Hunter Biden

Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim

why bribe him when he could just have him fired,,,
Another absurd claim to think Joe would risk his freedom to abuse his office to get a guy fired who was sitting on an investigation into the CEO of a company Hunter sat on the board for. The lines you need to draw to connect the dots are enormous... plus the facts you like to ignore about this being an objective of our state department, not a unilateral move by Joe. This has been explained to you several times. Why do you continue to ignore it?

many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?
why bribe him when he could just have him fired,,,
Another absurd claim to think Joe would risk his freedom to abuse his office to get a guy fired who was sitting on an investigation into the CEO of a company Hunter sat on the board for. The lines you need to draw to connect the dots are enormous... plus the facts you like to ignore about this being an objective of our state department, not a unilateral move by Joe. This has been explained to you several times. Why do you continue to ignore it?

many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
Another absurd claim to think Joe would risk his freedom to abuse his office to get a guy fired who was sitting on an investigation into the CEO of a company Hunter sat on the board for. The lines you need to draw to connect the dots are enormous... plus the facts you like to ignore about this being an objective of our state department, not a unilateral move by Joe. This has been explained to you several times. Why do you continue to ignore it?

many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
Correct they are my points and I’m curious if you are hearing and understanding them. I’ve stated them several times and you ignore them time and time again so I want to know if your actually listening or if I’m just wasting my time talking to another brick wall troll.

so for the third time. Can you summarize the points I’ve been making or not?
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
Correct they are my points and I’m curious if you are hearing and understanding them. I’ve stated them several times and you ignore them time and time again so I want to know if your actually listening or if I’m just wasting my time talking to another brick wall troll.

so for the third time. Can you summarize the points I’ve been making or not?

list them 123 and let me see what I can do,,,
Another absurd claim to think Joe would risk his freedom to abuse his office to get a guy fired who was sitting on an investigation into the CEO of a company Hunter sat on the board for. The lines you need to draw to connect the dots are enormous... plus the facts you like to ignore about this being an objective of our state department, not a unilateral move by Joe. This has been explained to you several times. Why do you continue to ignore it?

many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
Correct they are my points and I’m curious if you are hearing and understanding them. I’ve stated them several times and you ignore them time and time again so I want to know if your actually listening or if I’m just wasting my time talking to another brick wall troll.

so for the third time. Can you summarize the points I’ve been making or not?

list them 123 and let me see what I can do,,,
Screw you Prog, if you can’t recall your oppositions arguements then your not paying attention. I’ve repeated them at nausea to you on this thread. You’re obviously not paying attention or you’re just here trolling. I’m a post away from hitting ignore and being done with you. One chance to give a real response otherwise I’ll be just fine earasing you from my life with the other trolls
many politicians throughout history have done that very thing,,,no reason to think him any different,,,
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
Correct they are my points and I’m curious if you are hearing and understanding them. I’ve stated them several times and you ignore them time and time again so I want to know if your actually listening or if I’m just wasting my time talking to another brick wall troll.

so for the third time. Can you summarize the points I’ve been making or not?

list them 123 and let me see what I can do,,,
Screw you Prog, if you can’t recall your oppositions arguements then your not paying attention. I’ve repeated them at nausea to you on this thread. You’re obviously not paying attention or you’re just here trolling. I’m a post away from hitting ignore and being done with you. One chance to give a real response otherwise I’ll be just fine earasing you from my life with the other trolls
i've said many things you ignored so why you getting all pissy about it,,,

I'm not here for your entertainment,,,youre here for mine and I am very entertained,,,
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.

Well that’s not true.
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Shokin was wasting taxpayer dollars. It makes sense that we make further funding contingent on his removal.

Is that a problem for you?

I have yet to see any proof of that,,,

and to losing tax money why is it you dont care that joe uses them to enrich his family???
Plenty of reasons to think him different. All the reasons I’ve been laying out that you ignore. Why do you ignore them? Show that you’ve been paying attention. What reasons have I been arguing that show that Biden did not unilaterally make this move to protect his son? See if you can state those Points and then present a smart argument to counter those points. I double dog dare you
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.
your opinion has no standing against all the reasons he would,,,his son was working for one of the most corrupt people in ukraine possibly in the whole eastern block,,,that right there is a good reason he would,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
Is that you trying to show understanding of the points I’ve made and making a smart counter argument? Because if so you failed miserably. Care to try again?

what points have I been making to show that Biden was not working unilaterally to cover for his son? And why are those points wrong?

your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
Last edited:
your points are yours not mine,,

what part of my points make no sense to you??

are you saying his boss wasnt so corrupt and several countries werent investigating him??
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Did Biden bribe the Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against his coke sniffing kid?

Biden is running for president to keep out of jail, which is perfect for leftist activists and communists. They need someone in the WH they can blackmail.
Did Biden bribe the prosecutor to drop a case. Of course not, what an absurd claim
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that silly shit.

They have him dead to rights with a confession.
No they don’t
Yes they do.
The video went viral even before that fake impeachment.
What do you think that mess was about?
the mess was about Trump trying to politicize the video and puppets like you spreading the lie that something illegal happened.
To address your questions... take notes, direct answers to direct questions, something you need help with...

The part of your points that make no sense is the fact that Bidens move to get this guy fired was US state department policy. It was made policy not because of Hunter Biden but because of years of dirty play and cover ups committed by the prosecutors office. There were real reasons why most of the world wanted this guy out and none of those reasons have anything to do with Hinder Biden.

And for your other question. The CEO for Burisma appears to be very corrupt. Hunter was on the board which would make hunter more of this guys boss than he being hunters boss so you shouldn’t call him that. Nothing involved in the investigation or the CEOs actions have been linked to Hunter as it all occurred before Hunter even joined with Burisma. Your narrative doesn’t add up. It wreaks of politicalization. You can’t even answer simple questions about it.

Now try doing what I just did but with my questions. I triple dare you this time.
thats your opinion,,,

since when is it our policy to control who works in other countries,,thats a new one on me,,,the rest of it is again your opinion

and your 2nd point is also an opinion and you are welcome to it,,,
Since when you ask? Since we got involved in sending Ukraine military and financial aid.

My second point is not an opinion, it’s how corporate structures work. Board members are elected by vote. Not hired and fired by a CEO. You’re factually incorrect to call the CEO of burisma Hunters boss. It’s also not an opinion to say that there has been no evidence presented linking hunter to any criminal activity or that hunter joined Burisma after the investigation started.

see you avoid addressing my points by incorrectly calling it opinion. That’s lazy and weak. Do better.

the most entertaining thing is everytime I post a factual story I get several days of biased excuses why joe is the greatest and did nothing wrong,,,

please continue,,,
That’s a lie and a distraction from my points. Want to stay on subject and try again?

I'm sorry,,when did you make a point??
I made several when I directly answered your questions. You on the other hand are avoiding answering mine. Incorrectly calling them opinion and spinning away from my other questions does not count as giving direct answers. What’s up with that? Seriously. Do you just not have good answers or are you just trolling?

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