Hunter Biden

I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
It was about Biden bragging about how he got a corrupt prosecutor thrown out of office.
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I made several when I directly answered your questions. You on the other hand are avoiding answering mine. Incorrectly calling them opinion and spinning away from my other questions does not count as giving direct answers. What’s up with that? Seriously. Do you just not have good answers or are you just trolling?

or maybe its could be youre constant ignoring my point that makes it hard for me to see yours???
your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I made several when I directly answered your questions. You on the other hand are avoiding answering mine. Incorrectly calling them opinion and spinning away from my other questions does not count as giving direct answers. What’s up with that? Seriously. Do you just not have good answers or are you just trolling?

or maybe its could be youre constant ignoring my point that makes it hard for me to see yours???
No, I’m pretty sure I address every question you ask in a direct way. Something I literally just did over the past few posts and something you’ve failed to do for almost all my posts. Why is that Prog?
the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I made several when I directly answered your questions. You on the other hand are avoiding answering mine. Incorrectly calling them opinion and spinning away from my other questions does not count as giving direct answers. What’s up with that? Seriously. Do you just not have good answers or are you just trolling?

or maybe its could be youre constant ignoring my point that makes it hard for me to see yours???
No, I’m pretty sure I address every question you ask in a direct way. Something I literally just did over the past few posts and something you’ve failed to do for almost all my posts. Why is that Prog?
no you didnt,,,
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I made several when I directly answered your questions. You on the other hand are avoiding answering mine. Incorrectly calling them opinion and spinning away from my other questions does not count as giving direct answers. What’s up with that? Seriously. Do you just not have good answers or are you just trolling?

or maybe its could be youre constant ignoring my point that makes it hard for me to see yours???
No, I’m pretty sure I address every question you ask in a direct way. Something I literally just did over the past few posts and something you’ve failed to do for almost all my posts. Why is that Prog?
no you didnt,,,
Sure I did and I’ll continue to, that’s how I roll. If you think I left any of your questions unaddressed then let me know and I’ll be happy to address it. But you on the other hand are avoiding and distracting everybody in here. You haven’t address anything I’ve posted today expect to incorrectly call my factual points “opinions” why do you do that? Are you trolling or do you just not have good answers?
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
got a link for that???
You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
got a link for that???
Haha, at this point if he played the same games as you he would reply, “yes, I’ve posted links all throughout this thread. Not my fault if you’re not paying attention” then there would be a 5 page debate about petty abstract things... but watch. I bet he gives a direct answer with a link and explanation. You should take notes.

You’re still avoiding all my questions BTW
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
the mess was about Trump trying to politicize the video and puppets like you spreading the lie that something illegal happened.
No.....the video was a confession.
It was publicized by the media and politicized by House Democrats.
They claimed that Trump offered a the bribe Joe Biden was bragging about.
It's pretty straight-forward.....but after all....we're dealing with a corrupt press and lying Democrats that will never admit to anything unless somebody waterboards their asses.
I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???

You aren’t aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
Correct, and thanks to Ethos Logos Pathos for posting a video with Daria Kaleniuk from the anti-corruption action centre, we know that Shokin was doing everything within his power to protect Burisma from being investigated...

Daria Kaleniuk: "But it's not true that Prosecutor Shokin was tough prosecutor who was willing to investigate Burisma. Absolutely, to the contrary. Prosecutor Shokin was dumping this investigation and I have evidence of that. And following this investigations since 2014, Shokin, his predecessor, and the next prosecutor after Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, they all were contributing to killing this case."

Jonah Fisher: "So there's no evidence that suggests that Vice President Biden acted differently because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma?"

Daria Kaleniuk: "I haven't seen this evidence. I've seen the actions which show absolutely the contrary, what happened."
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
the mess was about Trump trying to politicize the video and puppets like you spreading the lie that something illegal happened.
No.....the video was a confession.
It was publicized by the media and politicized by House Democrats.
They claimed that Trump offered a the bribe Joe Biden was bragging about.
It's pretty straight-forward.....but after all....we're dealing with a corrupt press and lying Democrats that will never admit to anything unless somebody waterboards their asses.
Yes, a confession of ousting a corrupt prosecutor.

Kudos to Biden. Can he count on your vote now?
well we didnt do such a good job of it if our VP let his son work for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine,,,,

You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
got a link for that???
Haha, at this point if he played the same games as you he would reply, “yes, I’ve posted links all throughout this thread. Not my fault if you’re not paying attention” then there would be a 5 page debate about petty abstract things... but watch. I bet he gives a direct answer with a link and explanation. You should take notes.

You’re still avoiding all my questions BTW
are you sure???
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
the mess was about Trump trying to politicize the video and puppets like you spreading the lie that something illegal happened.
No.....the video was a confession.
It was publicized by the media and politicized by House Democrats.
They claimed that Trump offered a the bribe Joe Biden was bragging about.
It's pretty straight-forward.....but after all....we're dealing with a corrupt press and lying Democrats that will never admit to anything unless somebody waterboards their asses.
youre almost right. Both men used a quid pro quo to try and get what they wanted. Difference was Biden was executing a well known and accepted state department foreign policy objective. Trump went against foreign policy objectives to try and execute a personal agenda. Biden’s actions were perfectly legal and Trumps were very questionable. But ultimately he was impeached and then acquitted so that’s that
Last edited:
You’re deflecting. Stay on topic. Are you aware of what Shokin did to the anti-corruption department we helped Ukraine set up?

enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
got a link for that???
Haha, at this point if he played the same games as you he would reply, “yes, I’ve posted links all throughout this thread. Not my fault if you’re not paying attention” then there would be a 5 page debate about petty abstract things... but watch. I bet he gives a direct answer with a link and explanation. You should take notes.

You’re still avoiding all my questions BTW
are you sure???
Yes. Why haven’t you addressed any of my questions Prog? You’re being very lazy with your arguments. What’s up?
enlighten me,,,
Well you see, the first step in successfully prosecuting corruption is getting rid of prosecutors who are corrupt (and looking for bribes). That’s what the anti-corruption bureau was going to be doing. But wouldn’t you know it, one of their first big cases turns out to have targeted a couple of prosecutors with close personal ties to Shokin. Uh oh.

Next thing you know, Shokin stars firing all the prosecutors who were involved in targeting his friends and basically takes down the anti-corruption unit that we had spent time and money helping the Ukrainians establish.
got a link for that???
Haha, at this point if he played the same games as you he would reply, “yes, I’ve posted links all throughout this thread. Not my fault if you’re not paying attention” then there would be a 5 page debate about petty abstract things... but watch. I bet he gives a direct answer with a link and explanation. You should take notes.

You’re still avoiding all my questions BTW
are you sure???
Yes. Why haven’t you addressed any of my questions Prog? You’re being very lazy with your arguments. What’s up?

I did to all of them,,,

you just dont like my answers,,,
nothin I can do about that,,,
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
the mess was about Trump trying to politicize the video and puppets like you spreading the lie that something illegal happened.
No.....the video was a confession.
It was publicized by the media and politicized by House Democrats.
They claimed that Trump offered a the bribe Joe Biden was bragging about.
It's pretty straight-forward.....but after all....we're dealing with a corrupt press and lying Democrats that will never admit to anything unless somebody waterboards their asses.
youre almost right. Both men used a quid pro quo to try and what they wanted. Difference was Biden was executing a well known and accepted state department foreign policy objective. Trump went against foreign policy objectives to try and execute a personal agenda. Biden’s actions were perfectly legal and Trumps were very questionable. But ultimately he was impeached and then acquitted so that’s that
Not true.
But even if it had been true....explain why Biden gets to do it and run for president...but Trump had to be impeached for the same offense?

Start making sense, shitforbrains.

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