Hunter Biden

Oh? What did they talk about?
exactly,,, and why did joe lie about the meeting???
I asked you what did they talk about? "Exactly" doesn't answer that. Do you not know what they talked about?
so youre now admitting it took place but dont know what they talked about???

if so are you concerned why joe lied about it???
What did Biden lie about?
sorry I thought you were up to date on the issue,,,

joe said he never discussed hunters overseas business,,,
So? You don't know what he talked about with the Burisma exec -- so you don't know that Biden lied.
if the meeting took place then joe lied,,,

and how would I know what was discussed in a meeting I wasnt at???
Nope. Biden didn't say he never met with Burisma employees. In fact, we already know he did because there's a photo of him with Devon Archer. What he actually said was he never discussed Hunter's business. And as you confessed, you have no idea whether or not they discussed Burisma.

So now we see you lied when you falsely claimed Biden lied.
why are you putting words in my mouth I never said???
I put no words in your mouth. No same person would go near your mouth.
if youre not going to be honest theres no reason to continue this discussion,,,
Then you should stop lying.
you lied not me,,,
Oh? What lie did I tell?
Laughing at my post doesn't indicate whatblie you think I told. You can't say because I didn't lie.
I already told you and you know it,,,
Nah, you're lying again which is why you can't say. You falsely claimed I put words in your mouth. I didn't. Which is why you can't say what words you think I put in your mouth.
but you did lie about what I said,,,,

just look at my comment and then read what you claim I said,,,
two different things and that change the whole context of my comment,, you lied,,,
If that were true, you'd say what words I "put in your mouth." You don't say because you can't say because I didn't. You just can't stop lying.
why would I say whats right on the screen in front of you
To clarify what you're talking about. If you could, you would. Instead, you hide yourself behind your bluff.
how do you clarify an specific accurate statement???
You state what I said that you think were words I "put in your mouth." It's pretty simple really and quote obvious why you're categorically refusing to do so -- because I didn't. You lied again.
I got Prog on ignore so I haven’t read the conversation but you calling him a liar sounds about right!
Yeah, first he lied about Biden, falsely claiming Biden lied when he said he never discussed his son's business with him; based on the email released today of a Burisma exec thanking Hunter for an opportunity to meet his father -- but then the idiot admits he doesn't even know if they talked about Hunter's business, meaning progressive hunter lied when he falsely claimed Joe Biden lied. Then when I point out progressive hunter lied, he falsely claimed I put words in his mouth. Now I'm calling him out on the latter and he's playing the I already told you bluff because I didn't ascribe anything to him he hadn't already said. Par for the course with that loser.
Sounds like he hasn’t changed much from when I used to talk to him. I reached my Limit of time wasted on his stupidity hence the “ignore”
I find him too entertaining to put on ignore.
Keep making him look like a fool. He deserves every second of it
Only cowards ignore. Fact.
That’s not a fact. I prefer to engage with intelligent people who can carry on a decent conversation. Idiot trolls are a waste of time. “Ignore” just filters them out.
“Idiot Troll” is subjective. Many here have me on ignore. I dont believe I am an idiot or a troll.
Based on our conversation yesterday I’d say you are capable of good conversation... there are others that are completely useless to talk to IMO. To each their own
I just don’t ignore anyone. To me it’s weak sauce. For example colfax is an idiot but I still listen to his diatribes.
I did the same thing for the first few years but then realized I was spending more time in pointless arguments with trolls than in substantive debates. I wanted to spend my time engaging in better discussions. Ignore helps filter out the noise.
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.

Why did Hunter invite Pozharskiy to meet Joe? I mean, seriously, the guy flew from the Ukraine to DC just to meet Hunter's dad? If Hunter and Pozharskiy were engaged or dating, meeting the father in-law to be would be one thing, but I don't think that was the case and Joe B wasn't such a star that Pozharskiy just wanted to get his autograph. Use some common sense.
Per Faun they were discussing the Pats Jets one sided rivalry.
Great, now you're lying too. In reality, I never said any such thing.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.
You agreed with me? That’s what I said and for the 100th time I have never belonged to a political party.
No, I didn't agree with you. And who said anything about a political party? Do you think "conservative" is a political party??
Last edited:
If I were a lying idiot like you, I would post as you did and bluff my way out of proving my claims by saying, I already showed you. But alas, I'm not. Here you are calling Biden a liar based on that meeting...
so you cant tell me what comment # I said that in,,,

if the meeting took place then yes biden lied,,,

Dumbfuck -- I linked your lie. Are you confessing you're too retarded to click on a link to find a comment #, if that's what you want to know??

Oh? What did they talk about?
exactly,,, and why did joe lie about the meeting???
I asked you what did they talk about? "Exactly" doesn't answer that. Do you not know what they talked about?
so youre now admitting it took place but dont know what they talked about???

if so are you concerned why joe lied about it???
What did Biden lie about?
sorry I thought you were up to date on the issue,,,

joe said he never discussed hunters overseas business,,,
So? You don't know what he talked about with the Burisma exec -- so you don't know that Biden lied.
if the meeting took place then joe lied,,,

and how would I know what was discussed in a meeting I wasnt at???
Nope. Biden didn't say he never met with Burisma employees. In fact, we already know he did because there's a photo of him with Devon Archer. What he actually said was he never discussed Hunter's business. And as you confessed, you have no idea whether or not they discussed Burisma.

So now we see you lied when you falsely claimed Biden lied.
why are you putting words in my mouth I never said???
I put no words in your mouth. No same person would go near your mouth.
if youre not going to be honest theres no reason to continue this discussion,,,
Then you should stop lying.
you lied not me,,,
Oh? What lie did I tell?
Laughing at my post doesn't indicate whatblie you think I told. You can't say because I didn't lie.
I already told you and you know it,,,
Nah, you're lying again which is why you can't say. You falsely claimed I put words in your mouth. I didn't. Which is why you can't say what words you think I put in your mouth.
but you did lie about what I said,,,,

just look at my comment and then read what you claim I said,,,
two different things and that change the whole context of my comment,, you lied,,,
If that were true, you'd say what words I "put in your mouth." You don't say because you can't say because I didn't. You just can't stop lying.
why would I say whats right on the screen in front of you
To clarify what you're talking about. If you could, you would. Instead, you hide yourself behind your bluff.
how do you clarify an specific accurate statement???
You state what I said that you think were words I "put in your mouth." It's pretty simple really and quote obvious why you're categorically refusing to do so -- because I didn't. You lied again.
I got Prog on ignore so I haven’t read the conversation but you calling him a liar sounds about right!
Yeah, first he lied about Biden, falsely claiming Biden lied when he said he never discussed his son's business with him; based on the email released today of a Burisma exec thanking Hunter for an opportunity to meet his father -- but then the idiot admits he doesn't even know if they talked about Hunter's business, meaning progressive hunter lied when he falsely claimed Joe Biden lied. Then when I point out progressive hunter lied, he falsely claimed I put words in his mouth. Now I'm calling him out on the latter and he's playing the I already told you bluff because I didn't ascribe anything to him he hadn't already said. Par for the course with that loser.
Sounds like he hasn’t changed much from when I used to talk to him. I reached my Limit of time wasted on his stupidity hence the “ignore”
I find him too entertaining to put on ignore.
Keep making him look like a fool. He deserves every second of it
Only cowards ignore. Fact.
That’s not a fact. I prefer to engage with intelligent people who can carry on a decent conversation. Idiot trolls are a waste of time. “Ignore” just filters them out.
“Idiot Troll” is subjective. Many here have me on ignore. I dont believe I am an idiot or a troll.
Based on our conversation yesterday I’d say you are capable of good conversation... there are others that are completely useless to talk to IMO. To each their own
I just don’t ignore anyone. To me it’s weak sauce. For example colfax is an idiot but I still listen to his diatribes.
I did the same thing for the first few years but then realized I was spending more time in pointless arguments with trolls than in substantive debates. I wanted to spend my time engaging in better discussions. Ignore helps filter out the noise.
You're a better person than I. I'm just here for the entertainment value. And dayum, are conservatives ever entertaining!

Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
He doesn't have proof. I know that is a foreign concept to liberals, but proof is typically required before legal action can be taken. I guess impeachment without proof is ok, at least for Democrats.
Far from having proof. The entire Biden-Ukraine story is founded on a fundamental lie, that Shokin was after Burisma and Joe went after him.
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
this is where critical thinking comes into it,,,

sadly you dont have that,,,
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
this is where critical thinking comes into it,,,

sadly you dont have that,,,

Uhh, no, this is where you either honestly admit you don't know what they were talking about -- or you lie and make something up.
Critical thinking about this story leads to serious skepticism.

  1. The very idea that a laptop with a video of Hunter Biden smoking crack on it would be given to a random repair shop to recover is absurd. It is years since his drug use and Burisma dealings became a serious issue of international importance, and professionals would long since have taken custody of any relevant hardware or storage. It is beyond the worst operational security in the world to give an unencrypted device with confidential data on it to a third party. It is, however, very much a valid way for someone to make a device appear to be from a person or organization without providing any verification that it is so.
  2. The repair shop supposedly could not identify Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles, as the customer. But the invoice (for $85 — remarkably cheap for diagnosis, recovery, and backup of three damaged Macs) has “Hunter Biden” written right on it, with a phone number and one of the email addresses he reportedly used. It seems unlikely that Hunter Biden’s personal laptop — again, loaded with personal and confidential information, and possibly communications with the VP — would be given to a small repair shop rather (than an Apple Store or vetted dealer) and that shop would be given his personal details for contact. Political operators with large supporting organizations simply don’t do that — though someone else could have.
  3. Even if they did, the idea that Biden or his assistant or whoever would not return to pick up the laptop or pay for the services is extremely suspicious. Again, these are supposedly the personal devices of someone who communicated regularly with the VP, and whose work had come under intense scrutiny long before they were dropped off. They would not be treated lightly or forgotten. On the other hand, someone who wanted this data to be inspected would do exactly this.
  4. That the laptops themselves were open and unencrypted is ridiculous. The serial number of the laptop suggests it was a 2017 MacBook Pro, probably running Mojave. Every Mac running Lion or later has easily enabled built-in encryption. It would be unusual for anyone to provide a laptop for repair that had no password or protection whatsoever on its files, let alone a person like Hunter Biden — again, years into efforts to uncover personal data relating to his work in Ukraine. An actor who wanted this data to be discovered and read would leave it unencrypted.
  5. That this information would be inspected by the repair shop at all is very suspect indeed. Recovery of an ostensibly damaged Mac would likely take the form of cloning the drive and checking its integrity against the original. There is no reason the files or apps themselves would need to be looked at in the course of the work in the first place. Some shops have software that checks file hashes, if they can see them, against a database of known child sex abuse material. And there have been notable breaches of trust where repair staff illicitly accessed the contents of a laptop to get personal data. But there’s really no legitimate reason for this business to inspect the contents of the devices they are working on, let alone share that information with anyone, let alone a partisan operative. The owner, and avid Trump supporter, gave an interview this morning giving inconsistent information on what had happened and suggested he investigated the laptops of his own volition and retained copies for personal protection.
  6. The data itself is not convincing. The Post has published screenshots of emails instead of the full text with metadata — something you would want to do if you wanted to show they were authentic. For stories with potential political implications, it’s wise to verify.
  7. Lastly, the fact that a copy was given to Giuliani and Bannon before being handed over to the FBI, and that it is all being published two weeks before the election, lends the whole thing a familiar stink — one you may remember from other pre-election shenanigans in 2016. The choice of the Post as the outlet for distribution is curious as well; one need only to accidentally step on one in the subway to understand why.
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
this is where critical thinking comes into it,,,

sadly you dont have that,,,

Uhh, no, this is where you either honestly admit you don't know what they were talking about -- or you lie and make something up.
or I could use my critical thinking skills and consider all the evidence and come to a rational conclusion,,,
He doesn't have proof. I know that is a foreign concept to liberals, but proof is typically required before legal action can be taken. I guess impeachment without proof is ok, at least for Democrats.
Far from having proof. The entire Biden-Ukraine story is founded on a fundamental lie, that Shokin was after Burisma and Joe went after him.
didn't stop the dems from RUSSIA.

this is our world now. if one side can make up shit, everyone can.
He doesn't have proof. I know that is a foreign concept to liberals, but proof is typically required before legal action can be taken. I guess impeachment without proof is ok, at least for Democrats.
Far from having proof. The entire Biden-Ukraine story is founded on a fundamental lie, that Shokin was after Burisma and Joe went after him.
didn't stop the dems from RUSSIA.

this is our world now. if one side can make up shit, everyone can.
except you dont have to make things up about dems,,, just give them a few inchs and they will always provide,,,
Benghazi, the caravan, Hillary’s e-mails, unmasking, blah, blah, it is always the same Pub crap. Nobody gives shit about Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is only the newest and latest Boogeyman du jour for Trumpist nut jobs.
didn't stop the dems from RUSSIA.

this is our world now. if one side can make up shit, everyone can.
You sure? Because everyone that's investigated Russian involvement in 2016 knows that they are the ones that hacked the DNC and Podesta to help Trump.

That's despite the Russian disinformation campaign trying to pin it posthumously on Seth Rich, a story which many on the right believe to this day.

So I guess we should ask why the right loves falling for Russian disinformation so much?
Oh? What did they talk about?
exactly,,, and why did joe lie about the meeting???
I asked you what did they talk about? "Exactly" doesn't answer that. Do you not know what they talked about?
so youre now admitting it took place but dont know what they talked about???

if so are you concerned why joe lied about it???
What did Biden lie about?
sorry I thought you were up to date on the issue,,,

joe said he never discussed hunters overseas business,,,
So? You don't know what he talked about with the Burisma exec -- so you don't know that Biden lied.
if the meeting took place then joe lied,,,

and how would I know what was discussed in a meeting I wasnt at???
Nope. Biden didn't say he never met with Burisma employees. In fact, we already know he did because there's a photo of him with Devon Archer. What he actually said was he never discussed Hunter's business. And as you confessed, you have no idea whether or not they discussed Burisma.

So now we see you lied when you falsely claimed Biden lied.
why are you putting words in my mouth I never said???
I put no words in your mouth. No same person would go near your mouth.
if youre not going to be honest theres no reason to continue this discussion,,,
Then you should stop lying.
you lied not me,,,
Oh? What lie did I tell?
Laughing at my post doesn't indicate whatblie you think I told. You can't say because I didn't lie.
I already told you and you know it,,,
Nah, you're lying again which is why you can't say. You falsely claimed I put words in your mouth. I didn't. Which is why you can't say what words you think I put in your mouth.
but you did lie about what I said,,,,

just look at my comment and then read what you claim I said,,,
two different things and that change the whole context of my comment,, you lied,,,
If that were true, you'd say what words I "put in your mouth." You don't say because you can't say because I didn't. You just can't stop lying.
why would I say whats right on the screen in front of you
To clarify what you're talking about. If you could, you would. Instead, you hide yourself behind your bluff.
how do you clarify an specific accurate statement???
You state what I said that you think were words I "put in your mouth." It's pretty simple really and quote obvious why you're categorically refusing to do so -- because I didn't. You lied again.
I got Prog on ignore so I haven’t read the conversation but you calling him a liar sounds about right!
Yeah, first he lied about Biden, falsely claiming Biden lied when he said he never discussed his son's business with him; based on the email released today of a Burisma exec thanking Hunter for an opportunity to meet his father -- but then the idiot admits he doesn't even know if they talked about Hunter's business, meaning progressive hunter lied when he falsely claimed Joe Biden lied. Then when I point out progressive hunter lied, he falsely claimed I put words in his mouth. Now I'm calling him out on the latter and he's playing the I already told you bluff because I didn't ascribe anything to him he hadn't already said. Par for the course with that loser.
Sounds like he hasn’t changed much from when I used to talk to him. I reached my Limit of time wasted on his stupidity hence the “ignore”
I find him too entertaining to put on ignore.
Keep making him look like a fool. He deserves every second of it
Only cowards ignore. Fact.
That’s not a fact. I prefer to engage with intelligent people who can carry on a decent conversation. Idiot trolls are a waste of time. “Ignore” just filters them out.
“Idiot Troll” is subjective. Many here have me on ignore. I dont believe I am an idiot or a troll.
Based on our conversation yesterday I’d say you are capable of good conversation... there are others that are completely useless to talk to IMO. To each their own
I just don’t ignore anyone. To me it’s weak sauce. For example colfax is an idiot but I still listen to his diatribes.
I did the same thing for the first few years but then realized I was spending more time in pointless arguments with trolls than in substantive debates. I wanted to spend my time engaging in better discussions. Ignore helps filter out the noise.
I respect that. For example faun is a troll. But I do not put him on ignore.
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
You agreed with me it was the Pats Jets. Why are you back pedaling?
Didn't Joe Biden say he had zero dealings with Hunter's business associates?
No. He said he never discussed his son's overseas business dealings. You should already know that.
correct,,, and if the meeting took place thats a lie on joes part,,,
You're lying yet again. Biden is only lying if you can prove they discussed Hunter's overseas business if they met. And you already confessed you can't do that.
youre right they must have been talking about shoes or something,,,
I couldn't tell you what they talked about since like you, I wasn't there.
this is where critical thinking comes into it,,,

sadly you dont have that,,,

Uhh, no, this is where you either honestly admit you don't know what they were talking about -- or you lie and make something up.
or I could use my critical thinking skills and consider all the evidence and come to a rational conclusion,,,


The only evidence you have is a claim there is an email (not proven to be authentic) which claims to be from a Burisma exec (not proven to be true) where he thanks Hunter Biden for an opportunity to meet his father (doesn't say they actually ultimately met and the Biden camp says they see no such meeting around that time in Joe's calendar) and where nothing in the email describes what they discussed.

It's from that evidence you falsely insinuate they discussed Hunter's overseas business.

That's now 4 lies you've told already; so clearly, making up shit is what you do. Pretending like lying requires critical thinking or results in a rational conclusion is a 5th lie.

And like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.
Critical thinking about this story leads to serious skepticism.

  1. The very idea that a laptop with a video of Hunter Biden smoking crack on it would be given to a random repair shop to recover is absurd. It is years since his drug use and Burisma dealings became a serious issue of international importance, and professionals would long since have taken custody of any relevant hardware or storage. It is beyond the worst operational security in the world to give an unencrypted device with confidential data on it to a third party. It is, however, very much a valid way for someone to make a device appear to be from a person or organization without providing any verification that it is so.
  2. The repair shop supposedly could not identify Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles, as the customer. But the invoice (for $85 — remarkably cheap for diagnosis, recovery, and backup of three damaged Macs) has “Hunter Biden” written right on it, with a phone number and one of the email addresses he reportedly used. It seems unlikely that Hunter Biden’s personal laptop — again, loaded with personal and confidential information, and possibly communications with the VP — would be given to a small repair shop rather (than an Apple Store or vetted dealer) and that shop would be given his personal details for contact. Political operators with large supporting organizations simply don’t do that — though someone else could have.
  3. Even if they did, the idea that Biden or his assistant or whoever would not return to pick up the laptop or pay for the services is extremely suspicious. Again, these are supposedly the personal devices of someone who communicated regularly with the VP, and whose work had come under intense scrutiny long before they were dropped off. They would not be treated lightly or forgotten. On the other hand, someone who wanted this data to be inspected would do exactly this.
  4. That the laptops themselves were open and unencrypted is ridiculous. The serial number of the laptop suggests it was a 2017 MacBook Pro, probably running Mojave. Every Mac running Lion or later has easily enabled built-in encryption. It would be unusual for anyone to provide a laptop for repair that had no password or protection whatsoever on its files, let alone a person like Hunter Biden — again, years into efforts to uncover personal data relating to his work in Ukraine. An actor who wanted this data to be discovered and read would leave it unencrypted.
  5. That this information would be inspected by the repair shop at all is very suspect indeed. Recovery of an ostensibly damaged Mac would likely take the form of cloning the drive and checking its integrity against the original. There is no reason the files or apps themselves would need to be looked at in the course of the work in the first place. Some shops have software that checks file hashes, if they can see them, against a database of known child sex abuse material. And there have been notable breaches of trust where repair staff illicitly accessed the contents of a laptop to get personal data. But there’s really no legitimate reason for this business to inspect the contents of the devices they are working on, let alone share that information with anyone, let alone a partisan operative. The owner, and avid Trump supporter, gave an interview this morning giving inconsistent information on what had happened and suggested he investigated the laptops of his own volition and retained copies for personal protection.
  6. The data itself is not convincing. The Post has published screenshots of emails instead of the full text with metadata — something you would want to do if you wanted to show they were authentic. For stories with potential political implications, it’s wise to verify.
  7. Lastly, the fact that a copy was given to Giuliani and Bannon before being handed over to the FBI, and that it is all being published two weeks before the election, lends the whole thing a familiar stink — one you may remember from other pre-election shenanigans in 2016. The choice of the Post as the outlet for distribution is curious as well; one need only to accidentally step on one in the subway to understand why.
Laundry list of excuses. Why don’t you just admit that the media lies? Doesn’t fit your leftist narrative, eh Cowardly Colfax.
Oh? What did they talk about?
exactly,,, and why did joe lie about the meeting???
I asked you what did they talk about? "Exactly" doesn't answer that. Do you not know what they talked about?
so youre now admitting it took place but dont know what they talked about???

if so are you concerned why joe lied about it???
What did Biden lie about?
sorry I thought you were up to date on the issue,,,

joe said he never discussed hunters overseas business,,,
So? You don't know what he talked about with the Burisma exec -- so you don't know that Biden lied.
if the meeting took place then joe lied,,,

and how would I know what was discussed in a meeting I wasnt at???
Nope. Biden didn't say he never met with Burisma employees. In fact, we already know he did because there's a photo of him with Devon Archer. What he actually said was he never discussed Hunter's business. And as you confessed, you have no idea whether or not they discussed Burisma.

So now we see you lied when you falsely claimed Biden lied.
why are you putting words in my mouth I never said???
I put no words in your mouth. No same person would go near your mouth.
if youre not going to be honest theres no reason to continue this discussion,,,
Then you should stop lying.
you lied not me,,,
Oh? What lie did I tell?
Laughing at my post doesn't indicate whatblie you think I told. You can't say because I didn't lie.
I already told you and you know it,,,
Nah, you're lying again which is why you can't say. You falsely claimed I put words in your mouth. I didn't. Which is why you can't say what words you think I put in your mouth.
but you did lie about what I said,,,,

just look at my comment and then read what you claim I said,,,
two different things and that change the whole context of my comment,, you lied,,,
If that were true, you'd say what words I "put in your mouth." You don't say because you can't say because I didn't. You just can't stop lying.
why would I say whats right on the screen in front of you
To clarify what you're talking about. If you could, you would. Instead, you hide yourself behind your bluff.
how do you clarify an specific accurate statement???
You state what I said that you think were words I "put in your mouth." It's pretty simple really and quote obvious why you're categorically refusing to do so -- because I didn't. You lied again.
I got Prog on ignore so I haven’t read the conversation but you calling him a liar sounds about right!
Yeah, first he lied about Biden, falsely claiming Biden lied when he said he never discussed his son's business with him; based on the email released today of a Burisma exec thanking Hunter for an opportunity to meet his father -- but then the idiot admits he doesn't even know if they talked about Hunter's business, meaning progressive hunter lied when he falsely claimed Joe Biden lied. Then when I point out progressive hunter lied, he falsely claimed I put words in his mouth. Now I'm calling him out on the latter and he's playing the I already told you bluff because I didn't ascribe anything to him he hadn't already said. Par for the course with that loser.
Sounds like he hasn’t changed much from when I used to talk to him. I reached my Limit of time wasted on his stupidity hence the “ignore”
I find him too entertaining to put on ignore.
Keep making him look like a fool. He deserves every second of it
Only cowards ignore. Fact.
That’s not a fact. I prefer to engage with intelligent people who can carry on a decent conversation. Idiot trolls are a waste of time. “Ignore” just filters them out.
“Idiot Troll” is subjective. Many here have me on ignore. I dont believe I am an idiot or a troll.
Based on our conversation yesterday I’d say you are capable of good conversation... there are others that are completely useless to talk to IMO. To each their own
I just don’t ignore anyone. To me it’s weak sauce. For example colfax is an idiot but I still listen to his diatribes.
I did the same thing for the first few years but then realized I was spending more time in pointless arguments with trolls than in substantive debates. I wanted to spend my time engaging in better discussions. Ignore helps filter out the noise.
I respect that. For example faun is a troll. But I do not put him on ignore.

I already showed where you ignored my posts, ShortBusCoward.

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