Hunter Biden 20-Point E-mail Contained Classified Information From Joe Biden's Stolen Classified Stash

"On April 13, 2014, Hunter Biden sent an email to his business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer. Now, he sent this a week before his father, the vice president, flew to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine’s prime minister. In the email, Hunter Biden composed a detailed memo with nearly two dozen data points about the political and strategic situation on the ground in Ukraine,” Carlson reported."

“What’s so immediately striking and Miranda Devine pointed this out, having read the entire laptop, is that this email bears no resemblance to anything else we have that Hunter Biden has ever written. In fact, it sounded like something produced by the State Department,” he added."

"Indeed, it appeared to contain points and observations that only someone with access to classified intelligence would have known."

It was reported early on in President Biden's classified scandal that the TS/SCI documents Joe Biden stole, had in his possession, and were turned into the DOJ contained INTEL REPORTS ON UKRAINE AND IRAN.

We know for a fact now that Hunter Biden had access to these highly sensitive, highly classified documents.

Hunter Biden's 20-point Ukraine e-mail was almost guatanteed to have been written by someone else, as the verbiage, format, and style in that e-mail are things never seen in any of Hunter's writings / correspondence previously.

It would be extremely easy to compare the contents of this e-mail and the contents of the TS/SCI Ukraine Intel reports and other classified documents found in Biden's possession.

The problem with this, however, is the fact that these classified documents have been turned over to Garland / the DOJ & the FBI.

This would be the same partisanly weopanized DOJ & FBI whob
have been hiding Hunter Biden's laptop, who have refused to release it, who just limited the scope of the Special Counsel's investigation into Biden's stolen classified to the point Bur can't investigate Hunter Biden or tbe laptop, and the same Garland / DOJ that just refused to comply with House Oversight Committee RFIs / Subpoenas but said they would be willing to negotiate sharing whatever evidence it - the DOJ - decides on.

So much for 'transparency', any Democrats' / partisan agencies' desire to thoroughly investigate and report its findings, and / or any chance Garland / tbe DOJ will act with any FULL compliance / coordination with the House Oversight Committee.

No one will ever know what is fully in the highly classified documents taken from Joe Biden's home / the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center or how they connect to Hunter's e-mails / laptop or the Biden family 'business'.

There is no evidence any of the classified documents discovered at Joe's had anything to do with Hunter's emails.

This thread should be in conspiracy theory section.
Seems to me that, if we weren't split into silly tribes, each party would do a better job of assisting in getting that information. We need the full story, and it's damn near impossible to get when neither tribe cleans its own house and spends all its energy attacking the other.

I don't know why we're not sick of this shit yet.
Well, logic would dictate that in all of the Trump stuff and newly discovered Pence stuff, no nuclear codes were found and it was all just yet another example of weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI for political purposes and that maybe, in Biden's case, nuclear codes were found. But, the DOJ refuses to supply select House members with that information. I wonder why? The tribe covering it up is the blue tribe.
Au contraire, FuckBoi. You're the one who looks really stupid, because you are.
Well, logic would dictate that in all of the Trump stuff and newly discovered Pence stuff, no nuclear codes were found and it was all just yet another example of weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI for political purposes and that maybe, in Biden's case, nuclear codes were found. But, the DOJ refuses to supply select House members with that information. I wonder why? The tribe covering it up is the blue tribe.
I think both tribes do it plenty.

Trump supporters are declaring him completely innocent without having all the facts, and without having their facts challenged publicly in a court of law. That's absurd, as absurd as any Democrat doing it for Biden.
Yep moron, thats all you got.

You can't refute that you have no clue what documents were found at Joes, much less start to connect them to Hunter's email contents.
Did you bother to read the article ?
Again, the news reported TS/SCI Intel reports on Ukraine and Iran were found.

Hunter had access to the classified, and his e-mail was right before he was made a Burisma board member. His e-mail was written in a completely different style and verbiage Hunter never used. The e-mail was written in the style of an Intel report. The e-mail contained Intel on Ukraine. Hunter's e-mail contained information there is no way in hell he - crackhead - could / would have known.

The excuses for the Biden crime family never ends...
Did you bother to read the article ?
Again, the news reported TS/SCI Intel reports on Ukraine and Iran were found.

Hunter had access to the classified, and his e-mail was right before he was made a Burisma board member. His e-mail was written in a completely different style and verbiage Hunter never used. The e-mail was written in the style of an Intel report. The e-mail contained Intel on Ukraine. Hunter's e-mail contained information there is no way in hell he - crackhead - could / would have known.

The excuses for the Biden crime family never ends...
Again, are you claiming to know what is in the classified documents found at Joe's?

If the answer is no then you need to stop opening your dumbass mouth about them.
I think both tribes do it plenty.

Trump supporters are declaring him completely innocent without having all the facts, and without having their facts challenged publicly in a court of law. That's absurd, as absurd as any Democrat doing it for Biden.
Democrats have found no facts that show Trump being criminal, even though they have tried numerous ways and found nothing.
Democrats have found no facts that show Trump being criminal, even though they have tried numerous ways and found nothing.
Since the Republicans keep having their butts handed to them in court, I could say the same thing about them.

"Reports" and rumors and conspiracy theories are worthless unless they hold up, under scrutiny, in court.

I don't have a tribe to protect.
Its a pity you never learned to read and your reading comprehension sucks

You don't know what is in the documents and you have no way of comparing it to what is in Hunter's emails.

Thats a fact and it's a pity you are too damn stupid to understand that clearly.
Since the Republicans keep having their butts handed to them in court, I could say the same thing about them.

"Reports" and rumors and conspiracy theories are worthless unless they hold up, under scrutiny, in court.

I don't have a tribe to protect.
Democrats have proven weaponized bias extends further than agencies like tbe FBI and DOJ.

Guilt and conviction often have nothing to do with each other, as Democrats have also proven.

Comey, for example, declared Hillary broke laws then used the excuse that she was too stupid to know she was doing it to justify not indicting her.
Had you not been glued to your far-left sources all these years, you would know that the FBI has authenticated the laptop. Further, no one has denied that the laptop is Hunters.

Coming to the party this late and trying to use the old malarkey that the Hunter laptop was Russian misinformation. That's been disproven and no one but the ignorant continues to make believe it is fake.
Where did I mention Russian misinformation?

You and the other far-far-left minions chose to be ignorant about Hunter's laptop. Had you not refused to accept the facts as they came out, you and the others wouldn't be looking so foolish now.
Translation: I cannot answer your question with anything intelligent or link you to the answer. Because Right-Wing radio never posts their "proof".

You and the other far-far-left minions chose to be ignorant about Hunter's laptop. Had you not refused to accept the facts as they came out, you and the others wouldn't be looking so foolish now.
I can tell you have no idea.
Cue Markle avoiding this thread.
What is there to avoid?

NO one has denied that the information coming out from the laptop is legitimate. There are numerous sources. What does it matter?

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