Huge Jury Award against Palestinian Groups [Palestinian Authority and PLO] in Terrorism Case.

Fuck them!

New York Times ^
The Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization were found liable on Monday by a jury in Manhattan for their role in knowingly supporting six terrorist attacks in Israel between 2002 and 2004 in which Americans were killed and injured. The damages are to be $655.5 million, under a special terrorism law that provides for tripling the $218.5 million awarded by the jury in Federal District Court. The verdict ended a decade-long legal battle to hold the Palestinian organizations responsible for the terrorist acts. While the decision was a huge victory for the dozens of plaintiffs, it could also serve...

About time!
It is a JOKE Roudy considering the number of innocent Palestinians Murdered by Settlers and all...but then the US Judicury is run by Jews as is everything else in the USA.....but it gives you something for you Guys to bleat about....But the Hyprocricy sic is you and the family are well

And what about the numbers of Israelis prior to 2000 murdered by the Palestinians, you might find the numbers are evenly matched.
Isrsel is a strong, prosperous, advanced democratic nation while on the other than there has never been a Palestinian state. Palestinians are ruled by thieves, derelicts, or terrorists. Take your pick. Its the Palestinians that have nothing to stand on.
STOP all overseas Monies and Israelis would be living in Mud you well know Roudy

Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

Wrong again. They rolled up their sleeves and built and defended their land, and turned it into the miracle it is today. :clap2:
To a small degree but without the CASH they would be NOWHERE...but Vig will elucidate for you when he finds out on Wiki for a couple of months..steve
Indeed, with what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti would be a prosperous country.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I actually don't understand what the Palestinians are protecting and appealing.

MOV Removed

Mark I. Sokolow, et al. v. Palestine Liberation Organization, et al.
Case Number: 1:04-cv-00397-GBD-RLE
Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (New York County)
Description: New York, NY - Mark I. Sokolow and others sued the Palestine Liberation Organization and others claiming that they were injured and/or damaged by the defendants' violation of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by backing a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s in Israel that killed or wounded them.


You and I, have argued many times that the Palestinians violate Customary IHL by targeting civilians. It is not like it is something new. The Palestinians that has been an ongoing and standard practice for decades. You have stood and argued that Israeli citizens are fair game; right in this very discussion group. It has not been all that long ago that Palestinians kidnapped and killed 3 teenagers, then glorified the perpetrators.

You know, as well as I do, that:
  • Even today, Jihad and armed struggle are a matter of policy.
  • You know as well as I do that the Palestinians have, within the government, terrorist masquerading as freedom fighter.
  • You know as well as I do that the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is a terrorist organization and the a military wing in the PLO.
They are what they are. You can't claim that the Palestinians have the right to attack anything they wish, and not be held accountable.
  • Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdict for $218.5 million.
And that is not near enough.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

I actually don't understand what the Palestinians are protecting and appealing.

MOV Removed

Mark I. Sokolow, et al. v. Palestine Liberation Organization, et al.
Case Number: 1:04-cv-00397-GBD-RLE
Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (New York County)
Description: New York, NY - Mark I. Sokolow and others sued the Palestine Liberation Organization and others claiming that they were injured and/or damaged by the defendants' violation of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by backing a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s in Israel that killed or wounded them.


You and I, have argued many times that the Palestinians violate Customary IHL by targeting civilians. It is not like it is something new. The Palestinians that has been an ongoing and standard practice for decades. You have stood and argued that Israeli citizens are fair game; right in this very discussion group. It has not been all that long ago that Palestinians kidnapped and killed 3 teenagers, then glorified the perpetrators.

You know, as well as I do, that:
  • Even today, Jihad and armed struggle are a matter of policy.
  • You know as well as I do that the Palestinians have, within the government, terrorist masquerading as freedom fighter.
  • You know as well as I do that the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is a terrorist organization and the a military wing in the PLO.
They are what they are. You can't claim that the Palestinians have the right to attack anything they wish, and not be held accountable.
  • Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdict for $218.5 million.
And that is not near enough.

Most Respectfully,
Just another sham trial with no evidence like many others.
STOP all overseas Monies and Israelis would be living in Mud you well know Roudy

Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

Wrong again. They rolled up their sleeves and built and defended their land, and turned it into the miracle it is today. :clap2:
To a small degree but without the CASH they would be NOWHERE...but Vig will elucidate for you when he finds out on Wiki for a couple of months..steve
Indeed, with what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti would be a prosperous country.

How about a link from a non partisan source ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I actually don't understand what the Palestinians are protecting and appealing.

MOV Removed

Mark I. Sokolow, et al. v. Palestine Liberation Organization, et al.
Case Number: 1:04-cv-00397-GBD-RLE
Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (New York County)
Description: New York, NY - Mark I. Sokolow and others sued the Palestine Liberation Organization and others claiming that they were injured and/or damaged by the defendants' violation of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by backing a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s in Israel that killed or wounded them.


You and I, have argued many times that the Palestinians violate Customary IHL by targeting civilians. It is not like it is something new. The Palestinians that has been an ongoing and standard practice for decades. You have stood and argued that Israeli citizens are fair game; right in this very discussion group. It has not been all that long ago that Palestinians kidnapped and killed 3 teenagers, then glorified the perpetrators.

You know, as well as I do, that:
  • Even today, Jihad and armed struggle are a matter of policy.
  • You know as well as I do that the Palestinians have, within the government, terrorist masquerading as freedom fighter.
  • You know as well as I do that the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is a terrorist organization and the a military wing in the PLO.
They are what they are. You can't claim that the Palestinians have the right to attack anything they wish, and not be held accountable.
  • Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdict for $218.5 million.
And that is not near enough.

Most Respectfully,
Just another sham trial with no evidence like many others.

Enough evidence to come to a just decision and find the Palestinians culpable
P F Tinmore, et al,

I actually don't understand what the Palestinians are protecting and appealing.

MOV Removed

Mark I. Sokolow, et al. v. Palestine Liberation Organization, et al.
Case Number: 1:04-cv-00397-GBD-RLE
Court: United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (New York County)
Description: New York, NY - Mark I. Sokolow and others sued the Palestine Liberation Organization and others claiming that they were injured and/or damaged by the defendants' violation of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by backing a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s in Israel that killed or wounded them.


You and I, have argued many times that the Palestinians violate Customary IHL by targeting civilians. It is not like it is something new. The Palestinians that has been an ongoing and standard practice for decades. You have stood and argued that Israeli citizens are fair game; right in this very discussion group. It has not been all that long ago that Palestinians kidnapped and killed 3 teenagers, then glorified the perpetrators.

You know, as well as I do, that:
  • Even today, Jihad and armed struggle are a matter of policy.
  • You know as well as I do that the Palestinians have, within the government, terrorist masquerading as freedom fighter.
  • You know as well as I do that the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is a terrorist organization and the a military wing in the PLO.
They are what they are. You can't claim that the Palestinians have the right to attack anything they wish, and not be held accountable.
  • Outcome: Plaintiffs' verdict for $218.5 million.
And that is not near enough.

Most Respectfully,
Just another sham trial with no evidence like many others.

Palestinians do not have an inherent right to target and kill innocent civilians. You seem unable to accept this simple universally accepted fact.
aris2chat, et al,

The right to kill Americans is not just idle language. Palestinians are always claiming some right.

They don't have a right to kill americans

In an article published July 16, 2013, a Senior Hamas Official, Dr 'Issam Adwan, former Minister of Palestinian Refugee Affairs, stated that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) Is Entitled To Attack:
  • Israel's Embassies,
  • Israeli Interests,
  • Israeli Officials Worldwide –
  • The Interests of Israeli Allies, supporting the US
They glorify the Jihadist and Fedayeen that engage and kill civilian non-combatants.

Most Respectfully,
aris2chat, et al,

The right to kill Americans is not just idle language. Palestinians are always claiming some right.

They don't have a right to kill americans

In an article published July 16, 2013, a Senior Hamas Official, Dr 'Issam Adwan, former Minister of Palestinian Refugee Affairs, stated that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) Is Entitled To Attack:
  • Israel's Embassies,
  • Israeli Interests,
  • Israeli Officials Worldwide –
  • The Interests of Israeli Allies, supporting the US
They glorify the Jihadist and Fedayeen that engage and kill civilian non-combatants.

Most Respectfully,
How is that different from Israel?
P F Tinmore, et al,

In the early 1990's, the Israelis and the Palestinians made repeated attempts at negotiating a peace. The
Palestinian-Israeli Security Implementation Work Plan established a working framework for both parties (Arab - Israeli) to reduce the violence and negotiate peace. During 2000 and early 2001, intensive talks concerning final status issues, including water rights, refugees, settlers, the status of Jerusalem, and border and security issues. However they failed to reach an agreement.

aris2chat, et al,

The right to kill Americans is not just idle language. Palestinians are always claiming some right.

They don't have a right to kill americans

In an article published July 16, 2013, a Senior Hamas Official, Dr 'Issam Adwan, former Minister of Palestinian Refugee Affairs, stated that the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) Is Entitled To Attack:
  • Israel's Embassies,
  • Israeli Interests,
  • Israeli Officials Worldwide –
  • The Interests of Israeli Allies, supporting the US
They glorify the Jihadist and Fedayeen that engage and kill civilian non-combatants.

Most Respectfully,
How is that different from Israel?

The Israelis do not have a policy on the opened continuation of the Occupation; or a policy on the targeting of Arab-Palestinian civilians. Nor do the Israelis have an equivalent formal program promoting Jihad and Armed Struggle in the same way the Hostile Arab Palestinians do.

The Israelis operate a security containment program and antiterrorism operations that prevents (to the extent possible) Hostile Arab Palestinians (Jihadist, Fedayeen, terrorists, and insurgents) from conducting operations against the unarmed civilians. During the year 2000, terrorist organizations such as the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Hizbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP), among others, conducted operations in Israel. Nearly 226 terror attacks, including suicide bombings, drive-by shootings, rocket & mortar attacks, the detonation of improvised explosive devices, and stabbings occurred in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Israeli sovereignty. Also during the year, more than 469 Israelis were killed and over 2,498 injured, a sharp increase from the previous year.

Israeli eventually responds to Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) Aggression (the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State). Prior to the initiation of Operation Protective Edge, the HoAP launched over 4000 rockets and mortars into Israeli Sovereignty and conducted several infiltrations by tunnel across the border into Israel.

Israel has the obligation to protects its citizens.

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective selfdefense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations (Chapter VII, Article 51 UN Charter)

Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, but which does not constitute an attempt on the life or limb of members of the occupying forces or administration, nor a grave collective danger, nor seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them, shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment, ---
The penal provisions promulgated by the Occupying Power in accordance with Articles 64 and 65 may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, provided that such offences were punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory in force before the occupation began. (Article 68, Geneva Convention)

The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. Israel will conduct such countermeasure operations against HoAPs that violate this provision. (Article 51, Protocol 1, Geneva Convention)

Israel gives effective advance warning of attacks which may affect the civilian population, where circumstances do not permit. (Rule 20, Customary IHL)

Israel Launches attacks which would are considered adequate to engage and neutralize the target; with each target having resulting in a concrete and direct military advantage afterwards. (Rule 14, Customary IHL)

Israel does not practice a policy of using human shields, or launching attacks from populated civilian areas, near hospitals, or UN shelters and schools. (Rule 97, Customary IHL)​

These are but a few differences in the way Israel does business. Yes, there are a number of differences in the way the HoAP conduct operations --- and that of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
STOP all overseas Monies and Israelis would be living in Mud you well know Roudy

Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

$3.5 Billion or so, as Egypt gets about the same. But that U.N. index DOESN'T include any outside monies, that's just what Israel does by itself, and for a country so small, they seem to be doing OK. Now look at the way your supposed Palestinians LIVE, and the amounts of money that is sent to them, but redirected from the people's use, to arms, equipment to build tunnels, and the continued HATE they teach their young, and anyone with an honest intellect can see that those muslim's are morally and ethically bankrupt!
You are a very lazy scholar re-do your homework and give me the correct answer..steve

Sorry Steve, another bitch slap to you....

The main expression of Congressional support for Israel has been foreign aid.[1] Since 1985, it has provided nearly 3 billion in grants annually to Israel, with Israel being the largest annual recipient of American aid from 1976 to 2004 and the largest cumulative recipient of aid ($121 billion, not inflation-adjusted) since World War II.[2] Seventy-four percent of these funds must be spent purchasing US goods and services.[3] More recently, in fiscal year 2014, the US provided $3.6 billion in foreign military aid to Israel.[2] Israel also benefits from about $8 billion of loan guarantees.[2]
Crikey Vig,I haven't been Bitch Slapped for to your very misleading figures,I asked for the amount of "Aid" and money,American Taxpayers CASH and all others CASH has been paid to Israel since its inception in 1948.......and I mean from anyone,everywhere, request for this information was after Roudy implied that through Jews/Israelis HARD WORK !!!!!!! "The Miracle" had been achieved...this is errant nonsense of course......despite your assuming otherwise, Israel's economy is not in good shape at all.

Now bend down low...let me show you what I know.LOLsteve
Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

$3.5 Billion or so, as Egypt gets about the same. But that U.N. index DOESN'T include any outside monies, that's just what Israel does by itself, and for a country so small, they seem to be doing OK. Now look at the way your supposed Palestinians LIVE, and the amounts of money that is sent to them, but redirected from the people's use, to arms, equipment to build tunnels, and the continued HATE they teach their young, and anyone with an honest intellect can see that those muslim's are morally and ethically bankrupt!
You are a very lazy scholar re-do your homework and give me the correct answer..steve

Sorry Steve, another bitch slap to you....

The main expression of Congressional support for Israel has been foreign aid.[1] Since 1985, it has provided nearly 3 billion in grants annually to Israel, with Israel being the largest annual recipient of American aid from 1976 to 2004 and the largest cumulative recipient of aid ($121 billion, not inflation-adjusted) since World War II.[2] Seventy-four percent of these funds must be spent purchasing US goods and services.[3] More recently, in fiscal year 2014, the US provided $3.6 billion in foreign military aid to Israel.[2] Israel also benefits from about $8 billion of loan guarantees.[2]
Crikey Vig,I haven't been Bitch Slapped for to your very misleading figures,I asked for the amount of "Aid" and money,American Taxpayers CASH and all others CASH has been paid to Israel since its inception in 1948.......and I mean from anyone,everywhere, request for this information was after Roudy implied that through Jews/Israelis HARD WORK !!!!!!! "The Miracle" had been achieved...this is errant nonsense of course......despite your assuming otherwise, Israel's economy is not in good shape at all.

Now bend down low...let me show you what I know.LOLsteve

You took a day to come up with BULLSHIT!!!...another Liberals that suffers from thinking he's a fucking genius but only has a sever case of....

STOP all overseas Monies and Israelis would be living in Mud you well know Roudy

Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

$3.5 Billion or so, as Egypt gets about the same. But that U.N. index DOESN'T include any outside monies, that's just what Israel does by itself, and for a country so small, they seem to be doing OK. Now look at the way your supposed Palestinians LIVE, and the amounts of money that is sent to them, but redirected from the people's use, to arms, equipment to build tunnels, and the continued HATE they teach their young, and anyone with an honest intellect can see that those muslim's are morally and ethically bankrupt!
You are a very lazy scholar re-do your homework and give me the correct answer..steve

By the way Jewish kids are taught to HATE,and this I know first hand from Jewish friends,over the years.

Stop talking so much me,you may bluff others Vig but Never Me..steve

When you're being shot at and kidnapped, killed by muslim scum, you do naturally start to hate your oppressor.... I now dislike all muslim's since 9/11, before that, they were just other people to me. I know first hand people killed by them, so don't look for sympathy here!
I ask not for any sympathy................But looking at the behaviour of Zionists/Israel......The fine Palestinian people you and your cohorts tried to eliminate,.......Could say exactly the same thing about YOU and YOUR Guys make me PUKE,Wailing all the time that Palestinians and everyone else HATE YOU....which most don't .....But here you go again displaying YOUR IGNORANT HATREDS........There is something fundamentally Wrong with your sides Mental Ability...........It come from self hate.....and you assume that everyone else is like you..Sad But True.

As I said you are lazy.....and you and others just comment on the fringes and sound bites of this have no depth to any thing you say,just mindless Trollism............What I would like to ask is what the Fcuking Hell Motivates YOU ALL......apart from Fear and Hatred????

Remember in this is the Israelis that OCCUPY Palestinian Land...........NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND......anyhow most in Israel are not the Jews in the Bible,which these strange Christians of America somehow think they are..........WHO ARE THESE WANNABEE JEWS anyway............they are not a Semitic People at all,just a mixture of Illegals from God knows where.......They have no more right to Palestine than I do.........something you and the rest of the Possee forget deliberately,to mention.

steve,Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure.
Last edited:
Apparently you don't know much, even Wikipedia can help the helpless...

The economy of Israel is a market economy.[13] As of 2013[update], Israel ranks 19th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed".
I agree(at last) but I was telling you that without overseas AID!!!!!!!!!! Israel could never have achieved you should know....Now use Wiki and find out how much Israel has been given since 1948....including War Reparation from Germany(which I believe they and others are still paying) and others ,Money from US Taxpayers and others,Gifts etc,. Should keep you busy for a few months because there are a lot of them.steve

$3.5 Billion or so, as Egypt gets about the same. But that U.N. index DOESN'T include any outside monies, that's just what Israel does by itself, and for a country so small, they seem to be doing OK. Now look at the way your supposed Palestinians LIVE, and the amounts of money that is sent to them, but redirected from the people's use, to arms, equipment to build tunnels, and the continued HATE they teach their young, and anyone with an honest intellect can see that those muslim's are morally and ethically bankrupt!
You are a very lazy scholar re-do your homework and give me the correct answer..steve

By the way Jewish kids are taught to HATE,and this I know first hand from Jewish friends,over the years.

Stop talking so much me,you may bluff others Vig but Never Me..steve

When you're being shot at and kidnapped, killed by muslim scum, you do naturally start to hate your oppressor.... I now dislike all muslim's since 9/11, before that, they were just other people to me. I know first hand people killed by them, so don't look for sympathy here!
I ask not for any sympathy................But looking at the behaviour of Zionists/Israel......The fine Palestinian people you and your cohorts tried to eliminate,.......Could say exactly the same thing about YOU and YOUR Guys make me PUKE,Wailing all the time that Palestinians and everyone else HATE YOU....which most don't .....But here you go again displaying YOUR IGNORANT HATREDS........There is something fundamentally Wrong with your sides Mental Ability...........It come from self hate.....and you assume that everyone else is like you..Sad But True.

As I said you are lazy.....and you and others just comment on the fringes and sound bites of this have no depth to any thing you say,just mindless Trollism............What I would like to ask is what the Fcuking Hell Motivates YOU ALL......apart from Fear and Hatred????

Remember in this is the Israelis that OCCUPY Palestinian Land...........NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND......anyhow most in Israel are not the Jews in the Bible,which these strange Christians for America somehow think they are..........WHO ARE THESE WANNABEE JEWS anyway............they are not a Semitic People at all,just a mixture of Illegals from God knows where.......They have no more right to Palestine than I do.........something you and the rest of the Possee forget deliberately,to mention.

steve,Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure.

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