Hungary: National Consultation on Immigration and Terrorism


Silver Member
Apr 14, 2015
April 24, 2015
"National consultation on immigration to begin"
Government page: National consultation on immigration to begin

"Answers from every Hungarian citizen who completed the age of 18 years are expected by 1 July 2015.
According to the information provided by the Government Spokesperson, the mailing of the more than 8 million questionnaires will begin as of the beginning of May. The postal service will need 30 to 40 days to deliver the letters, and answers are expected by 1 July. Also on this occasion, the questionnaires will be processed by the Central Office for Public Administration and Electronic Public Administration Services (KEKKH).
Based on the Cabinet’s estimate, the consultation will cost some HUF 960 million; however, a full account will be given of the final costs at a later date, he added."
The English version of the questionnaire;

National Consultation on Immigration and Terrorism

1] One can hear many different opinions with regard to the increasing acts of terrorism. How important do You consider the advance [térnyerés] of terrorism (the massacre in France, the alarming acts of ISIS) from the perspective of your own life?

-Really Important -Important -Not Important

2] Do You believe that Hungary could be the target of terrorist acts over the coming years?

-There is a serious chance of this -It could happen -It is totally excluded

3] There are those who believe that the advance of terrorism is connected to the poor handling of immigration by Brussels. Do You agree with these opinions?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

4] Did You know that subsistence immigrants cross the Hungarian border illegally and that the number of immigrants in Hungary has risen twentyfold over the recent period?

-Yes -I have heard of it -I did not know

5] One can hear many opinions regarding the question of immigration. There are those who believe that subsistence immigrants threaten the workplaces and subsistence of Hungarian people. Do You agree with these opinions?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

6] There are those who believe that the policy of Brussels toward immigration and terrorism has failed and that a new approach is therefore necessary with regard to this question. Do You agree with these opinions?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

7] Would You support the Hungarian government if, contrary to the permissive policy of Brussels, it introduced stricter regulation of immigration?

-Yes, I would completely support it -I would partially support it -I would not support it

8] Would You support the Hungarian government if it introduced stricter regulation on the basis of which it would be possible to take into custody immigrants who cross the Hungarian border illegally?

-Yes, I would completely support it -I would partially support it -I would not support it

9] Do You agree with the opinion that immigrants who cross the Hungarian border illegally should be turned back to their own homelands as soon as possible?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

10] Do You agree that subsistence immigrants should themselves provide for the cost of their provision while they are in Hungary?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

11] Do You agree that the best means of fighting against immigration would be for European Union member states to help with the development of those countries from which the immigrants arrive?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

12] Do You agree with the Hungarian government that instead of immigration, it is necessary to support Hungarian families and children to be born [születendő gyermekek]?

-I completely agree -I mostly agree -I do not agree

Returning the questionnaire is free. Deadline: July 1, 2015

This is the original;

A total of 1,000,254 people returned the questionnaire, and 58,000 Hungarians responded online, the spokesman said.

The government spokesman said 70% of respondents considered the spread of terrorism a trend with an impact on their own lives....
The rest of the data here:
Spokesman: Hungarians Expect Government To Tackle Illegal Immigration - Hungary Today

(There is more too: Europe is at stake today )

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