Humans in the Future


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Will we be a lot smarter?

In the 20th century, IQ scores increased steadily, but some scientists believe that this trend may have ended or even reversed

What about living longer? Yes, it's projected that humans will live longer in the future

Humans could potentially live to be much older than they do today, with some estimates suggesting that the maximum human lifespan could be as long as 150 years

I still think humans will be much smarter than we are today just because we are still a very superstitious war prone species. Even still, we're a lot better than we were 100 or 500 or 5000 years ago.

According to current scientific understanding, we use 100% of our brains; the idea that we only use 10% is a myth. Brain imaging technologies show that all parts of the brain are active, even if different regions are more engaged depending on the activity we are doing.

I really hope we do away with capitalism, communism, and every other ism that requires us to waste $200,000 going to school and then 45 years working 9 hours a day 5 days a week. What are we doing? I could be fishing. Or practicing guitar. Or camping out somewhere. At the gym. Sleeping in. On my boat.

If you want a boat, you may have to go work for it. Earn it. Or maybe the community has some public boats and you just sign one out. Is this communism? If there is no need for humans to work and we can live better lives doing whatever we want, why not move to whatever ISM that is? It's not communism. It's AI and automation doing everything for us. I want a life life robot who is in essence my slave/servant/lover/friend/chef/massuse/doctor/ass wiper/toe nail clipper/maid/butler/driver. And everyone can have one. Wouldn't it be wonderful?
Will we be a lot smarter?

In the 20th century, IQ scores increased steadily, but some scientists believe that this trend may have ended or even reversed

What about living longer? Yes, it's projected that humans will live longer in the future

Humans could potentially live to be much older than they do today, with some estimates suggesting that the maximum human lifespan could be as long as 150 years

I still think humans will be much smarter than we are today just because we are still a very superstitious war prone species. Even still, we're a lot better than we were 100 or 500 or 5000 years ago.

According to current scientific understanding, we use 100% of our brains; the idea that we only use 10% is a myth. Brain imaging technologies show that all parts of the brain are active, even if different regions are more engaged depending on the activity we are doing.

I really hope we do away with capitalism, communism, and every other ism that requires us to waste $200,000 going to school and then 45 years working 9 hours a day 5 days a week. What are we doing? I could be fishing. Or practicing guitar. Or camping out somewhere. At the gym. Sleeping in. On my boat.

If you want a boat, you may have to go work for it. Earn it. Or maybe the community has some public boats and you just sign one out. Is this communism? If there is no need for humans to work and we can live better lives doing whatever we want, why not move to whatever ISM that is? It's not communism. It's AI and automation doing everything for us. I want a life life robot who is in essence my slave/servant/lover/friend/chef/massuse/doctor/ass wiper/toe nail clipper/maid/butler/driver. And everyone can have one. Wouldn't it be wonderful?
Will we be a lot smarter?

In the 20th century, IQ scores increased steadily, but some scientists believe that this trend may have ended or even reversed

What about living longer? Yes, it's projected that humans will live longer in the future

Humans could potentially live to be much older than they do today, with some estimates suggesting that the maximum human lifespan could be as long as 150 years

I still think humans will be much smarter than we are today just because we are still a very superstitious war prone species. Even still, we're a lot better than we were 100 or 500 or 5000 years ago.

According to current scientific understanding, we use 100% of our brains; the idea that we only use 10% is a myth. Brain imaging technologies show that all parts of the brain are active, even if different regions are more engaged depending on the activity we are doing.

I really hope we do away with capitalism, communism, and every other ism that requires us to waste $200,000 going to school and then 45 years working 9 hours a day 5 days a week. What are we doing? I could be fishing. Or practicing guitar. Or camping out somewhere. At the gym. Sleeping in. On my boat.

If you want a boat, you may have to go work for it. Earn it. Or maybe the community has some public boats and you just sign one out. Is this communism? If there is no need for humans to work and we can live better lives doing whatever we want, why not move to whatever ISM that is? It's not communism. It's AI and automation doing everything for us. I want a life life robot who is in essence my slave/servant/lover/friend/chef/massuse/doctor/ass wiper/toe nail clipper/maid/butler/driver. And everyone can have one. Wouldn't it be wonderful?
In College, the Student Is Forced to Live Like a Child. So He Graduates with the Mind of a Child.
In College, the Student Is Forced to Live Like a Child. So He Graduates with the Mind of a Child.
In a lot of ways very true. My nephew is pretty mature he graduated and is going to law school. All his friends who graduated and are now at work are super depressed. They're all up at MSU right now for the Ohio State game getting drunk and jerking each other off. God I miss those days. But myself personally, I like just going to work for 9 hours, plus a half hour drive both ways, let's call it 10 hours at work. 14 hours to do anything I want. If I sleep 7 hours that gives me 7 hours to fuck around. I love being an adult.

But I make good money and I'm a sink. Single Income No Kids. We got it easy. I think there will be more of us in the future. With AI real life automated robot slave women, women will have to pay us for our sperm. We have internet porn now and young boys are all virgins or have ED today. Imagine once we have a Pam Anderson android. Or Pam Anderson Apple robot which is better than the android version.

Yes, testosterone levels in men are declining, and there are several factors that may contribute to this decline:

Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may be contributing to the decline in testosterone levels. EDCs are found in many everyday products, including plastics.

  • Recent Pew research indicates that over 60% of young men are currently single.
  • A recent Pew Research study suggests a tectonic shift in the dating and sex life of men. The study found that among men under 30 years old, over 60 percent are single, almost double that of women in the same age bracket.

  • As young women continued to pursue intimate relationships less intently post-pandemic, men could have increased their relationship skills to close the effort gap. They could have confronted their relative avoidance and challenged the gender norms that made them so anxious about intimacy.

    They appear to have done the opposite, turning even further away from real-life relationships and into the virtual world.

  • Why So Many Young Males Are Single and Sexless


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