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Hunger Strikes Escalate 12 Detainees On Hunger Strike

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Actually, Skye, today there are missionaries in all of these restricted nations but they move around setting up underground churches, getting assistance for pastors & their families & materials through VOM - they get them bibles in their languages, - arabic, farsi, etc. there are even missionaries that cross into NK knowing that they aren't coming back out. Iran has a huge underground church now. None of the details of that information is ever made public in their newsletters, website. - Jeremiah

Didn't know that about NK... and those missionaries must be very courageous people, willing to risk life and limb going into those hotbeds of islamic terrorism.

And since when have there been hotbeds of Islamic terrorism in North Korea?

You are so dense it's almost unbelievable!

I was refering to the fact that Jeremiah said there are missionaries even crossing into NK ...:cuckoo:

then I continued with the rest... oh, you thick one!

Reading these posts and human beings laughing about others dying, I cannot help but think about the crowds who watched as Jesus was crucified and their cheers and their laughter and their mocking and cruel and inhumane words. It is kind of like each of the posters here by their words they write are crucifying Jesus one more time! We see the choices to love or to hate are the same now as then and many still making that second choice. Sherri
Stop invoking the name of Jesus, in your abject support of terrorist scum...you loony, phoney, terrorist loving asshole.

Wicked One,

Since when do followers of Jesus support human rights abuses liike those occurring in Israel's torture dungeons?

When you show me where Jesus says he supports these vile practices, I will support them, too! There is your challenge! Show me where Jesus calls His followers to support crimes agaisnt humanity like I am disclosing!?????????????????????????????????????????

There's only one thing to say......"though shalt not tell a lie".

Stop your damn lying, and cease invoking the name of Jesus while spewing your lies, asshole.

What you are doing while do so, is using his name in vain, and the price you end up paying for it, will surely not behoove you come your day of judgement.:eusa_whistle:

http://www.addameer.org/userfiles/image/Detention Chart Feb 2013.png

Detentions of children are rising.

Unlike your IQ.

Do you have anything to substantiate this graphic and why these people are being detained if that is true?
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Stop invoking the name of Jesus, in your abject support of terrorist scum...you loony, phoney, terrorist loving asshole.

Wicked One,

Since when do followers of Jesus support human rights abuses liike those occurring in Israel's torture dungeons?

When you show me where Jesus says he supports these vile practices, I will support them, too! There is your challenge! Show me where Jesus calls His followers to support crimes agaisnt humanity like I am disclosing!?????????????????????????????????????????

There's only one thing to say......"though shalt not tell a lie".

Stop your damn lying, and cease invoking the name of Jesus while spewing your lies, asshole.

What you are doing while do so, is using his name in vain, and the price you end up paying for it, will surely not behoove you come your day of judgement.:eusa_whistle:

Islam permits lying. It's called taqiyya. Islam is the religion of deceit.
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Reading these posts and human beings laughing about others dying, I cannot help but think about the crowds who watched as Jesus was crucified and their cheers and their laughter and their mocking and cruel and inhumane words. It is kind of like each of the posters here by their words they write are crucifying Jesus one more time! We see the choices to love or to hate are the same now as then and many still making that second choice. Sherri

sherri has posted the above statement several times--
and several times regarding the crowds
attending the crucifixtion of jesus

" their cheers and their laughter and their mocking
and cruel and inhumane words.
I read the new testament long ago I do not remember
a description of cheering crowds or laughter or mocking
etc ---except from the roman soldiers who were enacting
the crucifixtion. But that was nothing new----sherri's kith
and kin have considered torturing people to death a kind of
mass entertainment for millennia. From where arose the
cheering crowd? can some person who had actually read
the book tell me

to what is she referring?
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All of this talk about hunger strikes is making me hungry. Time for breakfast. Let the Rabs starve.
Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.
Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.

No love for the hundreds of thousands starving in Darfur, perpetrated by the pedophile worshippers?
Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.
They do not adequately discuss his legal situation. He is detained for cause, he violated the terms of the prisoner release agreement between his government and the Israeli government for which he was a third party beneficiary.

Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.

Why is the arab world the poorest on the planet, despite trillions in oil wealth?
Hunger strikes continue (and I continue) to find comfort in Jesus words

Hunger strikers are Muslims, you smartass!
They don't "take comfort" In Jesus' words!

Lipush----there is a new jesus----the one that the
muslims "respect" ----the one that never drank wine
and who hates jews and judaism ---most of all----
he is anti zionist ------he did a donkey ride entry
into Jerusalem to announce that it should not exist.

Sherri knows all about him because she understands
that the phrase "THIRST FOR JUSTICE" is a
translation of the aramaic ---"IF THE JEWS PUT YOU
Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.
They do not adequately discuss his legal situation. He is detained for cause, he violated the terms of the prisoner release agreement between his government and the Israeli government for which he was a third party beneficiary.


Zionist Connery,

These Zionist lies of yours are becoming so old and stale and out dated and obsolete and redundant!

Samer Issawi remains unlawfully detained by war criminals, we just have an opinion by the UN stating Israel is carrying out war crimes in the Occupoation, the illegal settlements (with the 600,000 or so illegal war criminal extremist settlers who live on stolen land within those settlements) are war crimes. That UN document was just released within the last couple of months. And we have UN releases stating the administrative detentions of Palestinian prisoners by Israel violate intl law, also by the UN, I note.

Samer Issawi and Ayman Sharawna and all the prisoners held under administrative detention by Israel remain held unlawfully by the Israeli war criminal Occupier , in unlawful detention, the victims of war crimes. The unlawful detentions violate intl law in multiple fashions, they are held outside the OPT in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, and they are held in violation of intl laws that require persons receive trials before being detained/imprisoned.

Israel should promptly release the unlawfully detained prisoners and abide fully by her obligations under intl law.

And you should stop defending war criminals, act as if you possess at least one ounce of morality for a change.

There is more to life then defending war criminals and war crimes!

Hunger strikes continue and I continue to find comfort in Jesus words, He said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be filled. Addameer quarterly newsletter explains all about Samers hunger strike and others.
They do not adequately discuss his legal situation. He is detained for cause, he violated the terms of the prisoner release agreement between his government and the Israeli government for which he was a third party beneficiary.


Zionist Connery,

These Zionist lies of yours are becoming so old and stale and out dated and obsolete and redundant!

Your own allah is a zionist. :clap2:

Quran 10:93: We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them

US President John F. Kennedy: Speech To Zionists Of America...
Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.

It is worth remembering, too, that Israel is a cause that stands beyond the ordinary changes and chances of American public life. In our pluralistic society, it has not been a Jewish cause - any more than Irish independence was solely the concern of Americans of Irish descent. The ideals of Zionism have, in the last half century, been repeatedly endorsed by Presidents and Members of Congress from both parties. Friendship for Israel is not a partisan matter. It is a national commitment.

The original Zionist philosophy has always maintained that the people of Israel would use their national genius not for selfish purposes but for the enrichment and glory of the entire Middle East. The earliest leaders of the Zionist movement spoke of a Jewish state which would have no military power and which would be content with victories of the spirit

The technical skills and genius of Israel have already brought their blessings to Burma and to Ethiopia. Still other nations in Asia and in Africa are eager to benefit from the special skills available in that bustling land
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I have no intention of responding to off topic posts of posters who are only posting here to derail this thread and attack people or their religions.

Here is what Addameer tells us about Samer Issawi's case in their most recent quarterly prisoner unpdate in January:

"Samer Tareq Issawi continues his hunger strike: “I will not wait for another Shalit to re-gain my freedom, under a deal that does not respect the rules of the deal, I will achieve my freedom with a hunger strike” The IOF re-arrested Samer Issawi on 7 July 2012 on Jaba’ checkpoint that cuts between Ramallah and the Dead Sea and leads to Jerusalem from Hizma checkpoint. Samer was the first Jerusalem prisoner who was re-arrested on the pretense that he defied the contract of the prisoner exchange deal. Samer announced his hunger strike on 1 August 2012, in rejection of his re-arrest and the military prosecutions attempts to have him finish his previous sentence of twenty years based on secret administrative information. He considers his hunger strike to be the only weapon to gain his freedom that was robbed from him after the Occupation did not uphold its end of the prisoner exchange deal.

The magistrate court in Jerusalem on 18 December 2012 held a session to consider Samer’s case. Samer, whose health was deteriorating rapidly from his hunger strike, was wheelchair bound and escorted into the court by Nahshon personnel. According to lawyer Anan Odeh: On 18 December 2012, there was a court session for hunger striker Samer Issawi. Around 11 am, Samer entered the court room and tried to greet his mother and sister, and was brutally attacked by Nahshon Unit members who beat him all over his body especially on his neck, chest and stomach. The beating was so brutal so that he would not be able to communicate with his mother or sister. Furthermore, the judge presiding over the hearing left the court room to allow the Nahshon forces to keep attacking Samer. Anan adds that Samer’s mother was distraught from witnessing her son being attacked, and then her and her daughter were banned from attending the session. As a result of the attack, Anan requested that Samer should be transferred to the hospital immediately to receive treatment but the judge refused and insisted on continuing the court session. After the court hearing, Samer tried to speak with the press to tell them about attack, but the Nahshon escorts carried him from the wheelchair and into the elevator to keep him from communicating with the press. Outside the courtroom, some of Samer’s family members were attacked as well including his cousin who was detained for a few hours. At noon that same day, a large convoy of IOF soldier raided the Issawiyah village in Jerusalem, surrounded the Issawi family home and arrested and detained his sister Shirien under the accusation of attacking one of the Nahshon Unit members. She was released 24 hours later on a 3,000 shekel bail, ten day house arrest and a six month ban from visiting Samer. Samer is still on hunger strike since 1 August 2012, and his health is deteriorating rapidly."

Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association - ADDAMEER - Latest Quarterly Update on Palestinian Prisoners (1 September 2012 – 15 January 2013)

I have no intention of responding to off topic posts of posters who are only posting here to derail this thread and attack people or their religions.

Here is what Addameer tells us about Samer Issawi's case in their most recent quarterly prisoner unpdate in January:

"Samer Tareq Issawi continues his hunger strike: “I will not wait for another Shalit to re-gain my freedom, under a deal that does not respect the rules of the deal, I will achieve my freedom with a hunger strike” The IOF re-arrested Samer Issawi on 7 July 2012 on Jaba’ checkpoint that cuts between Ramallah and the Dead Sea and leads to Jerusalem from Hizma checkpoint. Samer was the first Jerusalem prisoner who was re-arrested
on the pretense that he defied the contract of the prisoner exchange deal. Samer announced his hunger strike on 1 August 2012, in rejection of his re-arrest and the military prosecutions attempts to have him finish his previous sentence of twenty years based on secret administrative information. He considers his hunger strike to be the only weapon to gain his freedom that was robbed from him after the Occupation did not uphold its end of the prisoner exchange deal.

The magistrate court in Jerusalem on 18 December 2012 held a session to consider
Samer’s case. Samer, whose health was deteriorating rapidly from his hunger
strike, was wheelchair bound and escorted into the court by Nahshon personnel.
According to lawyer Anan Odeh: On 18 December 2012, there was a court session
for hunger striker Samer Issawi. Around 11 am, Samer entered the court room and
tried to greet his mother and sister, and was brutally attacked by Nahshon Unit
members who beat him all over his body especially on his neck, chest and
stomach. The beating was so brutal so that he would not be able to communicate
with his mother or sister. Furthermore, the judge presiding over the hearing left the court room to allow the Nahshon forces to keep attacking Samer. Anan adds that Samer’s mother was distraught from witnessing her son being attacked, and then her and her
daughter were banned from attending the session. As a result of the attack, Anan requested that Samer should be transferred to the hospital immediately to receive treatment but the judge refused and insisted on continuing the court session. After the court hearing, Samer tried to speak with the press to tell them about attack, but the Nahshon escorts carried him from the wheelchair and into the elevator to keep him from communicating with the press. Outside the courtroom, some of Samer’s family members were attacked as well including his cousin who was detained for a few hours. At noon that same day, a large convoy of IOF soldier raided the Issawiyah village in Jerusalem, surrounded the Issawi family home and arrested and detained his sister Shirien under the accusation of attacking one of the Nahshon Unit members. She was released 24 hours later on a 3,000 shekel bail, ten day house arrest and a six month ban from visiting Samer.
Samer is still on hunger strike since 1 August 2012, and his health is deteriorating rapidly."

Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association - ADDAMEER - Latest Quarterly Update on Palestinian Prisoners (1 September 2012 – 15 January 2013)


No love for the 1000 pallies slaughtered by the religion of murder in Syria? :bow3:

Syria: NGO says war causes 1000 Palestinian deaths - Syria - ANSAMed.it
from sherri---on THIS THREAD (therefore not "off topic)

I cannot help but think about the crowds who watched as Jesus was crucified and their cheers and their laughter and their mocking and cruel and inhumane words. It is kind of like each of the posters here by their words they write are crucifying Jesus one more time! We see the choices to love or to hate are the same now as then and many still making that second choice. Sherri

so glad you are back, sherri. I am having trouble finding the
episode you describe which according to you is described in the
book "NEW TESTAMENT" can you tell me where in the new
testament there is a description of crowds of people who had
come to witness the crucifixtion of jesus were laughing and mocking?
I recall the mocking by roman soldiers who were doing the crucifixtion.
Of what sort of people were the "mocking crowds" made up?
from sherri---on THIS THREAD (therefore not "off topic)

I cannot help but think about the crowds who watched as Jesus was crucified and their cheers and their laughter and their mocking and cruel and inhumane words. It is kind of like each of the posters here by their words they write are crucifying Jesus one more time! We see the choices to love or to hate are the same now as then and many still making that second choice. Sherri

so glad you are back, sherri. I am having trouble finding the
episode you describe which according to you is described in the
book "NEW TESTAMENT" can you tell me where in the new
testament there is a description of crowds of people who had
come to witness the crucifixtion of jesus were laughing and mocking?
I recall the mocking by roman soldiers who were doing the crucifixtion.
Of what sort of people were the "mocking crowds" made up?

More than likely, there was no cheering for Jesus's execution as Jews were the followers of Jesus, a Jew.

The New Testament records the Jews warmly welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem for Passover and throwing palm branches, a sign of victory over the Romans, thus, fulfilling his messianic mission
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from sherri---on THIS THREAD (therefore not "off topic)

I cannot help but think about the crowds who watched as Jesus was crucified and their cheers and their laughter and their mocking and cruel and inhumane words. It is kind of like each of the posters here by their words they write are crucifying Jesus one more time! We see the choices to love or to hate are the same now as then and many still making that second choice. Sherri

so glad you are back, sherri. I am having trouble finding the
episode you describe which according to you is described in the
book "NEW TESTAMENT" can you tell me where in the new
testament there is a description of crowds of people who had
come to witness the crucifixtion of jesus were laughing and mocking?
I recall the mocking by roman soldiers who were doing the crucifixtion.
Of what sort of people were the "mocking crowds" made up?

More than likely, there was no cheering for Jesus's execution as Jews were the followers
of Jesus, a Jew.

The New Testament records the Jews warmly welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem for Passover and throwing palm branches, a sign of victory over the Romans, thus, fulfilling
his messianic mission

Maryland---meet sherri---she is a fan of the deicide myth. When I
first encountered muslims they MOCKED the very idea that Jesus
was crucified ----in fact my first visit to a mosque took place on a
GOOD FRIDAY and the topic of the friday sermon (khubah-
which according to the good visiting genius Imam---was
invented by the "PERVERSE LIARS"--THE CHRISTIANS ---
whose motive for lying is to "DESTROY ISLAM"

far more recently---muslims have become adherents of the
deicide myth in order to make nice with "christians" like
sherri. Sherri is very much in favor of resurrecting libels
used by her kith and kin as the basis for slitting the throats
of jewish infants I actually remember when it happened--
ARAFART---sometime in the 1980s---went to a church and
prayed ---addressing "OUR DEAR LORD JESUS"-----I
remember it well and saw the sherri-phenomenon coming.
A prayer to "our dear lord jesus" is a crime in islam---
something called "SHIRK"---but anything goes when it
comes to the greater cause----more reasons to slit
jewish baby throats
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