Huge Turnout In Georgia

Any time there are such extreme issues on the ballot, voters for both sides increase. You didn't know that?
You can just go ahead and admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and all of this "Jim Crow 2.0" is complete fabricated communist bullshit from the ass of all the leftist fuckers.
Because this is a primary and the Dem candidate for Gov is running unopposed.
The claim was made that Dims were outraged and that was why the numbers are so high, and yet Republicans are voting in much higher numbers.

And Gov is one of 17 on the ballot. All 16 others have Dim candidates on the ballot.
So more Republicans have voted because of right wing bullshit, like Bulldog said?

The GOP race for Gov is very contentious, basically it is the Pence side vs the Trump side. This will bring out people to vote. The Dem Gov candidate is running unopposed and most of the Senate and House races on the Dem side are not all the exciting of battles.
If they vote Prog, the chit gets worse. This is not DEM/REPUB anymore. This is FAR FAR LEFT COMMUNISM versus RINOS and MODERATES with a dabbling of CONSERVATIVES.
Communism? You're crazy.
They did not lie. The water bottle stuff and all the purging voter rolls is all true. It is Jim Crow 2.0 - the cops can come get you just for handing out water

The fact that it is not working means people are not afraid of GOP’s bullshit and want them voted out.
Don't you remember Biden exclaiming that the voter suppression was going to make Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle? Yeah nobody understood that, but it sounded scary. :aug08_031:
They did not lie. The water bottle stuff and all the purging voter rolls is all true. It is Jim Crow 2.0 - the cops can come get you just for handing out water

The fact that it is not working means people are not afraid of GOP’s bullshit and want them voted out.
purging voting rolls doesn’t restrict voting. It takes off people that ni longer live in the voting district

and the water/food laws are no different then in many other states, including NY.

Try again

This was just more lies by the demafasict to try and fearmonger voters
Read the bill. I did. They were breaking the law by handing out water bottles too close to the entrance. All they did was clarify in the bill what was allowed. BTW...How is handing out water bottles within a specific distance classified as voter suppression to the left anyway? And I know dead people typically vote democrat, so guess I understand why you didn't want to purge the voter rolls ;).

Edit: Here is a link directly to the bill.

BTW...they already had this provision, but it was being broken, and almost all voter laws contain this.
apparently dembots are so entitled they think they are owed dinner and a drink by voting.
"In total, 857,401 Georgians cast their ballots ahead of election day. Nearly 93% of those ballots were cast in person. The remaining 7% were cast absentee."

sounds like the new GA voting law is working well and getting record voter turnout, making life easier for the people in GA.

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