Hunger striker Identified Poor Little Rich Boy

Thank goodness there are black "studies" programs to educate the the little mindless darlings on how victimized they are...

Africa beckons !!!!
Amazing how despite this being such a racist and horrible country that keeps it's boot firmly on the neck of poor whoa is me black people, this black family managed to become millionaires.
Amazing what can happen when you stop wallowing in your own pity how you can make something of yourself.
Weird how envious white boys think being wealthy keeps whites from being racist towards you.
My understanding was that you racist fucks maintain that racism is the reason you can't catch a break. Apparently, that's not true. I guess that means the rest of you are just lazy, garden variety losers looking for a free rude.
Key words are "my understanding". You have a hard time understanding a lot of things so I am not surprised that you think since some Blacks have overcome the obstacles of racism then it doesnt exist. I cant teach you to think intelligently but at some point you are going to have to figure it out on your own.
What I have figured out is that you are a stupid, lazy, racist fuck who engages in criminal thinking and defends thuggery by your black compares. You're the reason your people never succeed, no matter what continent you're on. You think and act like animals and until you own and change it, you'll never succeed, personally or globally.
Thats weird. By most peoples standards the kids parents are highly successful. So much for that idiotic logic of yours. Now if you meant succeed in turning white then you are correct. No one with any sense would want to be white.
How successful can they be with such a kid?
Very successful obviously. I know 8 million is out of your realm of comprehension so it doesnt compute. Also the fact their child is a leader at a university tells me they raised their child correctly. Your irrelevant opinion wont change that.
Amazing how despite this being such a racist and horrible country that keeps it's boot firmly on the neck of poor whoa is me black people, this black family managed to become millionaires.
Amazing what can happen when you stop wallowing in your own pity how you can make something of yourself.
Its not amazing. Once Blacks stop whining to whites about being racist and get to work they frequently outclass whites despite the racism. Its like my parents told me. I have to be 10x better than the best white boy to succeed. When money is involved even all but the most racist of whites will weigh their beliefs against the value my intellect and skills will bring. You just simple make yourself so amazing they cant ignore you. Sucks to have to work that hard while white boys get an easy pass but such is life. It just makes you stronger.

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