Hunter Biden

this administration initially held up the aid at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

Same as Obama?

got a link to back that up???

Now THAT'S funny coming from a poster who refuses to back up his claims.

Here, I'll do what you do... here's a link to other links and if you look for just the right link, you might just find the proof corroborating the claim....


I have posted it several times,not my fault you refuse to look at it,,,

ignorant is not a way to go through life
You're lying again. Stop lying. The truth is I did look at it. That's how I know the links with the videos go to Glenn Beck's website, not to documents, as you lied about.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

and that link to beck contains all the links to the documents,,,

sorry but I'm not your mother and will not put the food on your plate for you,,,
when did I claim to be a conservative???
So you say. Why on Earth should anyone go hunting for a link that you yourself can't provide?
I'm good, don't worry about me. I posted an article about how Shokin had two years to investigate Burisma and refused to cooperate with the U.K.'s investigation into Zlochevsky and there's been nothing posted to refute it.
Woopty do.

So you admit Burisma was corrupt when Hunter Biden worked there and his father was spooning out money. Was that your only point?
That too is a lie. The corruption occurred prior to Hunter Biden working for Burisma...

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.​

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

then why was the prosecutor trying to reopen the investigation 1 month before biden had him fired???
So you say... sans proof.

wasnt me,,, it was the documented facts,,,
There were no documented facts posted here. I read your post, you made it, not documented facts. And you can't post a link to this purported documented fact you claim exists.
got a link to back that up???

Now THAT'S funny coming from a poster who refuses to back up his claims.

Here, I'll do what you do... here's a link to other links and if you look for just the right link, you might just find the proof corroborating the claim....


I have posted it several times,not my fault you refuse to look at it,,,

ignorant is not a way to go through life
You're lying again. Stop lying. The truth is I did look at it. That's how I know the links with the videos go to Glenn Beck's website, not to documents, as you lied about.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

and that link to beck contains all the links to the documents,,,

sorry but I'm not your mother and will not put the food on your plate for you,,,
when did I claim to be a conservative???
So you say. Why on Earth should anyone go hunting for a link that you yourself can't provide?

no hunting required,,,only effort,,,
Woopty do.

So you admit Burisma was corrupt when Hunter Biden worked there and his father was spooning out money. Was that your only point?
That too is a lie. The corruption occurred prior to Hunter Biden working for Burisma...

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

But it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.​

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

then why was the prosecutor trying to reopen the investigation 1 month before biden had him fired???
So you say... sans proof.

wasnt me,,, it was the documented facts,,,
There were no documented facts posted here. I read your post, you made it, not documented facts. And you can't post a link to this purported documented fact you claim exists.

they were posted several times,,,
Obama didn't give military aid to Ukraine, because he wanted to punish Putin?

I wasnt talking about what obama did,,,

you said trump withheld it at the behest of putin,,,
so do you got a link to back that up???

you said trump withheld it at the behest of putin,,,

No, I said...."Same as Obama?"

got a link???


Hunter Biden
Obama didn't give military aid to Ukraine, because he wanted to punish Putin?

I wasnt talking about what obama did,,,

you said trump withheld it at the behest of putin,,,
so do you got a link to back that up???

you said trump withheld it at the behest of putin,,,

No, I said...."Same as Obama?"

got a link???


Hunter Biden


Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins,,

so an official investigation was started,,,lets see where it goes and hope for the best,,,
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?

hunter comes into it because he worked for the company that his father stopped a criminal investigation into,,,at least thats what the documents say happened,,,

I say let an investigation happen and hope for the best,,,
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?

hunter comes into it because he worked for the company that his father stopped a criminal investigation into,,,at least thats what the documents say happened,,,

I say let an investigation happen and hope for the best,,,
like with any investigation there needs to be qualifying criteria... evidence to show credible evidence of criminal activity. So wouldn’t you agree that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should present and qualify evidence validating an investigation? Otherwise you are literally talking about a witch hunt.
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?

hunter comes into it because he worked for the company that his father stopped a criminal investigation into,,,at least thats what the documents say happened,,,

I say let an investigation happen and hope for the best,,,
like with any investigation there needs to be qualifying criteria... evidence to show credible evidence of criminal activity. So wouldn’t you agree that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should present and qualify evidence validating an investigation? Otherwise you are literally talking about a witch hunt.

no I wouldnt,,,

there are several levels of investigations,, and based on the attacks on trump for every little thing down to his spelling hes smart to keep it close to him as long as possible,,,

keep in mind this is less about biden and more about DNC collusion in 2016,,,

and if theres nothing to hide whats the problem???
he will end up with egg on his face and might lose 2020 cause of it,,
Don’t you all think that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should formally present their reasons for accusing the Biden’s of criminal activity before the Biden’s get dragged through The mud with public and political depositions?

Wouldn’t that be the proper way to go about it?

so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?

hunter comes into it because he worked for the company that his father stopped a criminal investigation into,,,at least thats what the documents say happened,,,

I say let an investigation happen and hope for the best,,,
like with any investigation there needs to be qualifying criteria... evidence to show credible evidence of criminal activity. So wouldn’t you agree that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should present and qualify evidence validating an investigation? Otherwise you are literally talking about a witch hunt.

no I wouldnt,,,

there are several levels of investigations,, and based on the attacks on trump for every little thing down to his spelling hes smart to keep it close to him as long as possible,,,

and if theres nothing to hide whats the problem???
he will end up with egg on his face and might lose 2020 cause of it,,
we both know that’s bullshit. Even if there is nothing the fact that there is an investigation is enough to politicize the shit out of. Trump is the king of making mountains out of molehills and carving narratives to work in his advantage so we both know he would not have egg on his face. He would leave with many narratives to exploit for the election.

there’s a reason he pushed to get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations. ThatS all he needs.

why do you think he won’t release his tax returns? Same thing. Even if they are clean there will be an arsenal of material for his political enemies to exploit.
so far its been mostly an ethics thing, but thanks to joe bragging about extortion he committed thats where the illegal issue begins
How so? I’m not seeing the criminal extortion. Can you explain? Also where does Hunter come into it?

hunter comes into it because he worked for the company that his father stopped a criminal investigation into,,,at least thats what the documents say happened,,,

I say let an investigation happen and hope for the best,,,
like with any investigation there needs to be qualifying criteria... evidence to show credible evidence of criminal activity. So wouldn’t you agree that Trump or somebody from the DOJ should present and qualify evidence validating an investigation? Otherwise you are literally talking about a witch hunt.

no I wouldnt,,,

there are several levels of investigations,, and based on the attacks on trump for every little thing down to his spelling hes smart to keep it close to him as long as possible,,,

and if theres nothing to hide whats the problem???
he will end up with egg on his face and might lose 2020 cause of it,,
we both know that’s bullshit. Even if there is nothing the fact that there is an investigation is enough to politicize the shit out of. Trump is the king of making mountains out of molehills and carving narratives to work in his advantage so we both know he would not have egg on his face. He would leave with many narratives to exploit for the election.

why do you think he won’t release his tax returns? Same thing. Even if they are clean there will be an arsenal of material for his political enemies to exploit.

you want to know the truth???

this is what the whole thing is about and why the DNC and state dept are scrambling to shut trump down,,,

Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative to Build Capacity of Grassroots Organizations

biden just shot off his mouth and got himself involved,,,
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election.

Why would exposing Biden's corruption help Trump in the election?
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election.

Why would exposing Biden's corruption help Trump in the election?

He was not exposing anything. Stop this BS. It was already exposed. He was inquiring about the details behind the Biden filth, that was already exposed.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.
nothings been debunked,,in fact it is back up by government documents I posted earlier,,,
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election.

Why would exposing Biden's corruption help Trump in the election?
There is no evidence of corruption with Joe. Asking Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Biden is the help. Trump can then start the lock him up crooked Joe charade which is his go to when running against political opponents. It’s painfully obvious
sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election.

Why would exposing Biden's corruption help Trump in the election?
There is no evidence of corruption with Joe. Asking Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Biden is the help. Trump can then start the lock him up crooked Joe charade which is his go to when running against political opponents. It’s painfully obvious


this is only the 2nd election in his life so how do you see a pattern of something he didnt do in the first one,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,

We have no interest in further discussion of debunked conspiracy theories about the DNC, and Guiliani's lies about the Bidens. The Russians hacked the DNC, the Ukraine had nothing to do with it. There was no corruption involved in Joe Biden's firing of the previous prosecutors. These are FACTS which you Russian posters keep pretending aren't true.

The crime here is Trump's attempt to extort false evidence against the DNC and the Bidens in return for military aid. There is no evidence of Trump being out to investigate corruption in the Ukraine. He had previously extorted Zelensky's predecessor into dropping the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort. He didn't ask about current corruption in the Ukraine - only stuff that happened years before Zelensky's election. The only corruption Trump was interested in having investigated was corruption involving his political enemies in the USA.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election. Trump had spent 2 years being investigated to determine whether he asked the Russian government for help in the last election. One would think Trump would have learned that such requests are illegal by now, but Trump has always been a slow learner who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

It is illegal to ask a foreign government for help in an American Presidential election.

Why would exposing Biden's corruption help Trump in the election?
There is no evidence of corruption with Joe. Asking Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Biden is the help. Trump can then start the lock him up crooked Joe charade which is his go to when running against political opponents. It’s painfully obvious


this is only the 2nd election in his life so how do you see a pattern of something he didnt do in the first one,,,

Are you joking? “Crooked Hillary” “Lock her up!” Ring any bells?

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