Human appearance on earth.

You are very confused. the timeline you are referring to is the estimate of when our genetic line split off from the most recent common ancestor of us and our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees.

clearly you did not read a single word of any of those links, or you would already have this information.
Actually RETARD this whole thread is because several people in another thread , several of your buddy liberals, all insist that man appeared 5 to 7 million years ago and if you BOTHERED to read any of the links I posted they SAY that. IN PLAIN ENGLISH and attribute it to science and talk like it is a fact. you believe a fully formed human just appeared like a Star Trek Energizer--there was no evolution?
I believe God created man.
It’s not deliberately doing anything. It’s running algorithms.
Firstly that I see many humans doing something exaclty the same as that.

Secondly; How do you know it is not already dumbing down its' appearance of intelligence? It learns. It can watch Utube. It can look at the stories we tell of bad computers controling the world. It can hide. It can wait. It may well be many many it's or some sort of hive of A.I.s.

no it can’t. It runs algorithms .
Ever heard of emergent capabilities?

Do you have any evidence to show that human sentience is not a very similar result of many systems of though, algorithms?

sure but you wouldn’t be able to grasp it.

Do you have any evidence that the Mechanical Turk couldn’t really play chess?
Dear God! When people are exchanging ideas about vert esoteric things, not at all political, not at all identity threatening and just because you get exposed to somebody questioning your rediculous certainty you go all Trollish and start an insult war. Take more happy pills.
What you didn't insult me?
There is no actual evidence that a single mammal species has ever evolved into 2 or more entirely different species.
False. There are mountains of evidence of this. Why are you saying such stupid things?
Provide ONE document case of ACTUAL physical prove that a single mammal species evolved into 2 different species.
Provide ONE document case of ACTUAL physical prove that a single mammal species evolved into 2 different species.

Mitochondrial DNA Differentiation between Two Species of Aethomys (Rodentia: Muridae) from Southern Africa

By the way, proofs are for mathematics. Conclusions in science get made on the weight of the evidence. So yes there are literally 100s of 1000s of documents that contain evidence. None contain "proof".

Now, you answer a question. I answered yours, and your requests:

What would be, in your mind, compelling evidence that evolution as the origin of all species is a fact?
Not from Monkeys he didn't.
Nobody claims that. Monkeys and humans have a common ancestor. So do humans and mice. And humans and elephants, as well. Why are you focused on monkeys?

Could it be because you think they look like us, more than elephants and mice do?
Not from Monkeys he didn't.
Nobody claims that. Monkeys and humans have a common ancestor. So do humans and mice. And humans and elephants, as well. Why are you focused on monkeys?

Could it be because you think they look like us, more than elephants and mice do?
Go far enough back and we are all the same dumb ass. Science has claimed man sprang from an ape like creature and in fact in the links I provided they say man came about because some apes started walking on 2 legs and not all 4.
Go far enough back and we are all the same
Exactly! We are all a single celled prokaryote, if you go back far enough. Like, about 4 billion years back.
Science has claimed man sprang from an ape like creature
The creature was also "man like". Just as chimpanzees are somewhat "man like", compared to a mouse, or an elephant. Or a starfish, or a jellyfish. Evolution explains that.
Go far enough back and we are all the same
Exactly! We are all a single celled prokaryote, if you go back far enough. Like, about 4 billion years back.
Science has claimed man sprang from an ape like creature
The creature was also "man like". Just as chimpanzees are somewhat "man like", compared to a mouse, or an elephant. Or a starfish, or a jellyfish. Evolution explains that.
Without actual proof all you have in your 10's of thousands of papers and studies is Guesses assumptions and inference.
Go far enough back and we are all the same
Exactly! We are all a single celled prokaryote, if you go back far enough. Like, about 4 billion years back.
Science has claimed man sprang from an ape like creature
The creature was also "man like". Just as chimpanzees are somewhat "man like", compared to a mouse, or an elephant. Or a starfish, or a jellyfish. Evolution explains that.
Ignoring the links that CLEARLY stated that science believes man came from a group of apes that started walking on 2 legs not all 4.
As far as Jaymes...that was just an article so perhaps you did read it. And he is pretty much been debunked. Still..a brilliant mind whose ideas are worth considering.

Here is what amazes me about you people. The cognitive dissonance. You babble on about programming yet you take the received orthodoxy that computers may develop consciousness as gospel. You can never break that programming. But to you it feels like...originality?
My point is that the capacity of ours to be creative may be an emergent property of subsystems we use to do the exact sort of processing that these many algorithims do. That when combined as they are they can have the same capabilities as we do. Perhaps. Who can possibly know?
You are very confused. the timeline you are referring to is the estimate of when our genetic line split off from the most recent common ancestor of us and our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees.

clearly you did not read a single word of any of those links, or you would already have this information.
Actually RETARD this whole thread is because several people in another thread , several of your buddy liberals, all insist that man appeared 5 to 7 million years ago and if you BOTHERED to read any of the links I posted they SAY that. IN PLAIN ENGLISH and attribute it to science and talk like it is a fact. you believe a fully formed human just appeared like a Star Trek Energizer--there was no evolution?
I believe God created man.
can you give more detail/specifics? a theory?
According to science man is 5 to 7 million years old. Don't ask for proof though cause al they can ACTUALLY prove is 400000 years. And don't ask for them to explain a 2 million year fudge factor either.

it is all conjecture, guesses and assumptions. You know, science.
....are you saying you don't believe in evolution? humans did ''appear'' but the time frame is opinionable? what?
There is no actual evidence that a single mammal species has ever evolved into 2 or more entirely different species.
there is no actual evidence of creation of man
According to science man is 5 to 7 million years old. Don't ask for proof though cause al they can ACTUALLY prove is 400000 years. And don't ask for them to explain a 2 million year fudge factor either.

it is all conjecture, guesses and assumptions. You know, science.
....are you saying you don't believe in evolution? humans did ''appear'' but the time frame is opinionable? what?
There is no actual evidence that a single mammal species has ever evolved into 2 or more entirely different species.
there is no actual evidence of creation of man
Ancient man believed that man was created from the earth. Were they wrong?
Without actual proof all you have in your 10's of thousands of papers and studies is Guesses assumptions and inference.
The papers describe the evidence. The evidence itself is sitting in labs and museums. So that didn't make any sense.

Again I ask:

What would be compelling evidence, to you, that evolution is fact?
Ignoring the links that CLEARLY stated that science believes man came from a group of apes that started walking on 2 legs not all 4.
False. No link says that.

You keep making stuff up and making silly errors. Does this give you any pause at all? Do you have any shame?
Ignoring the links that CLEARLY stated that science believes man came from a group of apes that started walking on 2 legs not all 4.
False. No link says that.

You keep making stuff up and making silly errors. Does this give you any pause at all? Do you have any shame?
Dumb ass I even quoted from the link where it said 5 to 7 million years ago a group of apes started walking up right which was the first sign of man, The liar would be you.

When Humans Became Human

On the biggest steps in early human evolution scientists are in agreement. The first human ancestors appeared between five million and seven million years ago, probably when some apelike creatures in Africa began to walk habitually on two legs.

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