Hunter Biden

and the link I provided showed he was trying to reopen it and joe got him fired for it,,,

So you say. Too bad you expect posters to invest 4 hours to *maybe* hear that.

I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,
and the link I provided showed he was trying to reopen it and joe got him fired for it,,,

So you say. Too bad you expect posters to invest 4 hours to *maybe* hear that.

I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

and because I know you dont like being ignorant here is another installment for you complete with links,,


So you say. Too bad you expect posters to invest 4 hours to *maybe* hear that.

I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

So you say. Too bad you expect posters to invest 4 hours to *maybe* hear that.

I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

and because I know you dont like being ignorant here is another installment for you complete with links,,

That's a video, not a document.
I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

and because I know you dont like being ignorant here is another installment for you complete with links,,

That's a video, not a document.

I can get to it in less than 2 minutes, but I know where its at,,might take you 3
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Great, then post a direct link to the document which refutes what I posted. What are you afraid of?

I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

Well when you do not have any facts or proof of you position then you make stuff up or point to the stain on the wall and say AH HA

This is the fate of the repub party

Spoon fed by FOX and the bloggers who provide stories that serve their purpose but of little substance

Must be a lack of trust which feeds upon itself

Then the cleaning lady comes in an cleans the stain off the wall
..and the Dems have facts and proof??!!! hahahahahahahhahahaaha
you just fkd up--you prove YOU are wrong
I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed millions of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.

What information does Hunter Biden have on President Trump's attempt to extort the Ukrainians? These hearing have nothing to do with the Bidens and everything to do with Donald Trump's corrupt behaviour in attempting to hold US military aid hostage to investigations to help the President in his re-election bid.

Hunter Biden has no information on Donald Trump's illegal and corrupt behaviour, and therefore his testimony has no relevance. The question here isn't whether Trump was correct in his concerns about the Bidens, but rather whether Trump behaved appropriately in attempting to extort the Ukrainians.
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed millions of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.

What information does Hunter Biden have on President Trump's attempt to extort the Ukrainians? These hearing have nothing to do with the Bidens and everything to do with Donald Trump's corrupt behaviour in attempting to hold US military aid hostage to investigations to help the President in his re-election bid.

Hunter Biden has no information on Donald Trump's illegal and corrupt behaviour, and therefore his testimony has no relevance. The question here isn't whether Trump was correct in his concerns about the Bidens, but rather whether Trump behaved appropriately in attempting to extort the Ukrainians.

he didnt try and extort them,,,

you must have missed the hearing yesterday where that was made clear
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed millions of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.

What information does Hunter Biden have on President Trump's attempt to extort the Ukrainians? These hearing have nothing to do with the Bidens and everything to do with Donald Trump's corrupt behaviour in attempting to hold US military aid hostage to investigations to help the President in his re-election bid.

Hunter Biden has no information on Donald Trump's illegal and corrupt behaviour, and therefore his testimony has no relevance. The question here isn't whether Trump was correct in his concerns about the Bidens, but rather whether Trump behaved appropriately in attempting to extort the Ukrainians.
Fake Whistle Blower Erica Ciarmella actually commented on Hunter Biden's Activities in The Ukraine during Adam Schiff's Secret Underground Bunker Meetings. Below is a quote from the meetings:
I already did,,,

FYI,, another installment is coming tonight,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.
Don't you have some Putin Pudding to make for your Dead Daddy Al Baghdadi?
By The Way, A REAL Whistle Blower just released Never Seen Before Footage of The Fake Whistle Blower, Eric Ciaramella testifying in Schiff's Secret Underground Bunker Meetings.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. This fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

Seems to be the strategy employed by the Republican Members on the Committee.

sounds like you know today was a bust and really dont have anything else so now youre just makin shit up,,,

I know that because if his name was trump and had got a job like this you would lose your fucking mind,,,,

Well you don't listen to me. What is the purpose of Hunter Biden or The Whistle Bower testifying? Consider the WBer to call 911 with a claim a crime was being committed.

Wasn't Donald Trump counseled to never testify under oath, because he would put himself into jeopardy.

Both are irrelevant to the issue, did Donald Trump attempt to bribe the President of Ukraine is the seminal issue.

and since the facts say he didnt try to bribe anyone lets get back to the biden and DNC corruption/collusion with ukraine,,,
Liar. You did not. You posted links to videos, not to a specific document you falsely claims refutes the link I posted. That you flat out refuse to do that speaks for you.

yes I did,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Sire ya did. You said you posted a link to document proving me wrong; when in fact you posted links to videos. Then you said the videos have links to the document that proves me wrong; when I fact, those links are to glennbecktv.
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Sire ya did. You said you posted a link to document proving me wrong; when in fact you posted links to videos. Then you said the videos have links to the document that proves me wrong; when I fact, those links are to glennbecktv.

whats next??
you gonna throw your cereal bowl on the floor???

I posted the links,, after that its your problem,,,

yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Sire ya did. You said you posted a link to document proving me wrong; when in fact you posted links to videos. Then you said the videos have links to the document that proves me wrong; when I fact, those links are to glennbecktv.

whats next??
you gonna throw your cereal bowl on the floor???

I posted the links,, after that its your problem,,,

You didn't post a single link to any document that refutes what I posted.

Carry on.
yes you are a liar,,,
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Sire ya did. You said you posted a link to document proving me wrong; when in fact you posted links to videos. Then you said the videos have links to the document that proves me wrong; when I fact, those links are to glennbecktv.

whats next??
you gonna throw your cereal bowl on the floor???

I posted the links,, after that its your problem,,,

You didn't post a single link to any document that refutes what I posted.

Carry on.

youre right on this one,,,I posted several links not just a single one
Lying doesn't help you. You won't post a link to a document you claim refutes my news article because no such document exists. The truth is Shokin refused to cooperate with the U.K. and after a year of stonewalling from Shokin, the U.K. was forced to drop their investigation into Zlochevsky and unfreeze his assets.

I didnt lie,,,

sounds like youre the kind of spoiled child that makes his mom pour his kookoo puffs into the bowl for him and add the milk,,

next you will want me to spoon feed you,,,OH WAIT,,,
Sire ya did. You said you posted a link to document proving me wrong; when in fact you posted links to videos. Then you said the videos have links to the document that proves me wrong; when I fact, those links are to glennbecktv.

whats next??
you gonna throw your cereal bowl on the floor???

I posted the links,, after that its your problem,,,

You didn't post a single link to any document that refutes what I posted.

Carry on.

youre right on this one,,,I posted several links not just a single one
Yes, several links to videos, not documents.

Carry on.

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