Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.
The mayor of Tijuana follow's Trump's lead...

I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

STFU and get your ass to the border then.
Why must others protect you?


Why would I do this when there is no "invasion"? Just what am I supposed to be "protected" from? The cheap crap is already here on the north side of the border, This is a day of shame for Americans.

There is no ‘invasion’ – it’s just another Trump lie and more bigoted demagoguery from the right.

Those seeking asylum pursuant to American immigration law are not ‘invaders’; this is an issue the consequence of the right’s fear and bigotry, and conservatives' ignorance of immigration law, not of those seeking asylum.
Here it comes, as expected, they put the women and children front and center. That evil Trump!


They tried to breach the fence which proves they are only looking to enter illegally and not seek asylum. Our treasonous media no doubt will twist this to make Trump look like Hitler. Soon we will see photos of crying kids and then the Hollywood celebretards will make “public service” announcements demanding Hitler Trump save the children!!!!!

US agents fire tear gas at migrants in start of border clashes with Mexico

U.S. Customs and Border Protection closed a section of the southern border with Mexico on Sunday and fired tear gas at a group of migrants that tried to breach a fence separating the two countries.

CNN reported that road and pedestrian bridge access at the San Ysidro port had been closed.

This major artery connects San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico.

Video footage from journalists on-site shows hundreds of migrants rushing toward the U.S. border.

Read more at ...
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

There is no level of mockery or scorn that I can express, that comes close to being an adequate response to a remark that is this spectacularly stupid and deceitful.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
You heard the news, but clearly you didn't understand it.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

Funny, I had the impression you were a British socialist.

No. I am an American of Irish and Russian/Polish background. I do not hold any economic system dear, be it socialist, capitalist. communist. or anything else.
Today is not a day to be proud to be an American. Today is a day on which our federal government sacrificed American values.
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I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!
No, because the Left will use them a martyrs.
It would be a huge propaganda win for the Dems.

Let them.

Let the Democrats run in 2020 and 2024 on campaigns based on emphasizing what a terrible meanie Mr. Trump is, for defending this country against a massive invasion of subhuman foreign scum. As a Republican, I would love to see those elections play out.
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

Loser, Trump stopped these phonies from entering our country illegally. He's a brilliant leader unlike the last who prepared well ahead of time.
Rep. Cummings: It’s the law to let asylum seekers across the border
Democrat talking pile of animal dung, Elijah Cummings, says it's the law to let every person seeking asylum to enter the country (presumably so they can be turned loose within the country never to be heard from again, like during the good old days of Obama).

Cummings is saying if 100,000 refugees show up on the border they must all be let in.
Is there any question which party is trying to collapse the nation?
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!

You realize your 'Aryan Army' is actually pretty multicultural, right?


Not sure they're gonna be too motivated to 'defend your race'.
I keep telling are on the wrong side...trumps ***** are anti minorities Jews included.

I disagree because this is fake news. How do I know? The Democrats told me.

The Democrats told me the only reason Trump put troops on the border was because of the election. These people were never going to make it here in the first place, so maybe those people are paid actors.

And even if they aren't, the Democrats told me these were only going to be women and children involved; non-violent victims of their government only seeking food and a chance to properly apply for asylum which they are ineligible for since they already escaped their country for safety when they entered Mexico.
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in big
oted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

They turned down assylum... They are no longer seekers. They are now Invaders.

I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

Funny, I had the impression you were a British socialist.

No. I am an American of Irish and Russian/Polish background.

Well then, you should know better.

I disagree because this is fake news. How do I know? The Democrats told me.

The Democrats told me the only reason Trump put troops on the border was because of the election. These people were never going to make it here in the first place, so maybe those people are paid actors.

And even if they aren't, the Democrats told me these were only going to be women and children involved; non-violent victims of their government only seeking food and a chance to properly apply for asylum which they are ineligible for since they already escaped their country for safety when they entered Mexico.

The Democrats are no longer American Politicians....they represent the UN more or less.


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