Hungary Built a Wall and Stopped 99% of Its Illegal Immigration


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well if we are to test the effectiveness of wall to curtail illegal immigration, then the example of states that have done such things would be useful.

Hungary's wall has had immense success.

Dont the American people deserve as much also?

Hungary Builds a Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration by Over 99 Per Cent

Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S.

Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal Hungary’s border with Serbia — which is also an external border for the European Union — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Chief Security Advisor, György Bakondi, announced that the fences have caused illegal immigration to collapse from 391,000 in 2015, to 18,236 in 2016, to just 1,184 in 2017.

“The system of technical barriers is the key to the success of border security, and without it, it would be impossible to stop the mass arrival of immigrants”, the security chief explained.
These immigrants aren't criminals. They're just Hungary.

Get it? Eh?

I'm going to hang myself now.
Fake news from Breitbart. The "wall" is about 400 miles of concertina wire fence.
These immigrants aren't criminals. They're just Hungary.

Get it? Eh?

I'm going to hang myself now.

Well dont Russia self to the noose, like some young Turkey.

Dont let guilt Greece the ladder to your own Czech mate.

Some Benin fellow will always promise to Fiji, but dont set yourself up to find out Egypt you instead.
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Fake news from Breitbart. The "wall" is about 400 miles of concertina wire fence.
Wow, so just concertina wire was able to reduce illegal immigration by 99%?

Then a real wall would end it finally once and for all, surely!
I'm not completely against a wall, but it's stupid to compare us to countries like Hungary and Israel. It will stop some from coming in illegally, but far less than one of those much smaller countries. Cubans will float for 90 miles on a door to get here, and their country is probably a lot less shitty than Mexico.
of course walls work and you have to congratulate the 5 or 6 eastern euro countries that are telling the 'eu' to pound sand . --- How 6 Eastern European nations have hunted down refugees—in policy, and in practice --- WHO is it that wants muslim refugee invaders in their civilized countries eh . Most of these E. euro countries have had experience with muslims in the past so its my hope that they remain hardline against muslim refugee invaders that are simply on a migration as 'mohamad' advises using as a tactic of war .
I'm not completely against a wall, but it's stupid to compare us to countries like Hungary and Israel. It will stop some from coming in illegally, but far less than one of those much smaller countries. Cubans will float for 90 miles on a door to get here, and their country is probably a lot less shitty than Mexico.

Well walls are not intended to be passive systems of prevention. They must be coupled with active monitoring and human patrols to be truly effective.

And I am not sure that Mexico is shittier than Cuba.

That's kinda like choosing between a shutgun shot in the forehead or a shot in the back of the head.
Well if we are to test the effectiveness of wall to curtail illegal immigration, then the example of states that have done such things would be useful.

Hungary's wall has had immense success.

Dont the American people deserve as much also?

Hungary Builds a Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration by Over 99 Per Cent

Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S.

Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal Hungary’s border with Serbia — which is also an external border for the European Union — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Chief Security Advisor, György Bakondi, announced that the fences have caused illegal immigration to collapse from 391,000 in 2015, to 18,236 in 2016, to just 1,184 in 2017.

“The system of technical barriers is the key to the success of border security, and without it, it would be impossible to stop the mass arrival of immigrants”, the security chief explained.

The fact that Israel and Hungary effected a successful border wall, does it really follow that our US Congress is capable of the same? I mean, the greatest success the democrats have had in ages (at least in their minds) was Obamacare and it is a total raging clusterfuck, and look at the greatest success the republicans have had in years, it was . . . . . . wait, nope, not that . . . . . ah, no, not that either. Hmmm. I guess you would have to go back to the 1980's and Ronny Reagan's handling of the Soviets with the SDI and Germany's Berlin Wall. The greatest success Washington has really had in the modern age is tying up everything so much in procedural law that it takes forever and costs a zillion dollars to move anything through the system to ultimate failure on consensus. But it keeps all the lawyers busy making a fortune while the rest of America burns. In fact, the less Congress gets done, the more profitable it is to all involved. The U.S. Taxpayer is a hand-puppet with the arm of government up our ass.
Well if we are to test the effectiveness of wall to curtail illegal immigration, then the example of states that have done such things would be useful.

Hungary's wall has had immense success.

Dont the American people deserve as much also?

Hungary Builds a Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration by Over 99 Per Cent

Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S.

Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal Hungary’s border with Serbia — which is also an external border for the European Union — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Chief Security Advisor, György Bakondi, announced that the fences have caused illegal immigration to collapse from 391,000 in 2015, to 18,236 in 2016, to just 1,184 in 2017.

“The system of technical barriers is the key to the success of border security, and without it, it would be impossible to stop the mass arrival of immigrants”, the security chief explained.
None of our States can do that; tourism is one of the largest employers in twenty-nine.
I'm not completely against a wall, but it's stupid to compare us to countries like Hungary and Israel. It will stop some from coming in illegally, but far less than one of those much smaller countries. Cubans will float for 90 miles on a door to get here, and their country is probably a lot less shitty than Mexico.
------------------------------------- and in the USA we need the wall and a whole bunch of other things , laws targeting illegal aliens from mexico and everywhere else . Plus get rid of 'sanctuary cities' and a whole bunch of other lefty policies that help illegal aliens .
During the Iron Curtain era communists did not build fences/walls (except the Berlin Wall), they used mine fields and shot people on the spot when illegally crossing the border. It worked and that's why it was called the Iron Curtain.
Fake news from Breitbart. The "wall" is about 400 miles of concertina wire fence.
Wow, so just concertina wire was able to reduce illegal immigration by 99%?

Then a real wall would end it finally once and for all, surely!

Yeah, but it's Hungary. They probably looked at this shitty little fence and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. :dunno:
----------------------------------------------------------------- its not just 'Hungary' --- How 6 Eastern European nations have hunted down refugees—in policy, and in practice --- there are others , 5 or 6 in total and the the Israeli wall plus the Saudis are building a 6 hundred mile wall . Walls are becoming popular because they make sense ALand .
Fake news from Breitbart. The "wall" is about 400 miles of concertina wire fence.
Wow, so just concertina wire was able to reduce illegal immigration by 99%?

Then a real wall would end it finally once and for all, surely!
They have had to deploy at least 3,OOO additional new border guards to try and catch all the people breaking through the fence every night. It has cost them so much that Hungary is begging the EU to help them fund their boondoggle. The EU is telling them no, it is Hungary's boondoggle.
Fake news from Breitbart. The "wall" is about 400 miles of concertina wire fence.
Wow, so just concertina wire was able to reduce illegal immigration by 99%?

Then a real wall would end it finally once and for all, surely!
They have had to deploy at least 3,OOO additional new border guards to try and catch all the people breaking through the fence every night. It has cost them so much that Hungary is begging the EU to help them fund their boondoggle. The EU is telling them no, it is Hungary's boondoggle.
----------------------------------------------------- you have link or are we to trust an anti American anti TRUMP border wall lefty like YOU Camp . Lets see the links to what you claim Camp . :afro:
And so what , another 3000 border guards guarding the border , whats the problem with that Camp ??

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