Hunter Biden flees contempt hearing

The same reason they won't hold Fauci's hearings out in the public. Because they have nothing and they know the media will rip them to shreds for conducting useless hearings with no evidence to back them up.
That would damage Republican prospects in an election year.

The entire Republican caucus in the House and Senate....abso-fucking-completely-useless!! :)
It does seem perverse that they are charging him with not turning up but wont listen to him when he does.
It makes them look a bit pathetic.
LOL. That's the equivalent of a giant middle finger to House Republicans. :auiqs.jpg:
Your move Jordan and Comer. Bring it. :)
Correct, this is the Xiden family giving a giant middle finger to the rule of law and our democratic process...which they've been doing for years now.
Hunter misunderstood what was meant by there are cracks in the case and left in a huff. he is rumored to mumble “ I left that underage hooker for this, bullshit”
Correct, this is the Xiden family giving a giant middle finger to the rule of law and our democratic process...which they've been doing for years now.
Oh jeepers, the same middle finger that other people of power and privilege (The Trumps, Republicans) have given our "democratic" process for years. :)

He turns up and offers to testify but they refuse.
What is that all about ?
What are they afraid of ?

Read about the 1/6 rules created by the Democrats and how the Republicans are following that model and then go fuck yourself, Welsh vermin. We kicked you British arses out of here for a reason, George III
more projection from you. when did any of the trumps or a repubican walk out of a contempt hearing? never
The refusal to answer congressional subpoenas, the refusal to give testimony, the outright contempt for the rule of law...all in service and homage to their savior.
And you're stunned when a person of power gives the middle finger to a bunch of politicians. How quaint and naive.

So just, so righteous.

Just fucking stop, ok? You have no legs to stand on here. :)
Probably for the same reasons Dems don't want Trumps court hearing public. Politics.

While it's bizarre a British man (or whatever of the many gender choices) is a Democrat, whatever, but he is in the right party for flagrant double standards.

He blasts the RULES the Republicans took from Democrats, and he said NOTHING when the Democrats did it. Now he's melting down in emotional hysteria that the Republicans are doing WHAT THE DEMOCRATS DID. Democrats going to be Democrats, and nothing says Democrat more than holding you to a standard they don't hold themselves to
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

Supposedly he's filming for a documentary highlighting the story of his life.

So this was highly likely just a stunt to acquire dramatic footage for that upcoming documentary.

Relevant reading...

Hunter Biden to tell his side of the story in documentary by Hollywood lawyer friend

''President’s son hopes film will save his reputation amid Republican attacks and two criminal trials''
Obviously posted by someone who has never watched televised congressional hearings.

In public hearings, the questioners are limited to FIVE MINUTES for Q AND A. Seldom does a real question get asked. The congress-fucks are posing and preening for the cameras, making four minute fifty-seven second self-serving statements for the camera, then saying, "Sorry, my time is up." On the rare occasions when a real question is asked, the "witness" takes three or four minutes consulting with his lawyer(s), then makes a nonsense, non-responsive comment. "Sorry. Time is up." The partisans opposing the inquiry or getting act the facts, simply use their five minutes to bloviate, knowing that they cannot be challenged or silenced.

In a closed hearing, the congresspeople can ask meaningful questions, and FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS when the question is not answered. If a question is refused, there can be consequences. The answers to questions often lead to other inquiries involving factors and people not previously considered by the questioners.

It is a whole different deal.

Public hearings are a waste of time for everyone involved and an insult to the intelligence of the audience.

Assuming the audience is burdened with a three-digit IQ.
Obviously posted by someone who has never watched televised congressional hearings.

In public hearings, the questioners are limited to FIVE MINUTES for Q AND A. Seldom does a real question get asked. The congress-fucks are posing and preening for the cameras, making four minute fifty-seven second self-serving statements for the camera, then saying, "Sorry, my time is up." On the rare occasions when a real question is asked, the "witness" takes three or four minutes consulting with his lawyer(s), then makes a nonsense, non-responsive comment. "Sorry. Time is up." The partisans opposing the inquiry or getting act the facts, simply use their five minutes to bloviate, knowing that they cannot be challenged or silenced.

In a closed hearing, the congresspeople can ask meaningful questions, and FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS when the question is not answered. If a question is refused, there can be consequences. The answers to questions often lead to other inquiries involving factors and people not previously considered by the questioners.

It is a whole different deal.

Public hearings are a waste of time for everyone involved and an insult to the intelligence of the audience.

Assuming the audience is burdened with a three-digit IQ.
No, they can ask meaningless, meandering questions and pursue lines of talk they couldn't get away with in a public hearing....cause the media would rip them to shreds.
This way, Republicans can control the narrative of what gets released in the way of hearing information.
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

Hey if MTG started talking, I would leave too.
You didnt kick anybody out of anywhere you nazi slag.

British arses don't accept defeat well, do you? 247 years after getting your asses handed to you, you are still in denial, vermin. Go away, and take Canada with you. I'm tired of blood thirsty Canadian hordes invading our borders

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