Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down


The new America...
Nothing puts the lie in liberal like claiming children were targeted by tear gas at the border. These "desperate poor people"
have a funny way of applying for asylum.
I can't believe a word of what a "conservative" says. It's been 50 years since they have fought the efforts to limit world population growth. Ever heard of ZPG? The "conservatives" still want more unwanted babies, with no plan as to where these babies will go and who will care for them and raise them
Why do you support using children as human shields?

Nobody has, moron. These "conservative" types knew for 50 years that the population bomb would go off. But these pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies even when the problem was pointed out to them. That was half a century ago. I remember my late father remarking upon what was happening in central and south America, and that was during to 1960's. The "conservative" pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies. The Catholics, the Protestants: more fucking! more babies! Now the proceeds of this nonsense are standing on your doorstep and you don't want them.

Do all of us a favor. Go out and find a "conservative" who was against ZPG. Who was against educating people worldwide as to how they could limit their births through technology. String them up.

Too funny.

This has nothing to do with ZPG, but rather the unwillingness of the would-be illegals to fight for their own nations, as we did here, and may do so again.

Now the US has a cozy set-up, and encouraged by the Democrats the caravans want a part of it. It's time to put out the "No Vacancy sign", and enforce it.

The white trash fought against birth control and sex education every step of the way for fifty years. Now they refuse to accept responsibility. My Dad called this in the 1960's. You jackasses have got what you wanted. So accept it. Take responsibility.

These jackasses are the same as those in the present day who are against birth control and abortion, but have no plans offered as to where these unwanted infants are to go and who is going to take care of them and raise them.
I can't believe a word of what a "conservative" says. It's been 50 years since they have fought the efforts to limit world population growth. Ever heard of ZPG? The "conservatives" still want more unwanted babies, with no plan as to where these babies will go and who will care for them and raise them
Why do you support using children as human shields?

Nobody has, moron. These "conservative" types knew for 50 years that the population bomb would go off. But these pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies even when the problem was pointed out to them. That was half a century ago. I remember my late father remarking upon what was happening in central and south America, and that was during to 1960's. The "conservative" pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies. The Catholics, the Protestants: more fucking! more babies! Now the proceeds of this nonsense are standing on your doorstep and you don't want them.

Do all of us a favor. Go out and find a "conservative" who was against ZPG. Who was against educating people worldwide as to how they could limit their births through technology. String them up.

Too funny.

This has nothing to do with ZPG, but rather the unwillingness of the would-be illegals to fight for their own nations, as we did here, and may do so again.

Now the US has a cozy set-up, and encouraged by the Democrats the caravans want a part of it. It's time to put out the "No Vacancy sign", and enforce it.

The white trash fought against birth control and sex education every step of the way for fifty years. Now they refuse to accept responsibility. My Dad called this in the 1960's. You jackasses have got what you wanted. So accept it. Take responsibility.

These jackasses are the same as those in the present day who are against birth control and abortion, but have no plans offered as to where these unwanted infants are to go and who is going to take care of them and raise them.

How about their parents?
Couple things.

1) It's never OK on USMB to openly advocate "shooting them all". Don't care what group it is.

This is a war. Our nation is under direct attack, by a large foreign group that is trying to violently invade us.

“Shooting them all” is a proper response to such an invasion. How is it not OK to say so?

Contact me or/and other mods via PM for an explanation. Not gonna do this in thread. In the meantime, advocating mass violence is BEYOND rational opinion in any serious discussion on USMB.
Things aren't going too well for these campesinos who only want a better life at your expense.
I have been around so many Mexicans so much, I almost forget what it's like being around Americans. This isn't Mexico. Never has been. I have known so many "Hispanics" that I know better. Illegal aliens aren't acceptable viable immigrants. All the people, even Hispanics, I have known reject Latin American illegal aliens.Which begs the next question, HOW the hell do they get sanctuary and by who's authority? we the so called people were never asked if we want to give illegals sanctuary from federal law. Nope. Somebody usurped that authority and just did it anyway without American's consent. That should bother all of us. Regardless of party. Didn't somebody overstep their authority a tad?
Facts mean nothing to the media.

How about this fact you dumbshit: Scalia would have ruled against trump the dump.

Scalia would have applauded the asylum ruling Trump rages about
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
Things aren't going too well for these campesinos who only want a better life at your expense.
I have been around so many Mexicans so much, I almost forget what it's like being around Americans. This isn't Mexico. Never has been. I have known so many "Hispanics" that I know better. Illegal aliens aren't acceptable viable immigrants. All the people, even Hispanics, I have known reject Latin American illegal aliens.Which begs the next question, HOW the hell do they get sanctuary and by who's authority? we the so called people were never asked if we want to give illegals sanctuary from federal law. Nope. Somebody usurped that authority and just did it anyway without American's consent. That should bother all of us. Regardless of party. Didn't somebody overstep their authority a tad?
Facts mean nothing to the media.

How about this fact you dumbshit: Scalia would have ruled against trump the dump.

Scalia would have applauded the asylum ruling Trump rages about

I sincerely doubt that, Antonin Scalia was no ingrate, and would have shown appreciation for Presidential Medal of Freedom his president awarded him with.

The new America...
Nothing puts the lie in liberal like claiming children were targeted by tear gas at the border. These "desperate poor people"
have a funny way of applying for asylum.
Yep, I always thought that the poor were humble, kind, and meek human beings. When found in these ways, people then respond to those situations or ways in kind. What we have is a crowd put into a frenzy by the Demon-crat/liberals/leftist/(?) who have alledgedly led these people on a March against Trump and the policies of the Trump administration.

Creating a situation like we have seen across the globe in the middle East is unforgivable.

If bloodshed takes place on the border, then our leadership should immediately look to this side of the border for those in power who were responsible for this situation (investigated), and if there is evidence this has been orchastrated by those on our side, then they should be arrested and stripped of their power.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.

President Trump owes everyone , including yourself however, to defend the southern border at San Ysidro. And that's what he did when he closed the border temporarily and used tear gas to repel the lawbreakers.

Any more disturbances, no matter how minor, and he will shut down the border permanently no questions asked.

He doesn't want to, he realizes that Tijuana's livelihood depends on Americans legally crossing the border to visit bordellos, donkey shows and other sites in Tijuana.

But he'll do whatever he needs to do to protect Americans and the sanctity of our border.

Americans, however, will still be able to fly into Mexico to partake in Hispanic culture
I can't believe a word of what a "conservative" says. It's been 50 years since they have fought the efforts to limit world population growth. Ever heard of ZPG? The "conservatives" still want more unwanted babies, with no plan as to where these babies will go and who will care for them and raise them
Why do you support using children as human shields?

Nobody has, moron. These "conservative" types knew for 50 years that the population bomb would go off. But these pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies even when the problem was pointed out to them. That was half a century ago. I remember my late father remarking upon what was happening in central and south America, and that was during to 1960's. The "conservative" pig-fuckers wanted more and more babies. The Catholics, the Protestants: more fucking! more babies! Now the proceeds of this nonsense are standing on your doorstep and you don't want them.

Do all of us a favor. Go out and find a "conservative" who was against ZPG. Who was against educating people worldwide as to how they could limit their births through technology. String them up.

Too funny.

This has nothing to do with ZPG, but rather the unwillingness of the would-be illegals to fight for their own nations, as we did here, and may do so again.

Now the US has a cozy set-up, and encouraged by the Democrats the caravans want a part of it. It's time to put out the "No Vacancy sign", and enforce it.

The white trash fought against birth control and sex education every step of the way for fifty years. Now they refuse to accept responsibility. My Dad called this in the 1960's. You jackasses have got what you wanted. So accept it. Take responsibility.

These jackasses are the same as those in the present day who are against birth control and abortion, but have no plans offered as to where these unwanted infants are to go and who is going to take care of them and raise them.
“The white trash”

Says a lot about what a pathetic racist you are.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.
True, you are free to be as anti-American as you wish. Just remember, every citizen in the US also enjoys that same right regarding YOU, the Democrats, and the Media. Oh, but I'm being redundant.
I've heard reports today that minutemen militia groups on the border have been throwing rocks at migrants to frighten and stir them up. Just heard it again on MSNBC a few minutes ago. Sad, if true.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.

President Trump owes everyone , including yourself however, to defend the southern border at San Ysidro. And that's what he did when he closed the border temporarily and used tear gas to repel the lawbreakers.

Any more disturbances, no matter how minor, and he will shut down the border permanently no questions asked.

He doesn't want to, he realizes that Tijuana's livelihood depends on Americans legally crossing the border to visit bordellos, donkey shows and other sites in Tijuana.

But he'll do whatever he needs to do to protect Americans and the sanctity of our border.

Americans, however, will still be able to fly into Mexico to partake in Hispanic culture

Stupid. Ridiculous. This pig-fucker is not defending us from anything. He is just trash.

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