's probably jonesing to get in on that ISIS bride asking to come back to the States.. Stuff like that.

Second -- look at the BIGGER picture of the Dem party.. Don't like Catholics (DNC emails), don't like Christians much at all in fact. Religion of ANY kind is competition for altruism and generosity with OtherPeoplesMoney..

So why should it be different for Jews? The jack ass party is virtually god-less. Fought over taking God out of their Platform statement. BUT -- they're tossing constituencies over the cliff faster than a lemming marathon. Just wish them well. They're scuttling their own ship just fine..

Worry about YOURS.... The one with spineless, rudderless, wimpy leadership in Congress...

What's a political party got to do with "gods" outside of a theocracy?

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