Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

I've heard reports today that minutemen militia groups on the border have been throwing rocks at migrants to frighten and stir them up. Just heard it again on MSNBC a few minutes ago. Sad, if true.
If it's on MSNBC it is likely not true. On the American side there is sufficient border patrol that rock throwing from this side would not be possible.

The new America...

Nothing screams bad parenting like taking your kids into harms way.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.
People's free speech rights can be taken away you know, and this by law enforcement if the speech causes something negative to take place against a person or person's, and this being all due to the extreme nature of the rehtoric and/or due to the extreme disrespectfulness of it in which possibly causes other people to do stupid things in relation to it, and worse in a cult sort of way..

Hopefully for you, it is that no one follows you much or cares much about what you have to say. Wait - That must be what's making you so vile in life. LOL.

The new America...

Nothing screams bad parenting like taking your kids into harms way.
Especially if they were coached by others in doing so. Politics has gotten to be the worst in this country these days. People have way too much of their lives wrapped up in it these days. I mean Hollyweird has even been dragged up to their ears in it now.

Big time DUH !!!!
And nobody in lefty world ever notices what flag they carry............ The illegals are paid to act just like democrats and hate the pro american ways.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Do you realize that using the kinds of langauge that you use against our leaders for whom have been charged to run this country, is a violation of your free speech rights ?? You attacking the President in the ways that you do is the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Why you might ask ? It's because if you yell fire in a crowded theater, then you will incite those who may not have a level head of course, where next they may incite others to stampede the crowd. If your words incite others in a negative way to attack our president, then you have violated your free speech rights. It's best to be respectful when you speak, and you can get the same points accross when doing so. Just sayin.
I have my rights to free speech. I do not owe any respect to the two whores who now sit as "president" and "vice president." These pig-fuckers are not my leaders. As an American, I owe them nothing.
People's free speech rights can be taken away you know, and this by law enforcement if the speech causes something negative to take place against a person or person's, and this being all due to the extreme nature of the rehtoric and/or due to the extreme disrespectfulness of it in which possibly causes other people to do stupid things in relation to it, and worse in a cult sort of way..
Huh? WTF?
I've heard reports today that minutemen militia groups on the border have been throwing rocks at migrants to frighten and stir them up. Just heard it again on MSNBC a few minutes ago. Sad, if true.[
Good, god. Have we Americans sunken to this level of disgrace
The white trash fought against birth control and sex education every step of the way for fifty years..
“The white trash”

Says a lot about what a pathetic racist you are.

Isn't it funny how those who most loudly, with one tip of their forked tongue, profess to condemn racism and bigotry, very often, with the other tip of their forked tongue, reveal themselves to be far worse racists and bigots than they are fond of falsely accusing others of being?
I hope they get violent! Time to open fire with full automatic weapons! Tanks,Helicopters!
Why aren't you there helping out? Or are you too afraid?
Because progressives such as yourself would prosecute me for properly protecting my nation. So I’m forced to sit and leave it to the “professionals”. That’s fine. Just as well.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
You're not proud to be an American because the President wants to secure our border? You do realize that if we let in all of the people who want to come here that we will no longer be able to afford all of the "freebies" that you on the left love to give out to buy votes? As I've pointed out can have open can have an entitlement society...YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH!!!
Medical experts say tear gas can cause serious physical and psychological harm in children.

Alan Shapiro, chief medical director at Terra Firma, a program that treats immigrant children, said the migrants in the caravan should be able to enter the U.S. without being subjected to physical or emotional trauma by the federal government. “Throwing tear gas at children is not immigration policy. Separating children from their parents is not immigration policy,” Shapiro said. “It’s torture.”

Tear gas, a chemical weapon that is banned on battlefields in almost every country, has a particularly harsh effect on children because of their weaker respiratory systems, according to doctors. Julie Linton, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics and a pediatrician, said that in addition to watering eyes and a burning sensation in their throats and noses, children can have trouble breathing because of their smaller airways.

Doctors Say Using Tear Gas On Migrant Children Can Have Severe, Long-Lasting Effects

So sad...


Maria Lila Meza Castro, a 39-year-old from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands of Central Americans trying to reach the United States, runs from tear gas with her 5-year-old twins, Saira Nalleli Mejia Meza, left, and Cheili Nalleli Mejia Meza, at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana on Nov. 25.
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The :conservatives" always want more babies and fought every effort to limit population growth through birth control, fought access to birth control, and efforts to educate people on how to use it. This disaster would not be happening but for the "conservatives" efforts for ignorance. And they want more babies. "Abstinence only"?

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