Hundreds of migrants rush California port of enter port has been down

WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

GFY. If this shit keeps up, I suggest the US push south to that choke point. The wall will be much cheaper that way. It's not like Mexico is doing a great job of governing themselves, anyways.

Rangers vs. Cartels?

I would bet on the Rangers. They fuck shit up!

Absodamnlutely CORRECT!

You want everything free? What is free? And how do ewe get it?

What would Jesus do?

Probably not endorse them trying to break into a nation that is not their own, using illegal force, illegally.

I mean according to your Lakota ancestors, did not the white man come onto Native land illegally? I think they probably did, fwiw. Would Jesus endorse that, in your view, I'm just wondering? Fwiw I don't think he would. And I don't think he would endorse it from these people either
There was no country then. Only barbaric warring tribes.

I'm not saying you're wrong. But no doubt Lakota thinks what the white man did at that time was every kind of illegal there was, and he absolutely thinks Jesus would disapprove.

Lakhota is a leftist shill tard. Need I say more?

Of course not but I would really love him to answer my question.

Did the white man break onto Lakota land illegally or not? Would Jesus have been cool with that Lakhota?

So why are you cool with these Hondurans breaking onto our land ILLEGALLY???

You gonna answer or no?

He might "reply" but there will be no answer.

There has been no reply. I think that's reply enough, don't you?
WTF Did Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett give their lives at the Alamo for if these leftists just let them in anyways?

Shoot them as they approach, fuck that! They are invaders.

Why don't they go out into the wilderness and start a new life in Mexico?

Their own country even?

Funny. Bowie and Crockett died while helping greedy NaziCons steal Mexican land. Give it back. The Alamo was a crock of shit - just more lies like with Native Americans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

GFY. If this shit keeps up, I suggest the US push south to that choke point. The wall will be much cheaper that way. It's not like Mexico is doing a great job of governing themselves, anyways.

Rangers vs. Cartels?

I would bet on the Rangers. They fuck shit up!

The "wall" is a stupid idea and always will be. A gigantic waste of money.

Who cares about Bowie and Crockett? You have been watching too much TV. I've spent a lot of time in texas, unfortunately, including visiting the Alamo. The whole "Texas" "patriot" thing is a farce, but the marketing of this myth generates a lot of tourist bucks.

WRONG.... The wall will do much more than stop Invaders. We're talking HT, DT, BMT....all adding up to Billions in enforcement challenges. The way we pay for itself In three months after completion.

I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Dumb ass communist liberals are the blame for the problem we are having at the border because they only believe in amnesty, a path to citizenship, automatic birthright citizenship, catch and release which will not fix our immigration problem. Border security and enforcement of our immigration laws will. Liberals see brown votes and Catholic churches see more members and more money in their hands. Build the damn wall asap and deport and deport those who enter legally.
The Wall will prevent more from coming into the US.

Once its built we can boot those already here out and they won't be able to get back in.

Win, win for the US.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

I don't get it, Lys. Do you really think that if President Trump would have just opened the border and let thousands of Illegals into California it would have been a good thing?

Our President did the only thing he could do.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.
Dumb ass communist liberals are the blame for the problem we are having at the border because they only believe in amnesty, a path to citizenship, automatic birthright citizenship, catch and release which will not fix our immigration problem. Border security and enforcement of our immigration laws will. Liberals see brown votes and Catholic churches see more members and more money in their hands. Build the damn wall asap and deport and deport those who enter legally.

This thread validates the Left want no borders, despite their repeated denials during the past few years.

Thank God Bill’s wife is just an asterisk in history.
But now we have an orange whore and a sexually-obsessed pig. Why aren't these "christians" sending Jesus to the border to help those who have nothing? See that woman with the children in the picture? They need help, and they need it right now. We used to have a proud nation. Now we have a disgrace.

They need help to go back fucking home

You know if Trump would have just opened the gate wide open and a big rush of illegals went into California, he would have received blame for that as well.

It isn't like there was anything that our President could have done that would have pleased libs.

Thank God Almighty he didn't try.
I just heard. The dumb whore in the White House at his "finest." This is what happens when trash takes hold of the federal government. This is truly a moment to be ashamed to be an American. It's a new experience for me to be an American who cannot be proud of my country.

I don't get it, Lys. Do you really think that if President Trump would have just opened the border and let thousands of Illegals into California it would have been a good thing?

Our President did the only thing he could do.

They're doing no thinking at all except what the globalists tell them to think just before they recharge their ebt cards and pay their Section 8 rents.

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What if we decided to empty our jails and prisons, round up all our drug addicts, and criminals, and homeless and faggots and trannies and all the other lowest dregs of our citizenry, and send them all to Mexico, and refuse to allow them back into our country? What power on Earth is there that could stop us, if we, as a nation, decided to do this?

Like Castro did to us with the Mariel boatlift in 1980. And look at South Florida now. It's not even part of the United States anymore. Try doing business down there using the English language. Good luck with that.

Cannot feed self..check! Oh, that's a negative right there.

1. Can't support yourself.
2. Can't speak English.
3. Uneducated to downright illiterate.
4. No marketable skills.
5. Bailed on your own country instead of fighting to make it better.
6. Waving your failed county's flag as you flee from it.

More than a few negatives piling up there. What positive could come out of letting someone like this in? (Besides more votes for Dems).
It’s amazing how much humanity republicans lack. Pure selfishness and a shocking lack of empathy.
We are a nation of laws.
Don’t give me that shit. Seeking asylum has always been legal. Either way, have you broken the law before? The answer is yes so you’re a hypocrite.

Seeking asylum is legal. Crossing the border without permission is not. What's hard to understand?
I can't believe a word of what a "conservative" says. It's been 50 years since they have fought the efforts to limit world population growth. Ever heard of ZPG? The "conservatives" still want more unwanted babies, with no plan as to where these babies will go and who will care for them and raise them
Breaking911 on Twitter
HAPPENING NOW: Hundreds of migrants rush California port of entry, port has been shut down

View attachment 230822

You asked for it all you are now going to get it, don't think the borders being shut down will keep them out.

then we have this

View attachment 230823

US border control agents stand in formation during a show of force as Central American migrants mass on the other side of the frontier (AFP Photo/Guillermo Arias)

Migrants defy Trump at Mexico border as US forces flex muscle
. Recall that the news media and people like Bill Maher said there is no caravan coming to the United StAtes. Thank god for our border pTrol and military. Hold the line boys! Gas the fuckers if that's what it takes.

Yep as long as they can keep their idiots dumbed down they will do it, even when the lies are caught in plain view.

The more you see it all the more amazing it gets on how stupid these idiots ( leftist) truly are. It's mind blowing how fkn stupid these assholes really are.
And the left's media has been reporting that the caravan didn't even exist.

Betcha see the lies being done in plain view now dontcha.......

Most . can't comprehend why they want ALEX JONES off the air well shit like that is why he tells teh truth as MSM lies.

You just saw for yourself how they LIE and say there is no caravan ......... they do it right in our faces they don't hide it any more they know and think the public is that stupid.

They meaning

TRUMP HATERS..............

SOROS funds this bs.

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