Human love or government love? You decide-while you still can.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There are two kinds of love in this world, human love, and government love. When Alexander Fleming, a Scottish researcher along with Ernst Chain and Howard Florey, first discovered and isolated antibiotics they got a Nobel Prize but gifted the life-saving discovery to the world without becoming billionaires from patented ownership. That was human love, not government love.

When Jonas Salk used a vaccine to save us all from the Polio virus, that was human love as well. Salk did not patent the drug; he gave it to the people out of a sense of human love, so he did not cash in on a billion-dollar opportunity. That was the old days.

Now we come the present. In the midst of what certainly appears to be a human-science engineered pandemic we turn on our TV’s and every other ad is a professionally produced pharmaceutical masterpiece pushing a new patented drug. There are Everest-sized piles of treasure to be harvested by huge drug corporations treating the deadly ailments that saddle the sick and old. That’s global marketing government love at its finest.

There’s no need to trifle with human conscience when that kind of money is at stake. The new way of dealing with diseases is to do an end run around doctors and go right into the living rooms of the sick with slick advertising. It’s a pocket picking bonanza!

Now we come to a tale of two experts: Dr. Anthony Fauci and whistle blower, Dr. Judy Mikovits. Fauci is the short guy in pictures with Trump looking at him like he’s an egg-sucking dog sniffing around a chicken coop. Mikovits is an award-winning Ph.D. researcher sounding alarm bells that science has become more about money and profit and less about human benefit. As the pandemic rages, Fauci is front and center while Mikovits has been scrubbed from You tube and is described on Wikipedia with code words like “discredited” and “conspiracy theorist”.

While Americans are subjected to Stasi-like censorship of information, they may want to consider it’s time for return to human love over government love like Obamacare and the pharmaceutical treachery that gave the Chinese control of our essential drugs.

This country was founded on the right of the people to make up their own minds. There is nothing in our constitution that says free speech is something we need to be protected from. Read the Mikovits book and decide for yourself.
Cool, let's start with a President who doesn't turn into a 12 year old and attack and name-call anyone and everyone who dares to challenge him.

A great place to start: At the top.
Not sure what your point is here. It sounds like you really want to criticize the bio-medical-pharma industry while being psychologically unable to say anything against capitalism. The for-profit system has not really found a cure for anything because cures lose money. Better to treat the symptoms of a disease for a lifetime with an expensive pill. That's medicine in a capitalist system. Nothing is done purely to benefit mankind, the stockholders might get pissy about that.
Not sure what your point is here. It sounds like you really want to criticize the bio-medical-pharma industry while being psychologically unable to say anything against capitalism. The for-profit system has not really found a cure for anything because cures lose money. Better to treat the symptoms of a disease for a lifetime with an expensive pill. That's medicine in a capitalist system. Nothing is done purely to benefit mankind, the stockholders might get pissy about that.

The point is that medicine should not do more harm than good. It should be separate from profit motive. Medical research has no business in a corporate arena. Drugs to ease pain and extend life ought not to be products that enrich shareholders of pharmaceutical giants.

There is so much money in medical research that greed is inevitable and a corruption of human spirit is unavoidable. This pandemic will hopefully expose the racket of organized crime against humaity infesting medical research and the fatal consequences we face if it is not dealt with.

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