Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Most leftwingers are antisemites, but they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. This woman is beyond stupid, and the people who elected her should be thoroughly ashamed.

Well, most of her constiutency most likely conisists of minorities of one shape or another....most of them probably being slaves of Allah..

“Slave of Allah” planned to funnel crowds onto SF pier with pipe bombs and shoot them dead in Christmas jihad attack

You’re as ignorant as you are stupid – the source of your bigotry.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

/——/ Sadly the Jews are liberals first and Jews second.
The Jewish democrats are getting increasingly nervous....will they abandon the Democratic party?

They are bound to wake up sometime to what has happened to their cherished old party?.....not the party they signed on for.

You guys predict this every year, and every year the Democrats get 70% of the Jewish vote just like they do every year.

Here's the ugly little secret. Most American Jews have no desire to move to the Zionist Entity and are actually a little embarrassed by it.

All Omar did was state an ugly truth, that the Zionist lobby controls our politics. They'll keep doing it no matter how many American boys come home in pine boxes.
And let's be clear (because the lies about anti-semitism pop up rather quickly)...we're talking about Zionist expansion and Israeli GOVERNMENT policy.

You say that like it is a bad thing....anyhow there is nothing you nor your backward friends can do about it....Zion will rule the world

Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

  • Psalm 2:6-9 — David says the Messiah will reign over “the very ends of the earth”from Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
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Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

That presumes that democrats are capable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.....I'm here to tell you that they aren't.

Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

Were you "embarrassed" when John Houser shot up a movie theater?

Strange --- looks like I never got an answer to this very basic question.

Wonder why.

Could it be that addressing it would mean the concession that the entire thread is built on a collective Ass-ociation Fallacy?
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet


Once again, progs are not just hypocrites and fools, but they hold conservatives to a much higher standard than their own. Ask yourselves why they hold others to higher standards, could it be because their opponents live by higher standards?
Did you forget about Kevin MCCarthy and his anti-semitic tweet?

It's on this thread
Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

That presumes that democrats are capable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.....I'm here to tell you that they aren't.

Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

Were you "embarrassed" when John Houser shot up a movie theater?

Strange --- looks like I never got an answer to this very basic question.

Wonder why.

Could it be that addressing it would mean the concession that the entire thread is built on a collective Ass-ociation Fallacy?
Irrelevant to the baseline fact.

BTW, I don't hang on each and every post notification to come running in to respond, so get over yourself.
Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

That presumes that democrats are capable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.....I'm here to tell you that they aren't.

Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

Were you "embarrassed" when John Houser shot up a movie theater?

Strange --- looks like I never got an answer to this very basic question.

Wonder why.

Could it be that addressing it would mean the concession that the entire thread is built on a collective Ass-ociation Fallacy?
Irrelevant to the baseline fact.

BTW, I don't hang on each and every post notification to come running in to respond, so get over yourself.

Soooooooooooooooooo no answer.

The question stands untouched --- Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

It wouldn't. There goes your fake point, under the Coriolis Effect. Association Fallacy gurgles down the drain. Glug glug.

That was actually a question for the OP as well. He has no answer either.
I guess you missed this one

I completely agree that more Republicans need to get out and vote to neutralize these wealthy leftwingers efforts to use their money to buy an election.....absolutely!!!

So you agree with McCarthy's anti-semitic remarks...

Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

That presumes that democrats are capable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.....I'm here to tell you that they aren't.

Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

Were you "embarrassed" when John Houser shot up a movie theater?

Strange --- looks like I never got an answer to this very basic question.

Wonder why.

Could it be that addressing it would mean the concession that the entire thread is built on a collective Ass-ociation Fallacy?
Irrelevant to the baseline fact.

BTW, I don't hang on each and every post notification to come running in to respond, so get over yourself.

Soooooooooooooooooo no answer.

The question stands untouched --- Why would an entire collective be "embarrassed" at an action taken by an individual?

It wouldn't. There goes your fake point, under the Coriolis Effect. Association Fallacy gurgles down the drain. Glug glug.

That was actually a question for the OP as well. He has no answer either.

She is a member of the democratic party who has championed bringing muslims into America....and this one has exhibited her intolerance for Israel and the Jewish people. That should not be allowed to stand. Even Nancy Pelosis has condemned her remarks.....Freshman Democrat Omar Apologizes After Pelosi Pressure Over Anti-Semitic Remarks

Also it is much more than just a matter of 'embarassment'......what she is attempting to do is to make it acceptable(at least for democrats) to attempt to denigrate our long relationship and alliance with Israel....she needs to resign....period!
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So you agree with McCarthy's anti-semitic remarks...


You should try and keep up....he is pro Jewish and a great supporter of Israel.

Soros on the other hand was a Nazi collaborator.....but you democrats love that I am sure.

Leftwingers by their very nature support totalitariansim....that is the only method by which they have ever been able to gain control over any dictatorship....look at Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela....all models of leftwing stupidity and now along comes Bernie Sanders....another darling of the misguided leftwingers....they just cannot help supporting those who want to destroy America in order to save it......pathetic.

You and the other haters of Jews, Israel and Zionism could learn something from Martin Luther King....a great supporterof Jews, Israel and Zionism.................Martin Luther King on Peace, Israeli Security and Anti-Zionism
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