Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely


The case is not over yet, and Hunter can still actually do some time. I don’t expect he will, however, considering most of his tax debt has already been repaid, he suffered an obvious crack cocaine drug breakdown at the time in question, etc.

HUNTER will be the first son of a sitting President to ever be indicted for anything — and you can be sure there were others who got away with tax and worse crimes.

Hunter Biden is likely to face a sentencing range of 12-18 months for the tax charges, about half of which could be spent inside a prison cell, according to sentencing expert Tess Lopez.

But the odds he will get sentenced to prison are low, based on the tax loss amount, his status as a first-time offender and his willingness to accept responsibility for his actions….

According to court filings, Hunter Biden received taxable income of more than $1.5 million in 2017 and in 2018 but did not pay income tax those years despite owing in excess of $100,000.

Part of the plea deal is Hunter will have to pay what he owes to Uncle Sam, with penalties.

Talking about “worse” crimes, though Trump certainly committed such, he will also get off without a day in prison if he just admits he went “a bit crazy” and apologizes for his obstruction, for taking and hiding top secret documents, trying to steal the 2020 election, etc. — far more serious crimes than anything private citizen and drug addict Hunter ever did!

But Trump being Trump — he won’t ever admit he was wrong or ever apologize … for anything.
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Yep, and you are smack in the middle of that pathology. But good for you realizing your disability, now get help.
wow. clever. a No, You. nobody saw that coming. you should start a thread on this novel debate gambit.
You are being delusional. I said nothing of the sort. What is the "whataboutism" about?
No whataboutism. It illustrates how the DOJ handles a Democrats' presumed crimes compared to how it handles those of its political opponents. You seem to have no problem with that whatsoever.
Investigated for five years and only two misdemeanors? Sounds like the DoJ is harassing Hunter Biden with endless investigations.
No, sounds like Merritless Gestapoland is running cover for the Biden Crime Family Syndicate, Simp.
Not the gun lobby, your president's DOJ gave him a HUGE break. ZERO prosecution on a federal firearms felony. We can all look forward to this when the "assault weapons" ban goes into effect. Yay! :dance:
His sentence was in line with standards, if you can believe a Trump-appointed prosecutor.

The case is not over yet, and Hunter can still actually do some time. I don’t expect he will, however, considering most of his tax debt has already been repaid, he suffered an obvious drug breakdown at the time in question, etc.

HUNTER will be the first son of a sitting President to be found guilty of anything — and you can be sure there were others who got away with tax and worse crimes.

Talking about “worse” crimes, though Trump certainly committed such, he will get off without a day in prison if he just admits he went a bit crazy and apologizes for his obstruction, for taking and hiding top secret documents, for trying to steal the 2020 election, etc. — far more serious crimes than anything private citizen and drug addict Hunter ever did!

But Trump being Trump — he won’t ever admit or ever apologize … for anything.
The charges against Trump are piling up

His unwillingness to admit blame, take a plea and mitigate damages make it harder to absolve him on every charge

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