Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

Medical experts say tear gas can cause serious physical and psychological harm in children.

Alan Shapiro, chief medical director at Terra Firma, a program that treats immigrant children, said the migrants in the caravan should be able to enter the U.S. without being subjected to physical or emotional trauma by the federal government. “Throwing tear gas at children is not immigration policy. Separating children from their parents is not immigration policy,” Shapiro said. “It’s torture.”

Tear gas, a chemical weapon that is banned on battlefields in almost every country, has a particularly harsh effect on children because of their weaker respiratory systems, according to doctors. Julie Linton, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics and a pediatrician, said that in addition to watering eyes and a burning sensation in their throats and noses, children can have trouble breathing because of their smaller airways.

Doctors Say Using Tear Gas On Migrant Children Can Have Severe, Long-Lasting Effects

So sad...


Maria Lila Meza Castro, a 39-year-old from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands of Central Americans trying to reach the United States, runs from tear gas with her 5-year-old twins, Saira Nalleli Mejia Meza, left, and Cheili Nalleli Mejia Meza, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana on Nov. 25.
My God!!! You mean tear gas is unpleasant?!

Who knew?
The :conservatives" always want more babies and fought every effort to limit population growth through birth control, fought access to birth control, and efforts to educate people on how to use it. This disaster would not be happening but for the "conservatives" efforts for ignorance. And they want more babies. "Abstinence only"?

Who fought access to birth control? Who wants more babies? WTF doesn’t know how to use birth control?

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Medical experts say tear gas can cause serious physical and psychological harm in children.

Alan Shapiro, chief medical director at Terra Firma, a program that treats immigrant children, said the migrants in the caravan should be able to enter the U.S. without being subjected to physical or emotional trauma by the federal government. “Throwing tear gas at children is not immigration policy. Separating children from their parents is not immigration policy,” Shapiro said. “It’s torture.”

Tear gas, a chemical weapon that is banned on battlefields in almost every country, has a particularly harsh effect on children because of their weaker respiratory systems, according to doctors. Julie Linton, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics and a pediatrician, said that in addition to watering eyes and a burning sensation in their throats and noses, children can have trouble breathing because of their smaller airways.

Doctors Say Using Tear Gas On Migrant Children Can Have Severe, Long-Lasting Effects

So sad...


Maria Lila Meza Castro, a 39-year-old from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands of Central Americans trying to reach the United States, runs from tear gas with her 5-year-old twins, Saira Nalleli Mejia Meza, left, and Cheili Nalleli Mejia Meza, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana on Nov. 25.

If this is so awful, why did this pig allow herself and her children to be put at the front of the line so when the people behind them attacked our security forces with rocks and bottles, they would be the ones who got hit with tear gas?

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The concept of deliberately putting children in harms way, or even deliberately causing harm to children to score political points is a fairly recent phenomenon. There was a time when harming children was off limits.

It might have started with Palestinians hiding behind the bodies of their dead children pointing fingers at Israel. This escalated throughout the middle east by using schools and hospitals as rocket launching areas.

Now the idea has expanded to central America where these invaders not only do not protect their children but deliberately seek to harm them in order to say "look at what you did".

It's time to stop this. Start taking the children away from these parents if they are really parents. Find the families in the home countries that want and miss these children and return them. Then prosecute the parents for the danger they posed.
The concept of deliberately putting children in harms way, or even deliberately causing harm to children to score political points is a fairly recent phenomenon. There was a time when harming children was off limits.

It might have started with Palestinians hiding behind the bodies of their dead children pointing fingers at Israel. This escalated throughout the middle east by using schools and hospitals as rocket launching areas.

Now the idea has expanded to central America where these invaders not only do not protect their children but deliberately seek to harm them in order to say "look at what you did".

It's time to stop this. Start taking the children away from these parents if they are really parents. Find the families in the home countries that want and miss these children and return them. Then prosecute the parents for the danger they posed.

Oh, no...that's "cruel", Tipsy! The Main Stream Media had a collective cow when children were separated from their parents when they were detained even though those same parents had exposed their children to all kinds of danger during the trip to the US border! Yet if a US parent was to do the same thing...we'd have Children's Protective Services at their door with a seizure order because they are BAD parents!

this judge is a criminal,put him behind bars.:mad:

A federal judge blocked Trump's asylum ban earlier this week, arguing that Trump "may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden."

The White House did not return a request for comment.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
I am deeply ashamed also, but of trash like you.
yeah what about all the trash presidents we have had since Reagan all the way up to Obama who have all taken a lighter to the constitution?:iyfyus.jpg::laughing0301::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
You leftist clowns wouldn't have a country if it wasn't for great men like Trump standing up against invasions like this. You pathetic little cucks need to pack your bags and head north or south I don't care. A civil war is coming and I can't wait! This country has a leader with balls now it just needs more citizens who love this country and who its intended for and have the balls to FIGHT FOR IT! Against invaders from the south and terrorist leftist trash here in America as well.

Yeah Trump is the first president that has actually tried to clean up government corruption since Carter.all these other clown asswipes from the one from 1980 to Obama have been just that,asswipes and traiters to americans.
Yet another Trump failure, yet another issue mismanaged by a failed Trump ‘administration.’

This could have been easily avoided had Trump simply followed immigration law, made the necessary preparations for asylum seekers, and not engaged in bigoted, hateful, inflammatory lies and rhetoric.

Loser, Trump stopped these phonies from entering our country illegally. He's a brilliant leader unlike the last who prepared well ahead of time.

Man Obomination was such a disaster.that traiter put out a welcome sign to Immigrants at the mexican border.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

Funny, I had the impression you were a British socialist.

No. I am an American of Irish and Russian/Polish background. I do not hold any economic system dear, be it socialist, capitalist. communist. or anything else.
Today is not a day to be proud to be an American. Today is a day on which our federal government sacrificed American values.
Good then flee to Russia!

Why? I am an American. That my government has turned against American values is a concern of mine. My country, the United States of America, is running off the rails. Our parents, grandparents, and great-grand parents built this country strong and for all.

yeah an american who is a traiter and a shill that works for the government obviously.LOL
I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!

You realize your 'Aryan Army' is actually pretty multicultural, right?


Not sure they're gonna be too motivated to 'defend your race'.

Where, in this thread, did Odium say anything about race? I know that in other threads, he's expressed racist views, and I do not defend that, but so far, I think you're the only one who has brought racism into this thread. It's not about race; it's about defending our country from a violent foreign invasion. The racial makeup of the invaders is irrelevant. The racial makeup of those who are to defend us against this invasion, is irrelevant.

This is the language of globalism. Gog needs to gather his hordes and they must be obedient! A patriot of the US is an enemy of Gog! He ( THE PATRIOT) is not ONE OF THEM!...


this judge is a criminal,put him behind bars.:mad:

A federal judge blocked Trump's asylum ban earlier this week, arguing that Trump "may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden."

The White House did not return a request for comment.
SCOTUS again...........LOL

The new America...

Hey Lakhota I keep asking you and you keep dodging the question:

Did the white man have intrinsic right to the Native land? Yes or no.

Do these Central Americans have intrinsic right to the United States? Yes or no.

Hey all this is the third time I have asked his this question and he keep dodging it. For the record, I am consistent. I do not think the first European settlers had intrinsic rights to Native land. And I do not think the Central Americans have rights to our land.

See? Consistent. Your turn, Lakhota.

The new America...
Sweetie...where was your whining when your boy MaObama was using “chemical weapons” against these “poor people with children”??? :laugh:

Border Patrol Also Used Pepper Spray in 2013

Funny. That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Peddle your conspiracy theories somewhere else. can’t “debunk” fact. I provided the link. You lose. And you’ve been exposed as an ignorant partisan hack!
Medical experts say tear gas can cause serious physical and psychological harm in children.

So sad...
The only thing “sad” is your belief in the propaganda. That picture had been debunked already, sweetie.

Plus...what kind of mother brings her child into a mob situation where they can be trampled and hurt? I mean, other than you?

The new America...
Sweetie...where was your whining when your boy MaObama was using “chemical weapons” against these “poor people with children”??? :laugh:

Border Patrol Also Used Pepper Spray in 2013

Funny. That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Peddle your conspiracy theories somewhere else.
Ohhhhh Laaaaaaky.... :lmao:

WATCH: Obama's Border Patrol used tear gas on migrants. The media thanked, congratulated them.
Pueblos sin Fronteras has abandoned the caravan. Oh.Teh.Moral.Courage

How the caravan came to be and who led it to its current limbo depends on who you ask. Some say that there are no leaders, that the caravan acts as a united people.

Others say that they used to have leaders or still have leaders, pointing to either members of Pueblo Sin Fronteras — an organization that has escorted caravans of migrants to the U.S. border for years and joined this group as it reached Mexico — or caravan representatives working with the collective.

Meanwhile, Pueblo Sin Fronteras has adamantly denied being the leaders of the caravan, saying the group works to facilitate conversations between members of the caravan so that the caravan can make its own decisions. But the number of caravan members who know about or participate in that decision-making process is small, Pueblo Sin Fronteras member David Abud admitted.

The caravan members working with Pueblo Sin Fronteras hope to get the caravan organized enough to end the confusion and causing a growing number to choose to go home. They hope to do that without being labeled as leaders themselves, worrying that such a move could be seen as a power grab by the larger group....

Who is leading the caravan? Depends on who you ask.

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