Huge, Huge embarassment for the democratic party

Bullshit. It plays into the anti Semitic stereotype far MORE than Omar’s tweet

Not really. Omar specifically mentioned Israel. The fact that Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg are Jewish has nothing to do with with McCarthy's tweet. Regardless of their religion, they are worthless pieces of crap.

She registered her disgust for an entire nation of people which her "religion" believes should be wiped off the face of the earth.

McCarthy on the other hand, finds repugnant an ideology (leftism, socialism, communism, globalism, progressivism) which definitely should be wiped off the face of the earth.

See the difference? Glad I could help. :biggrin:
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She mentioned AIPAC...a Jewish lobby. And taking issue with the policies of the Israeli government or a group lobbying in support of that government is not anti-Semitic in any event

So let's recap.

It's not anti-semitic if a white Republican legislator attacks rich Jews as "trying to control the government"

But is IS if a brown Dem takes issue with the spending of a Jewish lobbying group.

Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Someone needs to ask her if she has underwent Genital Mutilation.
I do not believe her weak apologies.

But FGM might explain her persistent anger.
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Bullshit. It plays into the anti Semitic stereotype far MORE than Omar’s tweet

Not really. Omar specifically mentioned Israel. The fact that Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg are Jewish has nothing to do with with McCarthy's tweet. Regardless of their religion, they are worthless pieces of crap.

She registered her disgust for an entire nation of people which her "religion" believes should be wiped off the face of the earth.

McCarthy on the other hand, finds repugnant an ideology (leftism, socialism, communism, globalism, progressivism) which definitely should be wiped off the face of the earth.

See the difference? Glad I could help. :biggrin:

Excellent analysis.
She mentioned AIPAC...a Jewish lobby. And taking issue with the policies of the Israeli government or a group lobbying in support of that government is not anti-Semitic in any event

So let's recap.

It's not anti-semitic if a white Republican legislator attacks rich Jews as "trying to control the government"

But is IS if a brown Dem takes issue with the spending of a Jewish lobbying group.

You repeat... I repeat
The simple fact is that if The Democratic Partly allows this hatred of Jews demonstrated by congresswoman Omar to continue to grow in the democratic party and it is quite widespread in the grassroots of the party.....they will be split to a degree that will permanently weaken them.

CNN Refuses to Report Farrakhan Connection to Democrats

CNN Refuses to Report Farrakhan Connection to Democrats - Liberty Headlines


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The Jewish democrats are getting increasingly nervous....will they abandon the Democratic party?

They are bound to wake up sometime to what has happened to their cherished old party?.....not the party they signed on for.

You guys predict this every year, and every year the Democrats get 70% of the Jewish vote just like they do every year.

Here's the ugly little secret. Most American Jews have no desire to move to the Zionist Entity and are actually a little embarrassed by it.

All Omar did was state an ugly truth, that the Zionist lobby controls our politics. They'll keep doing it no matter how many American boys come home in pine boxes.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet


Implying that AIPAC bribes gives politicians donations so they'll do the bidding of the zionist apartheid state is indeed a huge embarassment.... before you know it people will start asking funny questions why Israel gets $billions in 'aid' each year while the peasants in the homeland can't get any nice stuff because that would be socialism.... good thing the bi-partisan outrage made her see the error of her ways and apologize...

The huge embarrassment of the Democrat party and they don't know how to fix it.


See? She even agrees.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Someone needs to ask her if she has underwent Genital Mutilation.
I do not believe her weak apologies.

But FGM might explain her persistent anger.
You said Democrats are the same as Nazi's.

This is not what Nazi's look like:


Nazi's look more like this:


White men. Look at them. They look like they all come from Germany.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Most leftwingers are antisemites, but they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. This woman is beyond stupid, and the people who elected her should be thoroughly ashamed.
Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Someone needs to ask her if she has underwent Genital Mutilation.
I do not believe her weak apologies.

But FGM might explain her persistent anger.
You said Democrats are the same as Nazi's.

This is not what Nazi's look like:


Nazi's look more like this:


White men. Look at them. They look like they all come from Germany.

They look like they all come from Germany? Are you proud to be such an obvious bigot?

Tell us where these white men come from, douchebag:

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Viruently anti-semiite --- Ilhan Omar
Most American Jews are democrats....yet here we have one of their 'supposedly' rising stars exposing her Jew Hatred?

Will left-wing Jews forgive and accept this sort of behavior.? What if a republican congressman had done what this woman has done? The uproar would sweep the nation.....

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet

Most leftwingers are antisemites, but they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. This woman is beyond stupid, and the people who elected her should be thoroughly ashamed.

Well, most of her constiutency most likely conisists of minorities of one shape or another....most of them probably being slaves of Allah..

“Slave of Allah” planned to funnel crowds onto SF pier with pipe bombs and shoot them dead in Christmas jihad attack

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Well, most of her constiutency most likely conisists of minorities of one shape or another...
Actually, her district is 67%+ white . You know, you can actually look this shit up before vomiting the first thought that fizzles into your colon.

heheh....muslims are white moron. and not just the converts like one of your bros pictured above.. Why does the term 'slave of allah' trigger you? If you believe that crap you might as well prostrate yourself on the floor and admit you are a slave.

If you are a black muslim you should also understand that muslims invented the enslavement of Africans.....long before europeans got involved.

Why is it the libtards want to make everything about color?

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The Jewish democrats are getting increasingly nervous....will they abandon the Democratic party?

They are bound to wake up sometime to what has happened to their cherished old party?.....not the party they signed on for.

You guys predict this every year, and every year the Democrats get 70% of the Jewish vote just like they do every year.

Here's the ugly little secret. Most American Jews have no desire to move to the Zionist Entity and are actually a little embarrassed by it.

All Omar did was state an ugly truth, that the Zionist lobby controls our politics. They'll keep doing it no matter how many American boys come home in pine boxes.
And let's be clear (because the lies about anti-semitism pop up rather quickly)...we're talking about Zionist expansion and Israeli GOVERNMENT policy.

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