Hungary Shows the West How to Restore Demographic Growth, and the Left RAGES!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Left is so committed to Western demographic suicide that they dont care how stupid or treasonous they look doing it!

Report: Hungary Counters Europe’s Demographic Winter

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Pecknold notes in an essay in the Catholic Herald Thursday.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period. This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots....

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work,” Ms. Novak stated.​
The Left is so committed to Western demographic suicide that they dont care how stupid or treasonous they look doing it!

Report: Hungary Counters Europe’s Demographic Winter

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Pecknold notes in an essay in the Catholic Herald Thursday.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period. This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots....

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work,” Ms. Novak stated.​

OMG there's Hope after all.

The Left is so committed to Western demographic suicide that they dont care how stupid or treasonous they look doing it!

Report: Hungary Counters Europe’s Demographic Winter

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Pecknold notes in an essay in the Catholic Herald Thursday.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period. This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots....

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work,” Ms. Novak stated.​

I left Hungary in 1956.

When I visited my family the last time my brother lamented that God loves Hungary no more.

I told him that if more Hungarians attended church and fewer attended abortion clinics, God might just change His mind.

I am happy that Prime Minister Victor Orban agrees.
Hungary was one of the very few European countries that refused to be bullied into accepting hordes of refugees.
Orban, from the land of Soros, is one of the world's most effective and aware leaders but don't expect the mainstream media to point this out.
They would rather ignore him.
The Left is so committed to Western demographic suicide that they dont care how stupid or treasonous they look doing it!

Report: Hungary Counters Europe’s Demographic Winter

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Pecknold notes in an essay in the Catholic Herald Thursday.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period. This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots....

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work,” Ms. Novak stated.​

Ive been interested in seeing some results
good for them

goddamn sensible government policy that helps encourages families to stay together and raise the birthrate
now if they can sustain it

But theyre still evil white racist xenophobic Christans who are destoryin the planet and refuse to take every diktat from the the totalitarian dicks of the Brussels politburo .
The Left is so committed to Western demographic suicide that they dont care how stupid or treasonous they look doing it!

Report: Hungary Counters Europe’s Demographic Winter

While European nations languish with rapidly declining birthrates, Hungary stands out with rising marriage rates, falling abortions, and its highest birthrate in 20 years, Pecknold notes in an essay in the Catholic Herald Thursday.

Marriage is up by 43 percent since 2010, while divorce has dropped by 22.5 percent in the same period. This demographic turnaround has not been an accident, but the fruit of deliberate programs to promote marriage and the family while defending Hungary’s cultural identity and Christian roots....

Standing firm in its position despite fierce opposition from the socialist left, the Orbán government enacted legislation resulting in “a comprehensive family-support system, a family-friendly tax system, a housing program, 800,000 new jobs, and many opportunities to create a balance between life and work,” Ms. Novak stated.​

Good for them and they are smart enough to keep the death cult out of their country.

Smart leaders.
In other words....let's do that here!!!

Oh wait.....this damn constitution keeps getting in the way!!

Oh wait......we keep saying we need less government, not more....damn!!!

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