Hungry Children commercials

So cool to read rightwing racists at lunch time.
I'm a racist for speaking the truth about the plight of the negro race world wide?
You're a fool to make excuses for a failed race.
The negro race has never in world history been able to compete with other races.
Tell us know when the next Lexus production plant starts up anywhere in Africa OK?
The farther other races move forward the farther back the negro race declines.

It's New Year's Eve, go back to stormfront and party with your nazi buddies.

Seems to me that as soon as the sun goes down the black bucks are hut hopping like a bunch of crazed rabbits, and the women are more than willing to spread their legs. ...

Yeah, 'cause only black people enjoy having sex. :rolleyes: Come on, you can do better than this.
Oh I see... so long as they "enjoy having sex," it's absolutely fine to keep breeding and pumping out illegitimate children they can't feed.

Got it.

The poor, particularly in developing countries, have always tended to have more children. You're smart enough to know this, and to know it has nothing to do with 'race.'
The "poor" in cough developing countri
Begs the question.....if people are starving, watching their children die from starvation, why do they continue to have them???? Giving money to all these organizations is just enabling the adults, in my opinion. Hell, I won't even get another dog because I CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF ONE. So why do these people keep popping kids out? Flies all over their faces, tears streaming down little faces, and mom is preggers with yet another one.
These people are starving....and fucking...with no concern of the consequences.
So what is the solution? Giving money to feed the worlds poor who keep having kids? Or handing out condoms so while they are writhing with hunger pains they are having sex that will at least prevent them birthing more children? What? What is the answer?

Giving out free condoms was tried.........and tried.......and tried.
Not one fucking man would put one on. NOT ONE!
They were used in dozens of other ways though.
There will never be any 'solution' to starving people making babies. It's all they know how to do. And it does bring in some 'White-guilt' money. For every new baby born the baby-mamma' can receive a few more 'White-guilt' bucks so the fathers can steal the money so they can go get pissed every day sitting under a shady tree watching for their next potential baby-mamma.
It's a global fact of life. Get used to it.
Note: I used the term 'White-guilt'. You're not going to see any 'Asian' or 'East Indian'-guilt money being flushed down the NGA toilets.

You said: Giving out free condoms was tried.........and tried.......and tried.

You know better than that. Republicans have always been for Abstinence Only.

Lying doesn't help the debate. Unless you are a "Master Debater". And I suspect you are.
The fucking Roman Catholic church has
Begs the question.....if people are starving, watching their children die from starvation, why do they continue to have them???? Giving money to all these organizations is just enabling the adults, in my opinion. Hell, I won't even get another dog because I CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF ONE. So why do these people keep popping kids out? Flies all over their faces, tears streaming down little faces, and mom is preggers with yet another one.
These people are starving....and fucking...with no concern of the consequences.
So what is the solution? Giving money to feed the worlds poor who keep having kids? Or handing out condoms so while they are writhing with hunger pains they are having sex that will at least prevent them birthing more children? What? What is the answer?

Giving out free condoms was tried.........and tried.......and tried.
Not one fucking man would put one on. NOT ONE!
They were used in dozens of other ways though.
There will never be any 'solution' to starving people making babies. It's all they know how to do. And it does bring in some 'White-guilt' money. For every new baby born the baby-mamma' can receive a few more 'White-guilt' bucks so the fathers can steal the money so they can go get pissed every day sitting under a shady tree watching for their next potential baby-mamma.
It's a global fact of life. Get used to it.
Note: I used the term 'White-guilt'. You're not going to see any 'Asian' or 'East Indian'-guilt money being flushed down the NGA toilets.

You said: Giving out free condoms was tried.........and tried.......and tried.

You know better than that. Republicans have always been for Abstinence Only.

Lying doesn't help the debate. Unless you are a "Master Debater". And I suspect you are.
I do know you are an idiot.
The negroes in the 'developing countries' aren't genetically able to comprehend what 'abstinence' even means.
The stupid notion of sliding a piece of latex over your cock before you fuck your eleven year old cousin? Ya right.
Zero impulse control. IQs hovering around 80. You get the results you get.
You said: The stupid notion of sliding a piece of latex over your cock before you fuck your eleven year old cousin?

The mods get mad when you talk about confederate conservatives in the south doing that. So you better be careful.

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