Hundreds of U.S. citizens, Afghan commandos successfully evacuated through secret CIA base

To be out in May of 2021, and he was not President because he lost the election, so it is on Biden who also knew of the plan to leave Afghanistan which he was happy we were doing. Good grief, did you really want Trump to take us out of Afghanistan? You are such a partisan. You can't even accept the fact Biden hung out his guy Muhammad to dry.

You are as bad as a Trumphumper, I think you should change your handle to Bidenista.

So why did Trump want to wait eleven months?
To be out in May of 2021, and he was not President because he lost the election, so it is on Biden who also knew of the plan to leave Afghanistan which he was happy we were doing. Good grief, did you really want Trump to take us out of Afghanistan? You are such a partisan. You can't even accept the fact Biden hung out his guy Muhammad to dry.

You are as bad as a Trumphumper, I think you should change your handle to Bidenista.

Muhammed and his family were evacuated. Nice looking family. I posted their picture.
So why did Trump want to wait eleven months?
The agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan was scheduled to be completed May of 2021. Trump had been drawing down for the year. So according to the agreement the US was obligated until May.
The agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan was scheduled to be completed May of 2021. Trump had been drawing down for the year. So according to the agreement the US was obligated until May.

Trump had drawn down from 13,000 to 2500 and released 5,000 Taliban prisoners by Sept 2020.
Muhammed and his family were evacuated. Nice looking family. I posted their picture.
The Muhammed that saved Biden, Kerry and Hagal were not recused. He was an interpreter and the man you are referencing is a former police officer. The man you posted the picture of was rescued Tuesday. As of Thursday, the man who rescued Biden is still in hiding with his family in Afghanistan. I do realize there are a lot of Muhammeds over there.

I would have thought Biden would have made him a priority but I guess not.
Trump had drawn down from 13,000 to 2500 and released 5,000 Taliban prisoners by Sept 2020.
Correct but the agreed upon date in February of 2020 was to exit Afghanistan by May 2021. That had been the target date from day one. It was only in April did Biden change the withdrawal date to September 11, 2021. So according to the agreement Trump was following the timeline agreed upon by him and the Taliban.
Anonymous sources and no documents provided.
Sounds like a CIA fairytale.
Crickets from MAGA-land.
Well, this kind of thing is bad news for them.

Numbers, they need better numbers.
Wow what an unamerican post. Everyone is glad those people made it out and only idiots would think otherwise.

If Bidung had followed the plan they ALL would have been out months ago. That's what people dislike about Bidungs handling of the whole thing.
Well, this kind of thing is bad news for them.

Numbers, they need better numbers.

The only numbers we need are the Gov't's official number of American citizens/green card holders/SIV approved people left behind.

And our Gov't refuses to categorically give them!!
LMAO Trump has more balls then your boy Bidung will ever have.

Oh Trump would have gotten it done if he were the CIC.

Bidung fucked up. Glad loads were evacuated. Too bad some were left.

If Bidung had followed the plan ALL of them would have been out months ago along with loads of the billion dollars worth of American military equipment which the Taliban now have.

Your boy Bidung is an incompetent boob which you voted for. Congrats.
Oh its on the board. Look it up. Just so you know there was a plan. A plan Bidung didnt' follow.
“Look it up” is almost always a clear indication that it doesn’t actually exist.

None of you read the “plan” you’re referring to.
Well, there's goes your lame talking point! :auiqs.jpg:

Hundreds of U.S. citizens, Afghan commandos successfully evacuated through secret CIA base

As the Biden administration scrambled to conduct a massive evacuation effort from Afghanistan, American officials quietly instructed U.S. citizens and at-risk Afghans, including Afghan commandos, to head to a secret CIA base outside Kabul to secure safe passage to the U.S. amid increased risks of a terrorist attack on the capital city’s main airport.

The clandestine operation, which took place over several weeks in August, resulted in the successful evacuation of hundreds of American citizens and vulnerable Afghans, including members of the elite Afghan special forces and their family members. At least 1,000 Afghan commandos and their family members were evacuated in the overall U.S. effort.
Glad we weee able to get some folks out…sad it was left to some covert operation to save these folks because of xiden’s blunder…the question remains how many more are being held hostage?

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