Hundreds of U.S. citizens, Afghan commandos successfully evacuated through secret CIA base

Well they sure got a lot from Bidung. How bout billions of dollars worth of American military equipment. I don't here you bitching about that. LOL

The US has armed every faction in Afghanistan since 1979. Why didn't Trump bring home any weapons in 2020 when he cut troops from 13,000 to 2500?
Sure Trump was play golf he wasn't the CIC. Bidung was.

And he did get many out but he left some behind. No if, if, if, if about that.

I guess that's your idea of tough shit.
The US has armed every faction in Afghanistan since 1979. Why didn't Trump bring home any weapons in 2020 when he cut troops from 13,000 to 2500?
What was left there was for the Afghan army. Who knew they would boogie at the first sign of the Taliban entering the city. I'm sure if Trump had known he would have pulled all that armament out.

If he were CIC today he would bomb the shit out of Bagram and destroy it all which is what Bidung should have done.
Well, there's goes your lame talking point! :auiqs.jpg:

Hundreds of U.S. citizens, Afghan commandos successfully evacuated through secret CIA base

As the Biden administration scrambled to conduct a massive evacuation effort from Afghanistan, American officials quietly instructed U.S. citizens and at-risk Afghans, including Afghan commandos, to head to a secret CIA base outside Kabul to secure safe passage to the U.S. amid increased risks of a terrorist attack on the capital city’s main airport.

The clandestine operation, which took place over several weeks in August, resulted in the successful evacuation of hundreds of American citizens and vulnerable Afghans, including members of the elite Afghan special forces and their family members. At least 1,000 Afghan commandos and their family members were evacuated in the overall U.S. effort.
Did the 24 American Students from California get out? What about the interpreter and his family that unfortunately saved Biden and Kerry?
Trump had no plan. Just like Trump had no plan for dispensing COVID vaccinations.

Before the election Trump promised to get all the soldiers out of Afghanistan by Christmas. So any Trump plan would have had to be place before Christmas 2020, and not wait until May 2021.
Trump wasn't President in May, that Trump didn't get them out in by Christmas is on Trump. The fact that Biden screwed it up so bad in August is on Biden. I never believed one of Trump's or Biden's campaign promises, are you saying you did? I am ecstatic that we are out of Afghanistan, I am disappointed how it was carried out.
You pointed out an important thing about the agreement. It was for the withdrawal of our troops, not the withdrawal of Americans from the country.

Trump never had a plan to get Americans, or the Afghans who helped us, out of the country.
And... does that make Biden's screw ups any better? Does that excuse him abandoning the guy who rescued him? Does that excuse how he handled the whole Afghanistan affair after he had eight months to figure it out? Biden was elected to do the job, he knew what needed to do in November and he messed it up.

Trump wasn't re-elected because the American didn't want him, they wanted Biden and he is what we got. You Bidenistas are sounding like Trumpers. but...but...but...Trump! What ever happened to Democrats motto, the buck stops here?
Sure Trump was play golf he wasn't the CIC. Bidung was.

And he did get many out but he left some behind. No if, if, if, if about that.

I guess that's your idea of tough shit.
He is a brain dead Bidenista. He can't be critical of anyone but Trump.
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Trump got NOTHING in return from the Taliban in his Feb 2020 deal with the Taliban in Doha.
and they got nothing…he didn’t leave.

It was a plan, they didn’t do their part. We stayed, until xiden surrendered, and for xiden’s surrender we got dead americans and allies

apparently you think that makes him brave
Trump had 12 months to implement his plan. Why didn't he?

Rump is an ass but so are you. He DID activate it twit. The troops drew down to 2500 in January of 2021. The agreement was then to have no troops by May of 2021. Why didn't Joe get that done?
Rump is an ass but so are you. He DID activate it twit. The troops drew down to 2500 in January of 2021. The agreement was then to have no troops by May of 2021. Why didn't Joe get that done?

Trump didn't talk with the Afghan government or the Afghan Security Forces.
Who do you think you are kidding??

If Trump had been the CIC in charge of the clusterfuck of the Stan you'd be ripping him a new asshole all over this board. Hell you wouldn't even give him credit for getting those out that he did. And you would be screaming bloody murder about those that got left.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at you.
Thank you for telling everyone that all your fake outrage over Biden is purely political posturing.
Crickets from MAGA-land.
Ain't no Prog feminists did this. the deep state they have a massive say did if true. These people overseas are going to to eviscerate you if they ever get here.
Biden and his administration knew since January 20th 2021 they had to start getting people out by May 1st 2021 because of the deal and they waited until shit got really dangerously hot in Afghanistan to finally do what they should have been doing from January 21st 2021 until May 1st 2021, so let be clear Biden fucked up badly!
The guy who signed the deal withdrew no civilians only military units why did he not do the job he started?

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