Hunter Biden

In all fairness, the Quid Pro Quo is probably also a red herring that they came up with to distract from the larger issue; that this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

Trump may be using it as a distraction, but regardless, it merits a serious investigation.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,
What, you think Jared got bailed out of bankruptcy by the Saudis and UAE because he sells jewelry?
Trump may be using it as a distraction, but regardless, it merits a serious investigation.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,
What, you think Jared got bailed out of bankruptcy by the Saudis and UAE because he sells jewelry?

thats a different subject,,,
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

Trump may be using it as a distraction, but regardless, it merits a serious investigation.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,

Didn't the company who hired him basically say that they wanted some high profile people to help shore up their tainted reputation after the owner was charge with multiple counts of corruption. Was that illegal under Ukrainian law? Anything under US law against getting a cushy job based on your name alone or your dad's reputation?
Trump may be using it as a distraction, but regardless, it merits a serious investigation.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,

Didn't the company who hired him basically say that they wanted some high profile people to help shore up their tainted reputation after the owner was charge with multiple counts of corruption. Was that illegal under Ukrainian law? Anything under US law against getting a cushy job based on your name alone or your dad's reputation?

it is when your father the vice president starts getting criminal investigations into the company stopped,,,

and its currently unethical,,,

imagine if his name was trump??? you mother fuckers would lose your damn minds
Trump may be using it as a distraction, but regardless, it merits a serious investigation.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,
What, you think Jared got bailed out of bankruptcy by the Saudis and UAE because he sells jewelry?
When did he get bailed out of bankruptcy?
The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,
What, you think Jared got bailed out of bankruptcy by the Saudis and UAE because he sells jewelry?

thats a different subject,,,
noooooo it's uuuuuuge
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.
sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,
Today drove another nail into Trump's coffin.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.
sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,
Today drove another nail into Trump's coffin.
whats happened today???
One of the reasons Hunter and Impeachment are both pretty much red herrings is that both were going to be issues anyway. Biden's campaign had already stalled because he failed to make his case that he was the antidote to Trump's corruption.

Warren's loony act has gotten a pass because she's the enemy of corruption - despite being a corporate lawyer and HAh-vahd law professor tool of the elite.

She's now getting called on that. So, by exposing Biden earlier than he might have been exposed, Trump may oddly have done the dems a favor.

I got a kernel for the dems …. NOBODY gets the money to run for president without the people with money thinking they can get something out of them. The interesting question is who gives the money to the candidate. Or not all of the rich are like the rest of the rich. But nobody's gonna take all their money. (Bernie ain't getting elected)
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

The GOP had control of the House between 2011 and 2018. I guess they just couldn't fit it in between all the other phony investigations they seriously investigated. The only thing they have on Hunter is cashing in on the name he was born with. Sounds like Trumpybear business model.

but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,

Didn't the company who hired him basically say that they wanted some high profile people to help shore up their tainted reputation after the owner was charge with multiple counts of corruption. Was that illegal under Ukrainian law? Anything under US law against getting a cushy job based on your name alone or your dad's reputation?

it is when your father the vice president starts getting criminal investigations into the company stopped,,,

and its currently unethical,,,

imagine if his name was trump??? you mother fuckers would lose your damn minds

This would all be a small footnote in history except that by 2016, officials throughout the Obama administration and in Western Europe had come to a consensus that Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, wasn’t doing enough to crack down on corruption. Biden, as he later colorfully recounted, delivered the message that the West wanted Shokin gone or else loan guarantees would be held up, and Shokin was, in turn, fired.

There was nothing remotely controversial about this at the time. No congressional Republicans complained about it, and the European Union hailed the decision to fire Shokin. EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin The reason there is video footage of Biden touting his personal role in this is it was considered a foreign policy triumph that Biden wanted to claim credit for, not anything sordid or embarrassing.

But Shokin, of course, didn’t want to go down on the theory that he was corrupt or incompetent. So he started offering another theory: he was fired for going after Burisma by Joe Biden operating on behalf of Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden, the black sheep who might accidentally bring down Trump, explained
but trump wasnt an elected official when he did it,,,

Did what?

when his children cashed in on the name they were born with,,,

Didn't the company who hired him basically say that they wanted some high profile people to help shore up their tainted reputation after the owner was charge with multiple counts of corruption. Was that illegal under Ukrainian law? Anything under US law against getting a cushy job based on your name alone or your dad's reputation?

it is when your father the vice president starts getting criminal investigations into the company stopped,,,

and its currently unethical,,,

imagine if his name was trump??? you mother fuckers would lose your damn minds

This would all be a small footnote in history except that by 2016, officials throughout the Obama administration and in Western Europe had come to a consensus that Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, wasn’t doing enough to crack down on corruption. Biden, as he later colorfully recounted, delivered the message that the West wanted Shokin gone or else loan guarantees would be held up, and Shokin was, in turn, fired.

There was nothing remotely controversial about this at the time. No congressional Republicans complained about it, and the European Union hailed the decision to fire Shokin. EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin The reason there is video footage of Biden touting his personal role in this is it was considered a foreign policy triumph that Biden wanted to claim credit for, not anything sordid or embarrassing.

But Shokin, of course, didn’t want to go down on the theory that he was corrupt or incompetent. So he started offering another theory: he was fired for going after Burisma by Joe Biden operating on behalf of Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden, the black sheep who might accidentally bring down Trump, explained

sorry but youre opinion article doesnt change the documented facts,,,

and also as I said before this isnt so much about biden as it is about the DNC collusion with former Ukraine officials to effect the 2016 election,,

its just that joe shot off his mouth bragging about extorting ukraine to stop the investigation that opened the door for trump and the DOJ to open a full investigation into all of it,,,
whats next??
you gonna throw your cereal bowl on the floor???

I posted the links,, after that its your problem,,,

You didn't post a single link to any document that refutes what I posted.

Carry on.

youre right on this one,,,I posted several links not just a single one
Yes, several links to videos, not documents.

Carry on.

the documents are included in the video links,,,
Stop lying. The links included in the video links go to glennbeck"s website, not to documents.

Carry on.
Poor Little Russian Butt Puppet. Impeachment Insanity & Failure of COUP 2.0 has you menstruating again, and bleeding like a stuck pig.

You are in the advanced stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome, one of which the first indicator and symptom is your confusion over the XX and XY chromosomes, and which bathroom to use.
Yeah...cause we all know an International Global Energy Company on a regular basis pays $83,000 per month to random people to sit on their board...complete coincidence he was the Vice Presidents son. Just happened to be... no favors pulled...nothing like that...just pure coincidence.

In all fairness, the Quid Pro Quo is probably also a red herring that they came up with to distract from the larger issue; that this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

Same as Obama?
Apparently Barr has been sent to investigate the Biden's, which seems to be a Gestapo-ish tactic. Of course the Right-tards approve of this investigation and reject all the issues of wrong doing by trump as fake.

Barr ought to spend his time investigating trump, instead of the Democrats needing to; he could have taken all of the witnesses before a Grand Jury.

I guess you didn't know that Democrats are supposed to follow the law too.

Your Tards won't allow Trump or the GOP to put up witnesses, which is a clear sign of consciousness of a Fascist coup.

Democrats have no evidence of wrongdoing... That's the fact.
In all fairness, the Quid Pro Quo is probably also a red herring that they came up with to distract from the larger issue; that this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

Same as Obama?

got a link to back that up???

You want a link that shows Obama didn't give military aid to Ukraine?

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