Hunter Biden Investigation: Overt and Primed for a Special Counsel

The Bidens’ Chinese business contacts known to have ties to the regime; they also may have been clandestine agents. The Bidens were selling themselves to an actual Chinese intelligence operation.

The corrupt Chinese businessmen with whom the Bidens were colluding not only had a record of buying political influence, not only were known to have high-level ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the regime, but also were clandestine agents of China — at least, that’s what the FBI and Justice Department have told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The Bidens were seeking a $40 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal with CEFC, a Shanghai-based energy conglomerate that was flying high until early 2018. By then, however, it had become crystal clear to Xi Jinping’s government that the company’s machinations on behalf of the regime had been penetrated by U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement. CEFC formally went bankrupt earlier this year, but that was two years after the regime pulled the plug on its operations – which was a cover for Chinese intelligence operations.

The Bidens, with former vice president Joe Biden’s son Hunter as the point-man, dealt with CEFC in 2017. They were the beneficiaries of its corrupt practices and were smack in the middle of things when CEFC began to unravel due to American investigations — investigations that Hunter Biden agreed to look into on behalf of his CEFC partners.

CEFC Was China
CEFC posed as a private company. Make no mistake, though, CEFC was China. Its meteoric rise would not have been possible otherwise, and its rapid collapse happened because its usefulness as an instrument of the Communist regime’s influence was undermined by American surveillance operations.

CEFC’s precursor company was begun in 2002 by Ye Zianming, an obscure young man who became fabulously wealthy by opaque means. It is not hard to figure out what happened, though: The Communist regime smiled on him. He has acknowledged getting his big break in 2006, when the regime permitted him to acquire assets it had confiscated from a major smuggler. Over the next dozen years, he lived the life of a globe-trotting tycoon. Hunter Biden, in the overstatement that appears to be a family tic, has referred to Ye as not only “my partner” but as “the richest man in the world.” Ye did indeed live large, but it was the Chinese government that let that happen, lavishly backing his venture, while he, in turn, spread China’s influence, particularly by purchasing political connections in America, Europe, and Africa.

From the start, the New York Times has reported, CEFC retained former top officials of the regime and was strongly tied to the Chinese Communist Party, establishing an internal party committee and rearing young officials through the Communist Youth League. Ye himself had been deputy secretary of the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC). That is the public name for a division of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), known as the General Political Department’s International Liaison Department — as explained in a comprehensive report by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, mainly compiled by Senators Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa).

This is why it is so essential for Sleepy Joe to take the oath next month. If he doesn't, his Beloved Son is likely to be sent to the Penitentiary. Biden's first order of business will be pardons for his boy.

Biden's devotees across the Fruited Plain will riot if Biden is denied the presidency, so much is their love for Hunter.
And that would be different how from the four years of pardons Trump handed out like candy on Halloween?
Obama pardoned a convicted drug trafficker in 2016 . Senor Nieto was released in 2018 and guess who got arrested again on Narcotics trafficking charges for Meth and Heroin You didn't even have to guess did you. Obama is now responsible for every overdose and heroin/ meth induced death related to the Criminal he released how about that Moonbat
This is why it is so essential for Sleepy Joe to take the oath next month. If he doesn't, his Beloved Son is likely to be sent to the Penitentiary. Biden's first order of business will be pardons for his boy.

Biden's devotees across the Fruited Plain will riot if Biden is denied the presidency, so much is their love for Hunter.
And that would be different how from the four years of pardons Trump handed out like candy on Halloween?
Obama pardoned a convicted drug trafficker in 2016 . Senor Nieto was released in 2018 and guess who got arrested again on Narcotics trafficking charges for Meth and Heroin You didn't even have to guess did you. Obama is now responsible for every overdose and heroin/ meth induced death related to the Criminal he released how about that Moonbat
What do you expect a convict to do to earn a living? And shove your name calling.
What do you expect a convict to do to earn a living? And shove your name calling.

Superb question here.

Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia had a program to train cons serving time to learn agricultural work while in the joint.

The idea was to get them qualified to pick cotton or tobacco after they were released, so they wouldn't be tempted to go back to their previous jobs pushing drugs in the ghetto.

Libs had a conniption about the program, BTW.
can you imagine if it was Trump who was in cahoots with the Chinese? oh boy. OH BOY

the media are sweeping Hunter's scandal under the rug. we need a Republican senate, my friends
Don't understand why trump does not understand that the hunter laptop is over. After Jan 2017, Hunter and his dad were private citizens. They were selling gov't access, but it was not against the law. Hunter will only get a slap on the wrist for the tax evasion and money laundering.
Hunted's original laptop is in the possession of FBI agent Joshua Wilson, who specializes in....

wait for it....

kiddie porn.

The Justice Department faces unique challenges in conducting an investigation of the incoming president’s son.

View attachment 427576
Crack Addict, Addicted To Gambling, Rolling In Chinese Government Bribes, Not Just in $Millions, but $Billions.

Primary suspect is the son of the president-elect, who is going to be taking office (which includes running the Justice Department through his own appointees) in about six weeks.

Investigation has been underway for some time. Liens were placed on Hunter’s property due to non-payment of taxes on the millions of dollars he’s made cashing in on his father’s political influence. (The liens, one by the District of Columbia and one by the IRS, are apparently no longer operative.)
The troublesome aspect is the FBI delayed action and declined to either confirm or deny having H. Biden's laptop prior to the election because they said that they "didn't want to influence the election". By delaying the information about having Hunter's laptop (which they had for 6 to 7 months) did influence the election. They need to come up with a better answer it would seem.
Like something that is factual?

You never required fact one to slam Trump you feckless troll.
Wow, the amount of Chinese funny money grows like it is alive and eating too much...

Hunter Biden is a gazillionaire. Richer than Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos combined - Thanks Xi!! :laughing0301:
This is why it is so essential for Sleepy Joe to take the oath next month. If he doesn't, his Beloved Son is likely to be sent to the Penitentiary. Biden's first order of business will be pardons for his boy.

Biden's devotees across the Fruited Plain will riot if Biden is denied the presidency, so much is their love for Hunter.
And that would be different how from the four years of pardons Trump handed out like candy on Halloween?

The worst is yet to come. Believe me!!
Hunted's original laptop is in the possession of FBI agent Joshua Wilson, who specializes in....

wait for it....

kiddie porn.

It seems that people forget that Trump's camp have the HD copy too, If it had CP, Biden would not run the office. No sound mind will take this big gamble.
The Justice Department faces unique challenges in conducting an investigation of the incoming president’s son.

View attachment 427576
Crack Addict, Addicted To Gambling, Rolling In Chinese Government Bribes, Not Just in $Millions, but $Billions.

Primary suspect is the son of the president-elect, who is going to be taking office (which includes running the Justice Department through his own appointees) in about six weeks.

Investigation has been underway for some time. Liens were placed on Hunter’s property due to non-payment of taxes on the millions of dollars he’s made cashing in on his father’s political influence. (The liens, one by the District of Columbia and one by the IRS, are apparently no longer operative.)
The troublesome aspect is the FBI delayed action and declined to either confirm or deny having H. Biden's laptop prior to the election because they said that they "didn't want to influence the election". By delaying the information about having Hunter's laptop (which they had for 6 to 7 months) did influence the election. They need to come up with a better answer it would seem.
Like something that is factual?
Come on Moonglow, even you have to accept that the Justice Department's records are not some crackpot source for info. DOJ Submits Subpoena for the Hunter Biden Business Dealings and Details

"In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds."

Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong, and other Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army. Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.

These are only two of many money transfers and CCP connections that are of great concern to most intelligent people, or at least to those with common sense. This isn't going away for the Bidens.

What are your sources proving otherwise? I'm always open to considering opposing sources, when that source has a proven track record of being the least biased sources rated by
The Justice Department faces unique challenges in conducting an investigation of the incoming president’s son.

View attachment 427576
Crack Addict, Addicted To Gambling, Rolling In Chinese Government Bribes, Not Just in $Millions, but $Billions.

Primary suspect is the son of the president-elect, who is going to be taking office (which includes running the Justice Department through his own appointees) in about six weeks.

Investigation has been underway for some time. Liens were placed on Hunter’s property due to non-payment of taxes on the millions of dollars he’s made cashing in on his father’s political influence. (The liens, one by the District of Columbia and one by the IRS, are apparently no longer operative.)
The troublesome aspect is the FBI delayed action and declined to either confirm or deny having H. Biden's laptop prior to the election because they said that they "didn't want to influence the election". By delaying the information about having Hunter's laptop (which they had for 6 to 7 months) did influence the election. They need to come up with a better answer it would seem.
Like something that is factual?
Come on Moonglow, even you have to accept that the Justice Department's records are not some crackpot source for info. DOJ Submits Subpoena for the Hunter Biden Business Dealings and Details

"In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds."

Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong, and other Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army. Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.

These are only two of many money transfers and CCP connections that are of great concern to most intelligent people, or at least to those with common sense. This isn't going away for the Bidens.

What are your sources proving otherwise? I'm always open to considering opposing sources, when that source has a proven track record of being the least biased sources rated by
They investigated the first time to see if they did anything illegal, next(or now) they are investigating his taxes....So what? They are investigating Trump for his taxes and he is president, Hunter is not a govt. employee nor has he been elected to office..
Hunter is not a govt. employee nor has he been elected to office..
Hunter isn't the issue other than he's bridged connections from "the big guy" to CCP. Remember that gangster who was imprisoned for mail fraud? This investigation over his taxes will lead somewhere, but surely you know it's not really about just suspicious tax filing activity?

Let's just agree to disagree as we're not going to add anything to this thread from our "I'm right/you're wrong" stances. I provided links and you come back with...what proof exactly?
The troublesome aspect is the FBI delayed action and declined to either confirm or deny having H. Biden's laptop prior to the election because they said that they "didn't want to influence the election".
That's what they did regarding the investigation of Trump's connections to Russian interference on his behalf and what they SHOULD have done regarding Clinton's e-mails.

If Hunter broke the law he should and will be punished. That has no bearing on Joe
American voters will never be able to make the claim as being “an informed voter” because of the biased MSM who owns around 90% of domestic news sources- last I checked that stat was a few months ago but mega media corps still intact. The press plays politics and should not, but with a free press they get by with slander without proof anyway- goes for all taking heads left or right. Anything to get more viewers gossiping about their stories- true, partly true, or otherwise.

The voters have the right to know all facts on every candidate, and I used to think that was possible by putting enough time/effort scouring opposing sources. Ironically, even though information is doubling every six months, tainted political articles continue to saturate the market.
THE LATE NIGHT PALACE GUARD IS BACK! Jonathan Turley: Joe Biden is proud of Hunter — Stephen Colbert’s embarrassing interview misses the mark.

As original Saturday Night Live writer Anne Beatts liked to quip, “you can only be avant-garde for so long, before you become garde,” or palace guard, as in the case of today’s late night hosts.

Later, the president-elect's team sought to spin the reference to "foul play" to say that Biden was referencing a long history of political attacks.

However, so was Trump when he attacked the Russian collusion investigation as part of a campaign against him.

In fairness to Trump, those collusion allegations collapsed early in the investigation. Now all of the top Justice Department figures — from fired former FBI Director James Comey to former Justice Department Deputy Attorneys General Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein — say that they would not have approved the surveillance of Trump 2016 campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page if they knew then what they know today about the flawed basis for the investigation.

There is comparably far more evidence supporting the investigation of Hunter Biden.

Moreover, Biden was clearly referring to this investigation when he said "I think it's kind of foul play, . . . it is what it is."

This follows Biden's repeated assertion that his son "did nothing wrong," a claim that it obviously false on it's face.

Even if you believe Hunter cannot be charged with a crime, the criminal code is not the only measure of wrongdoing. This was raw influence-peddling on a global scale. It was wrong in its own right.

What was most embarrassing about the Colbert interview is the careful avoidance of any specific or substantive question.

Colbert framed the investigation in strictly political terms and how it affects Biden as a father and candidate. Moreover, this is not just about Hunter Biden. It is also about the president-elect Biden and whether he lied about his knowledge of the dealings and whether he knew about an influence-peddling scheme using his position. Either witnesses like former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski are lying or Joe Biden is lying.

Bobulinski has given his allegations to the FBI under threat of prosecution. Biden has never uttered a word about Bobulinski.

There was not a single question from Colbert on Thursday about how emails and witnesses, if true, would reveal that Biden has knowingly and repeatedly lied. To date, he has denied any knowledge of the son's business dealings.

Hunter Biden himself contradicted his father on that point but that was not enough to ask Joe Biden about his past denials.

Likewise, Bobulinski, (who Hunter Biden showers with praise in the emails related to SinoHawk Holdings) contradicts Joe Biden in detailed accounts for their discussions of the dealings. Not a single question.

Email exchanges repeatedly reference Joe Biden while telling people not to use his name in writing. Not a single question.

Joe Biden and Jill Biden were listed as office mates with one of the Chinese figures with a need for their own keys to the office. No question.

Hunter Biden is shown in emails conversing about loans and dealings with the entire "Biden family." Not a single question.

Instead, the breaking news from Thursday's interview is that Biden is proud of his son Hunter.

Now that I think about it, the selection of a late-night comedian for this interview was the perfect choice.

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