Hungry Children commercials

I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.
And there is a great answer to a question asked. Thanks Aqua for "getting" what I was aiming at. (Hug)

And with that said..even with some sort of birth control, I would NOT donate money to any other country other than my own. Yes, it is sad seeing it. But it ain't my problem. Seeing hungry babies and kids and vets and old folks and poor folks and homeless people IN THE USA is another whole kettle of fish.
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I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.

Why waste that money? We all know it isn't going to do anything over there, and we've got plenty of issues here in the United States which that money could go to help with.

Short-sighted, immoral fool.
What happened to civil adult conversation absent of name calling and personal attacks? Just curious.
Well gosh. I guess thanking troll posts is better than conversing, eh?
I did comment to the root post. I believe it was of some length also. I do not troll post.
Begs the question.....if people are starving, watching their children die from starvation, why do they continue to have them?
I've asked that question a hundred times myself... why do they?

Seems to me that as soon as the sun goes down the black bucks are hut hopping like a bunch of crazed rabbits, and the women are more than willing to spread their legs. So what's the answer? Hell IDK... chemically castrate all the men? Start putting salt peter in the water? Hand out the pill like candy? Like others have said here, I really don't give a damn.

I give to three organizations...
1). The American Legion, also a 27 year member.
2). The Disabled American Veterans, also a life time member.
3). The Wounded Warriors Project.

I'm not shy about giving money to causes I see as beneficial, for AMERICANS.
Trying to pretend you are proud of being a low-life scumbag doesn't make it 'cool,' loser.

I stopped worrying about being cool when I was 7 and I don't pretend anything about who or what I am. I simply see the world differently than most people.

You're just playing at a pathetic little 'persona' here, asswipe. But don't worry, it's obvious that you really are a low-life fucking scumbag anyway. Now, go fuck yourself.
Seems to me that as soon as the sun goes down the black bucks are hut hopping like a bunch of crazed rabbits, and the women are more than willing to spread their legs. ...

Yeah, 'cause only black people enjoy having sex. :rolleyes: Come on, you can do better than this.
First of all, giving birth to a child is not "pooping." Anyone with such a callous disregard for the value of life and human dignity had better damn well hope they never end up needing a hand for so much as moving their sofa, let alone staying alive. Second, anyone who is amazed and perplexed by the fact that people in poor countries have a lot of children is ignorant of history, economics, and sociology.
Doctors without borders has their own website. Send em some love in the form of a debit off yo fat bank. You can drop by your local animal shelter and make a much needed donation as well as your local food bank.

Many of the South American hovels I have seen are just families displaced out of the jungles waiting for a place in the city to live in squalor while they are trying to scrape together enough money to get a TV.

I agree ..most TV ads for starving children and abused animals are scams that get no more than 10% of the money anywhere near a starving kid or house an abused animal. Usually the worst cases they display of abused animals..the poor critters are put down and out of their misery.

There are a lot more ruined animals than homes for them. Unless an animal is cute and friendly to people it doesn't stand much of a chance at getting adopted.
You're just playing at a pathetic little 'persona' here, asswipe. But don't worry, it's obvious that you really are a low-life fucking scumbag anyway. Now, go fuck yourself.

I'm not playing at anything. I don't have the time or imagination. As for being a low-life scumbag, from you I'll take it as a compliment. Have a nice evening
Why not do both! Oh, right, the RWNJs would never condone handing out condoms.

Or abortions.

Rather have those kids starve cuz god moves in mysterious ways.

So, what about the dead beat dads? Or is it still news to RWs that it takes two to make a baby?
Seems to me that as soon as the sun goes down the black bucks are hut hopping like a bunch of crazed rabbits, and the women are more than willing to spread their legs. ...

Yeah, 'cause only black people enjoy having sex. :rolleyes: Come on, you can do better than this.
No he isn't.

His posts are consistently better than yours.
Sure. Noted that you support a rabid partisan racist.
The answer is to ignore the ones who aren't Americans. One of the things my wife marvels at is my ability to watch those commercials without a single shred of emotional reaction to them. She gets all teary-eyed and I just sit there like nothing. I don't care about those people, so it makes no difference to me.

Don't waste our money on feeding them, giving them condoms, or anything else. Let's worry about our own problems here inside the United Staes before we even consider (then choose to ignore) the needs of others around the world.


I recently read that Charles Manson got married.

I wonder why women choose to marry sub-human men.
Why not do both! Oh, right, the RWNJs would never condone handing out condoms.

Or abortions.

Rather have those kids starve cuz god moves in mysterious ways.

So, what about the dead beat dads? Or is it still news to RWs that it takes two to make a baby?
Oh, those black bucks that Uckitardo reviles. They can't say no to their dicks in uckitardos mind.
You're just playing at a pathetic little 'persona' here, asswipe. But don't worry, it's obvious that you really are a low-life fucking scumbag anyway. Now, go fuck yourself.

I'm not playing at anything....

Save it, clown. You're pathetically obvious.
He's no different than you and pole rider.

You should have this breakdown in your shrink's office, not here, loser.

:D :D

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