Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Bwahahahahahaha. Trump appointed attorney ends 5 year investigation with misdemeanor charges. My Jedi powers feel millions of GOP screams. I dont usually love others pain and suffering but in this case...
celebrating corruption. sad
The second court filing is about the gun charge. In that case, the letter says, “the defendant has agreed to enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement with respect to the firearm Information.” Handling the gun charge as a diversion case means Biden would not technically be pleading guilty to that crime. Diversion is an option typically applied to nonviolent offenders with substance abuse problems.

Facts Matter

Like I said, it's great news that your president's DOJ doesn't prosecute these intrusive federal firearms laws. I love it.

Just don't talk to me about "gun control" anymore, you no longer have any legitimacy.
Are you claiming your president's DOJ has a two-tiered justice system?

I'm claiming we have a thousand-tier justice system.

It's different based on your race, your wealth, your background, and probably a dozen other factors. .

Heck, I know that when I get pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, the cop isn't going to use that as an excuse to search my car for a bag of pot. Why, because I'm a middle aged white guy who drives a nice car.
Actually, sounds about right. He paid the fines and admitted his mistakes.

Wow. Sounds like accountability to me.
5 years later. They were felonies. Because dad is President he gets them reduced to misdemeanors. Then, the AG says the investigation is still ongoing so they don’t thing they can turn over documents to the public and hide what really was going on with the big dog. The Biden Crime Syndicate.
Is Hunted gonna skate on molesting his 14-year old niece?

I know, I know..... he admitted it, (through the discovery of photographic evidence on his laptop).....

So, he's good to go?

hunted molesting 14year old niece.png
It was killed by the Biden Junta and Reichsleiter Merrick Garland with the most sweetheart of sweetheart deals for Hunter Biden. A deal no regular American would ever be given.

U.S. Attorney David Weiss filed a letter in federal court Tuesday citing the charges and the plea agreement. In one case, the president's son will plead guilty to the tax charges, which allege willful failure to pay federal income tax. In another case, he agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement for the gun offense, in which he acknowledged unlawful possession of a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver, despite being addicted to drugs.
The Justice Department will recommend probation for tax charges, according to The Associated Press, based on an unnamed source. The diversion program could eventually lead to dismissal of the gun charge.

it has been dead for such long time it is a rotted mess, like a pumpkin

thanks for bringing up the obituary though....chuckle

america, besides its functioning retards on this board, know all the ass blow smoking going on
I'm claiming we have a thousand-tier justice system.

It's different based on your race, your wealth, your background, and probably a dozen other factors. .

Heck, I know that when I get pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, the cop isn't going to use that as an excuse to search my car for a bag of pot. Why, because I'm a middle aged white guy who drives a nice car.

And you celebrate that.
Was there a question?
Why did it take five years to prosecute a misdemeanor and a diversion?

And as an ancillary - Why you lefties are celebrating corruption and rank politicization at the DOJ? Equal justice used to be something we could all agree on. No more.
It was killed by the Biden Junta and Reichsleiter Merrick Garland with the most sweetheart of sweetheart deals for Hunter Biden. A deal no regular American would ever be given.

U.S. Attorney David Weiss filed a letter in federal court Tuesday citing the charges and the plea agreement. In one case, the president's son will plead guilty to the tax charges, which allege willful failure to pay federal income tax. In another case, he agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement for the gun offense, in which he acknowledged unlawful possession of a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver, despite being addicted to drugs.
The Justice Department will recommend probation for tax charges, according to The Associated Press, based on an unnamed source. The diversion program could eventually lead to dismissal of the gun charge.

Maybe the games rigged?
It was killed by the Biden Junta and Reichsleiter Merrick Garland with the most sweetheart of sweetheart deals for Hunter Biden. A deal no regular American would ever be given.

U.S. Attorney David Weiss filed a letter in federal court Tuesday citing the charges and the plea agreement. In one case, the president's son will plead guilty to the tax charges, which allege willful failure to pay federal income tax. In another case, he agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement for the gun offense, in which he acknowledged unlawful possession of a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver, despite being addicted to drugs.
The Justice Department will recommend probation for tax charges, according to The Associated Press, based on an unnamed source. The diversion program could eventually lead to dismissal of the gun charge.

Show us someone else who committed the same crime, pled guilty and got worse.
How so?
If he bought the gun and the ATF4473 says he bought the gun, he'd better produce the gun or he's in deep shit.
Never mind the fact that the Laptop proves he lied on the ATF4473 form about not being addicted to Crack.

If the DOJ wanted to, they could prove their case in 30 minutes or less.
How does the laptop prove he was addicted to crack?

Was he ever found in possession of crack?
Was cocaine ever found in his system?
Any arrest for drugs?

You will not get a conviction based on a picture on a laptop

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