Hunter Biden

IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

my sides the constitution and rule of law,,,
Good for you, I’m on board with that. How does the constitution and rule of law feel about going to Ukraine over our own intel agencies to investigate a US citizen? Is that the proper process for our rule of law?
It’s trumps job to hold tax payer funding to corrupt regimes.. deal with it
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
can you show one shred of evidence that’s true?

I have several times,,,just because you ignore it means nothing but youre the cause of your own ignorance,,,,
Slade is not in the middle, the left can do no wrong only trump is bad orange man bad lol
He should change is profile pic
YOU are giving me advice about profile pictures?! Haha, thank you for the morning laugh!
Change it to ORANGE MAN BAD. Lol
IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

my sides the constitution and rule of law,,,
Good for you, I’m on board with that. How does the constitution and rule of law feel about going to Ukraine over our own intel agencies to investigate a US citizen? Is that the proper process for our rule of law?

thats exactly how it works,,unless of course you can show me where intel agencies are even mentioned in the constitution,,,

POTUS has a duty to protect the country/constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic
If Hunter Biden is guilty, charge him...why is this so hard??

In fact, if he was guilty, he should have been charged before this whole impeachment thing would definitely make Trump pressuring Ukraine to help him investigate Biden look far more creditable...…

But so far, the only folks charged with any crimes in regards to corruption and Ukraine are people who worked for Trump....Manafort, Gates...and now Giuliani's 2 new BFF's

694940094001_5738846840001_5738842364001-vs.jpg rudy-associates.jpg

But despite all of these Trump connected folks being not only charged, but convicted for corruption....we are constantly being told its the people who haven't even been charged that are the guilty ones?? If so, why is Trump and Barr so weak to where they can't charge them??
If Hunter Biden is guilty, charge him...why is this so hard??

In fact, if he was guilty, he should have been charged before this whole impeachment thing would definitely make Trump pressuring Ukraine to help him investigate Biden look far more creditable...…

But so far, the only folks charged with any crimes in regards to corruption and Ukraine are people who worked for Trump....Manafort, Gates...and now Giuliani's 2 new BFF's

View attachment 289281 View attachment 289282

But despite all of these Trump connected folks being not only charged, but convicted for corruption....we are constantly being told its the people who haven't even been charged that are the guilty ones?? If so, why is Trump and Barr so weak to where they can't charge them??
Kinda what happens when democrats refuse to investigate based on party lines..
the most corrupt group gets away with murder, Seth rich, Epstein..

Just remember the name John durham ..

Jesus Trump voters are stupid as fuck

You can certainly spin it like that if you like. That's an ancient attitude that only the elite are fit to rule, and the rest of us are peasants and villains. The resistance of the libs to the common peeps has been consistent since antiquity, when the mayor of London attacked and killed Deplorable leader Wat Tyler in London.
If Hunter Biden is guilty, charge him...why is this so hard??

In fact, if he was guilty, he should have been charged before this whole impeachment thing would definitely make Trump pressuring Ukraine to help him investigate Biden look far more creditable...…

But so far, the only folks charged with any crimes in regards to corruption and Ukraine are people who worked for Trump....Manafort, Gates...and now Giuliani's 2 new BFF's

View attachment 289281 View attachment 289282

But despite all of these Trump connected folks being not only charged, but convicted for corruption....we are constantly being told its the people who haven't even been charged that are the guilty ones?? If so, why is Trump and Barr so weak to where they can't charge them??

The idea isn't to charge Hunter Biden, just to INVESTIGATE the Biden Crime Family. Investigation comes first. Once the interviews are completed, the transcripts can be compared and charges can be levied against members for obstruction as well as perjury. Deals can be offered, depending on whose head is being offered, in return for leniency.
Ok so connect the dots to the crime. It seems that your highlighting lobbying efforts which I believe is legal business practice. What’s the crime?

IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

The problem isn't whether or not you refuse or not.

But the question of why the Biden Family wouldn't WANT to cooperate. They are being given a chance to prove their innocence.
oh come on, this is a joke, right?! You complaining about the Biden’s not cooperating while the White House is telling all their people to ignore congressional subpoenas!!! What exactly have the Biden’s not cooperated with except engaging with the media about this obvious distraction?
IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

The problem isn't whether or not you refuse or not.

But the question of why the Biden Family wouldn't WANT to cooperate. They are being given a chance to prove their innocence.
oh come on, this is a joke, right?! You complaining about the Biden’s not cooperating while the White House is telling all their people to ignore congressional subpoenas!!! What exactly have the Biden’s not cooperated with except engaging with the media about this obvious distraction?

thats confirms your ignorance to the facts and reality of this whole thing,,,
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
can you show one shred of evidence that’s true?
HES CALLED FOR THE INVESTIGATION! Stop shielding them, what are you afraid of? Biden said his last name is what qualified him.. do you agree Hunter Biden would never have been on that board if it wasn’t for his father being vice president and overseeing money going to Ukraine yes or no?
Though I don’t know the details, sure I’d be willing to bet that he got that position because of his last name. Is that now a crime?
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

What the people really want to know about Hunter Biden and Burisma, is what was Burisma paying for? Was Mr. Biden worth the 50 large every month? If he was worth it, we'd love to know what this particular Whore Mongering Crack Head did for the money. It doesn't looks like Hunter Biden is an expert in energy and Ukraine. It looks like Burisma was just buying Graft..

Although appearances are sometime deceptive.
the answer to that is already public. Burisma was trying to gain stronger relations with the USA and wanted to get high profile people on their board to boost the profile of their company. Whether you like it or not the son of the VP is a high profile person. How much money do companies spend on a single 15 second commercial during the Super Bowl?! Biden was paid a drop in the bucket compared to any large companies advertising budget.

That's certainly a theory worth looking into. Although I'd love to get Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family, as well as Whistleblowers from Burisma to testify in this regard. Why does it look like foreign outfits are trying to payoff corrupt government officials in America by providing "no work" jobs for their ne'er-do-well kin?

If Cokehead Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, he will be anxious to take the opportunity to clear his name and prove his innocence.
That’s all pretty rich after hearing 3 years of whining about witch hunts and hoaxes. Now you’re all about them huh?! Wonderful

The liberals set this precedent, and if Biden is elected, he needs to get used to it.

Vice President Biden, as well as his kin and his staff need to stop obstructing and start cooperating. That's what he is signing on to by running for the Presidency if he wins.
What exactly is Biden obstructing?
IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

The problem isn't whether or not you refuse or not.

But the question of why the Biden Family wouldn't WANT to cooperate. They are being given a chance to prove their innocence.
oh come on, this is a joke, right?! You complaining about the Biden’s not cooperating while the White House is telling all their people to ignore congressional subpoenas!!! What exactly have the Biden’s not cooperated with except engaging with the media about this obvious distraction?

The Bidens are the topic here, not President Trump.

None of the Biden family have been brought in to testify or interviewed by DOJ folks yet. All that the people are asking for is investigations and cooperation. If the Bidens are cool with this, fine. But all I've seen is resistance from the Media who want to give the Vice President a pass before any questioning.
there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

The problem isn't whether or not you refuse or not.

But the question of why the Biden Family wouldn't WANT to cooperate. They are being given a chance to prove their innocence.
oh come on, this is a joke, right?! You complaining about the Biden’s not cooperating while the White House is telling all their people to ignore congressional subpoenas!!! What exactly have the Biden’s not cooperated with except engaging with the media about this obvious distraction?

thats confirms your ignorance to the facts and reality of this whole thing,,,
whys that?
What the people really want to know about Hunter Biden and Burisma, is what was Burisma paying for? Was Mr. Biden worth the 50 large every month? If he was worth it, we'd love to know what this particular Whore Mongering Crack Head did for the money. It doesn't looks like Hunter Biden is an expert in energy and Ukraine. It looks like Burisma was just buying Graft..

Although appearances are sometime deceptive.
the answer to that is already public. Burisma was trying to gain stronger relations with the USA and wanted to get high profile people on their board to boost the profile of their company. Whether you like it or not the son of the VP is a high profile person. How much money do companies spend on a single 15 second commercial during the Super Bowl?! Biden was paid a drop in the bucket compared to any large companies advertising budget.

That's certainly a theory worth looking into. Although I'd love to get Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family, as well as Whistleblowers from Burisma to testify in this regard. Why does it look like foreign outfits are trying to payoff corrupt government officials in America by providing "no work" jobs for their ne'er-do-well kin?

If Cokehead Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, he will be anxious to take the opportunity to clear his name and prove his innocence.
That’s all pretty rich after hearing 3 years of whining about witch hunts and hoaxes. Now you’re all about them huh?! Wonderful

The liberals set this precedent, and if Biden is elected, he needs to get used to it.

Vice President Biden, as well as his kin and his staff need to stop obstructing and start cooperating. That's what he is signing on to by running for the Presidency if he wins.
What exactly is Biden obstructing?

He is refusing to come clean about exactly what his son did for Burisma, and what he got in exchange for a billion in taxpayers' dollars.
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
can you show one shred of evidence that’s true?
HES CALLED FOR THE INVESTIGATION! Stop shielding them, what are you afraid of? Biden said his last name is what qualified him.. do you agree Hunter Biden would never have been on that board if it wasn’t for his father being vice president and overseeing money going to Ukraine yes or no?
Though I don’t know the details, sure I’d be willing to bet that he got that position because of his last name. Is that now a crime?
If it was contingent on funds being held up yes. Huge conflict of interest, gotta make sure no more tax money is going to fund crack head hunter
If you think about it quit Pro quo did occur Trump forced Hunter Biden to step down from the board the funding went to Ukraine and no more will go into Hunter Biden’s pocket Trump wins wins
there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

they have been investigating the trumps for 3 yrs,,,
so your refusal to have an investigaation is even more reason to have one,,,
My refusal? I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t have the power to refuse an investigation into the ex Vice President of the United States. I’m honored that you thought I had such power but it’s just not the case.
As an outside observer I can see the dishonest politicization and call it out which is what I’m doing. I get that you’re trying to stick up for “your side” that’s fine.

The problem isn't whether or not you refuse or not.

But the question of why the Biden Family wouldn't WANT to cooperate. They are being given a chance to prove their innocence.
oh come on, this is a joke, right?! You complaining about the Biden’s not cooperating while the White House is telling all their people to ignore congressional subpoenas!!! What exactly have the Biden’s not cooperated with except engaging with the media about this obvious distraction?

The Bidens are the topic here, not President Trump.

None of the Biden family have been brought in to testify or interviewed by DOJ folks yet. All that the people are asking for is investigations and cooperation. If the Bidens are cool with this, fine. But all I've seen is resistance from the Media who want to give the Vice President a pass before any questioning.
Is the DOJ investigating the Biden’s? Have the refused to be interviewed by them? What is this obstruction you’re talking about?

You’re hypocrisy to accuse Biden of obstructing a non existent investigation when the White House is literally ignoring subpoenas is rather mind blowing... even for you
the answer to that is already public. Burisma was trying to gain stronger relations with the USA and wanted to get high profile people on their board to boost the profile of their company. Whether you like it or not the son of the VP is a high profile person. How much money do companies spend on a single 15 second commercial during the Super Bowl?! Biden was paid a drop in the bucket compared to any large companies advertising budget.

That's certainly a theory worth looking into. Although I'd love to get Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family, as well as Whistleblowers from Burisma to testify in this regard. Why does it look like foreign outfits are trying to payoff corrupt government officials in America by providing "no work" jobs for their ne'er-do-well kin?

If Cokehead Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, he will be anxious to take the opportunity to clear his name and prove his innocence.
That’s all pretty rich after hearing 3 years of whining about witch hunts and hoaxes. Now you’re all about them huh?! Wonderful

The liberals set this precedent, and if Biden is elected, he needs to get used to it.

Vice President Biden, as well as his kin and his staff need to stop obstructing and start cooperating. That's what he is signing on to by running for the Presidency if he wins.
What exactly is Biden obstructing?

He is refusing to come clean about exactly what his son did for Burisma, and what he got in exchange for a billion in taxpayers' dollars.
oh he isn’t coming clean. Did he ignore Hannitys request for an interview or something? Is that the great obstruction your talking about?
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
can you show one shred of evidence that’s true?
HES CALLED FOR THE INVESTIGATION! Stop shielding them, what are you afraid of? Biden said his last name is what qualified him.. do you agree Hunter Biden would never have been on that board if it wasn’t for his father being vice president and overseeing money going to Ukraine yes or no?
Though I don’t know the details, sure I’d be willing to bet that he got that position because of his last name. Is that now a crime?
If it was contingent on funds being held up yes. Huge conflict of interest, gotta make sure no more tax money is going to fund crack head hunter
how did tax payer funds go to hunter. You know tax payer funds are appropriated by Congress, not the VP right?
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
can you show one shred of evidence that’s true?
HES CALLED FOR THE INVESTIGATION! Stop shielding them, what are you afraid of? Biden said his last name is what qualified him.. do you agree Hunter Biden would never have been on that board if it wasn’t for his father being vice president and overseeing money going to Ukraine yes or no?
Though I don’t know the details, sure I’d be willing to bet that he got that position because of his last name. Is that now a crime?
If it was contingent on funds being held up yes. Huge conflict of interest, gotta make sure no more tax money is going to fund crack head hunter
how did tax payer funds go to hunter. You know tax payer funds are appropriated by Congress, not the VP right?
Are you saying no funds went to Ukraine? Lol you are special lol

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