Hundreds Of Protestors Rally Against Rep. Ilhan Omar At Hamas-Linked CAIR Fundraiser


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I really don’t understand the Dims. This woman openly supports a group linked to terrorism and nothing is done about it. In fact, they give her access to highly sensitive intelligence through her position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Rejecting Islamic anti-Semitism and its normalization. This is good to see. Omar ought to be under fire for appearing for Hamas-linked CAIR.

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department.

CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.

And word has it that a large number of people in her home district are taking steps to see she only serves 2 years in Congress.

Too bad there weren’t thousands protesting her appearance.

More @ California: Hundreds Of Protestors Rally Against Rep. Ilhan Omar At Hamas-Linked CAIR Fundraiser
What would you expect from a member of the death cult?

She lives and breaths Sharia law and as far as she concerned the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

No way should any member of the death cult be in our Government. Those that voted her in aren't any better.
Good. Muslim American-hating filth need to be locked in cages, have the cages thrown into a river, and somehow have that river catapulted directly into the sun. CAIR is one of the only toxic organizations in America that I loathe just as much as their DNC human condoms.

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