Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

trump's mouth is his worst enemy. But he can't help it. Sort of like a three year old touching a stove. It is just something he has to do.
Problem is he never learns his lesson. I think Trump was a fair President, did some good things. His biggest problem was he ran his mouth all the time and those damn Tweets really were sickening. Got so sick of him, I tuned him out. That is part of the reason he lost. People just got sick of him.
Was that the same gun?
Was it his gun?
Crack pipe? Did you test it?
How do you know what is in it?
Military had a capability to prosecute and didn’t.

Have you ever been on a jury?
Ever been in court?

Your shoddy evidence would go nowhere
What's that Hunter is smoking?

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 16-35-56 Report on the Biden Laptop.png
You want proof that you're not a libertarian, it's right here.

You're pretending that this little diversionary tap on the wrist is "justice", while carrying water for every hard leftist blabbering point shoved in your face.

You're a poseur, and a horrible one at that.
It is justice. It is a sentence in-line with other cases of similar nature. If you have proof otherwise, raise your hand.
Else, go the corner and face the wall.
How so?
If he bought the gun and the ATF4473 says he bought the gun, he'd better produce the gun or he's in deep shit.
Never mind the fact that the Laptop proves he lied on the ATF4473 form about not being addicted to Crack.

If the DOJ wanted to, they could prove their case in 30 minutes or less.
Ya think? I doubt it. That is why they reached a deal.

He was on drugs when these things happened. What is Donald's excuse?
Was that the same gun?
Was it his gun?
Crack pipe? Did you test it?
How do you know what is in it?
Military had a capability to prosecute and didn’t.

Have you ever been on a jury?
Ever been in court?

Your shoddy evidence would go nowhere

You've come a long way since claiming the whole thing was "Russian disinformation". Good job!
It is justice. It is a sentence in-line with other cases of similar nature. If you have proof otherwise, raise your hand.
Else, go the corner and face the wall.

I'm glad you agree that federal firearms laws are bullshit and we don't need to obey them. The 2A is the only law we need, right?
You tell me what it was
If you want to prosecute, you better well know and have proof

You think you can go to court with “looks like”?

Federal prosecutors knew they couldn’t.
Well, Hunter has a criminal record and plenty of positive tests.
The FBI can send out agents and get plenty of evidence by doing a simple background check, questioning his known associates.

Easy Peesy Lemon Squeezy.
You are prosecuting him..
It is up to you to prove what was in that pipe is illegal

I am just a lame message board poster and I can pick apart your case. What do you think a real lawyer would do?
My guess is you could do a drug test on him today and find out.
They can test hair follicles and find out if you're doing drugs.
That test is good for 3 months back from the time you used it.
Well, Hunter has a criminal record and plenty of positive tests.
The FBI can send out agents and get plenty of evidence by doing a simple background check, questioning his known associates.

Easy Peesy Lemon Squeezy.
Now you are getting there
Get some actual evidence

Possession of drugs
Drugs in his system

You need more than pictures

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