Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

My guess is that there will be no posts from the knuckle draggers on the right about how courts are kangaroo courts and that if you plead guilty it's because the prosecutors threatened them.

Suddenly courts will be palaces of fairness, prosecutors will be even handed, investigators will be fair and models of discipline....
First of all where the fuck did you get that quote from? It sure as hell isn’t from this thread.

Second, if you think this instills confidence the DOJ isn’t a democrat hack outfit you’re retarded. People are doing five years for lying on a background form, of course they aren’t named Biden is why. You anti 2A frauds should be outraged. Hunter and the DOJ just shit all over your previous background check hysteria. You want more background checks? They aren’t even enforcing this one as long as it’s a democrat. So go fuck yourself asking for more.
Can you believe this? Liberal hacks are now claiming that Hunter Biden accepted a conviction of tax evasion because he paid his taxes. You can’t make this shit up if you tried.
Actually gifts aren’t considered taxable income. The giver may need to pay a gift tax over a certain high threshold but it’s not taxable for the recipient.
Why would the giver have to pay? Didn’t they pay taxes when the money was earned?
I don't know if you have due process in your former country, but it's one of the reasons America is one of the better countries in the world.
I think the reason you keep yapping on this topic is because you want to turn my country into whatever country you escaped from.
The only happy communists are people living in Capitalist countries. At least that's my experience.
Swam all the way here when I was three. Guess what, except for running for president, I’m 100% as much of a citizen as you are, comrade.
No. There is a limit to how much you can gift someone every year. It’s something like 17K.
You’re wrong. I can give whatever I want to whomever I want. The only question is who owes taxes and how much.
You’re wrong. I can give whatever I want to whomever I want. The only question is who owes taxes and how much.
So you’re saying there’s no limit to how much one can gift someone else? Seriously?

Only an ignorant dope would make that claim.
Get your indictments in order and get it done.
There's the rub.

Considering the fact that the DOJ has no intention on punishing wrongdoing by the Biden Crime Family, and Hunter is the only one getting any formal punishment, I wouldn't hold my breath.
As long as Biden is POTUS they will protect him.
But he's not the first POTUS to escape justice. LBJ could have been convicted of several crimes if he hadn't become POTUS.

Here is a partial list of some of the crimes that the FBI has evidence of on Hunter Biden....and they chose to pursue none of them.

Cash gifts aren’t considered taxable income.

That’s what the IRS says.

Am I wrong?
I always thought it was up until a certain amount with the receiver paying any taxes on the overage. Thanks for the link. I’ll be checking it out.
You’re wrong. I can give whatever I want to whomever I want. The only question is who owes taxes and how much.
You’re allowed to give away $11 million before you start paying taxes on your gifts. Giving over $17k just triggers the requirement to tell the IRS.
I always thought it was up until a certain amount with the receiver paying any taxes on the overage. Thanks for the link. I’ll be checking it out.
It makes some sense. Receiving a gift shouldn’t put a burden on the recipient.
There was no conviction on Marjorie Trailer Queen's record either, but she sought a pardon. Why?
Not sure if that's accurate. That was what the corrupt MSM reported, but it's clear that Democrats felt they could get away with charging anyone they wanted to for awhile.
So my understanding it that the idea of proactively pardoning possible targets was floated in the press.
A better question is why are those who are on the side of “common sense gun laws” not condemning Hunter Biden being let off the hook for a federal gun crime?

Because they aren't on the side of "common sense gun laws". They never have been, and the Hunter Biden case proves it.

To be clear, the left now has ZERO legitimacy in the gun control debate. They gave it all away this week. We don't need to give two shits about what they say about guns, ever again.
He didn’t pay. That’s why he accepted a plea agreement for not paying.

You people are total hacks.. A guy is convicted of tax evasion and you say he wasn't because paid his taxes.

Then he’s let off the hook for breaking federal gun laws to boot.
Yeah....he paid his taxes......well....somebody paid his taxes.

Maybe it was part of that $6.2 billion dollar Ukrainian military aid package accounting error.

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