Huge Percentage Of Trump Voters Want To Go Back To Normal Times, Study Finds

When he said his inaugural crowd was larger than Obama's.

A lie by Trump. Granted. Good job, bro. At least there is one Swinging Richard on the left at this site that isn't afeared to reply to me.

All Hail Billo!

See, progressives? Billo is and old school liberal I've known cents 2002 or so. Lettuce keep it going, Billo, don't let me, and your God and Country down!

I see your Trump lie and raise you a SlowJoeBiden lie...

0:00 - 0:09...

Compare and contrast! You know, like with actually policy ramifications, what can really sway voters, Are they both little white lies, both egregious tells of massive character flaws, one side this way the other that? I know you can take it on the chin and go about your bidness skipping. Show these punk yutes how it's done!



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