Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.

Then you can investigate Zlochevski, but not Biden. The probable cause needs to be specific to the person being investigated. Evidence of corruption by Zlochevski is not evidence of corruption by Biden.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?

More Russian propaganda from fake news sites. One would almost think that Hunter Biden was running for President.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

From your own link...

The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden
So what. I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens. Neither Biden is in office anymore.

I presented the article as more proof that Zlochevski/Burisma is corrupt and pays bribes to get out of legal problems.

Unless you can come up with some legitimate reason for the payments to Biden, it's safe to assume that those payments were just another bribe.
"I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens."

Bullshit. Along with the article you posted about Burisma's corruption, you added:

There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

... along with a photo of the $6 million, Zlochevsky, and the Bidens.[/INDENT]
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow and Biden had him removed and relaced with a corrupt puppet.

And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?
Last edited:
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

From your own link...

The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden
So what. I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens. Neither Biden is in office anymore.

I presented the article as more proof that Zlochevski/Burisma is corrupt and pays bribes to get out of legal problems.

Unless you can come up with some legitimate reason for the payments to Biden, it's safe to assume that those payments were just another bribe.
"I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens."

Bullshit. Along with the article you posted about Burisma's corruption, you added:

There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

... along with a photo of the $6 million, Zlochevsky, and the Bidens.[/INDENT]
Check your reading comprehension skills, retard.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.

Of course, I'm saying this to a dolt who literally denied insinuating the Biden's had anything to do with the $6 million recently confiscated by authorities after posting photos of the Bidens and the $6 million.

Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

From your own link...

The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden
So what. I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens. Neither Biden is in office anymore.

I presented the article as more proof that Zlochevski/Burisma is corrupt and pays bribes to get out of legal problems.

Unless you can come up with some legitimate reason for the payments to Biden, it's safe to assume that those payments were just another bribe.
"I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens."

Bullshit. Along with the article you posted about Burisma's corruption, you added:

There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

... along with a photo of the $6 million, Zlochevsky, and the Bidens.[/INDENT]
Check your reading comprehension skills, retard.
Ok, I checked it. It's fine. The problem is on your end.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

From your own link...

The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden
So what. I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens. Neither Biden is in office anymore.

I presented the article as more proof that Zlochevski/Burisma is corrupt and pays bribes to get out of legal problems.

Unless you can come up with some legitimate reason for the payments to Biden, it's safe to assume that those payments were just another bribe.
"I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens."

Bullshit. Along with the article you posted about Burisma's corruption, you added:

There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

... along with a photo of the $6 million, Zlochevsky, and the Bidens.[/INDENT]
Check your reading comprehension skills, retard.
Ok, I checked it. It's fine. The problem is on your end.
What part of my post did you fail to comprehend? I could put it in simpler terms more appropriate for your limited reading comprehension skill level.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow and Biden had him removed and relaced with a corrupt puppet.

And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?
Complete fantasy.

You realize that Shokin went to war and tried to tear down the very NABU that caught this bribery scandal. In fact, it was largely believed that Shokin’s prosecutors were taking bribes from Burisma and he was looking the other way (or worse, taking bribes himself).
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

From your own link...

The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden
So what. I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens. Neither Biden is in office anymore.

I presented the article as more proof that Zlochevski/Burisma is corrupt and pays bribes to get out of legal problems.

Unless you can come up with some legitimate reason for the payments to Biden, it's safe to assume that those payments were just another bribe.
"I never insinuated that this latest instance of bribery had anything to do with the Bidens."

Bullshit. Along with the article you posted about Burisma's corruption, you added:

There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

... along with a photo of the $6 million, Zlochevsky, and the Bidens.[/INDENT]
Check your reading comprehension skills, retard.
Ok, I checked it. It's fine. The problem is on your end.
What part of my post did you fail to comprehend? I could put it in simpler terms more appropriate for your limited reading comprehension skill level.

Dumbfuck, YOU posted a photo of the Biden's next to a photo of the $6 million -- then denied you insinuated any connection.

Your brain must be made from moldy cottage cheese.

Oh how precious. You're pretending the right is the only entity that engages in such behavior. It is just too cute. You know, I have a rainbow farting unicorn in my backyard I'll sell you, cheap. And yup, the popular vote doesn't elect you, never has. You might as well play the Super Bowl with the goal of controlling the ball for more time instead of scoring more points.

It would absolutely be wrong to imply the right is the only entity that engages in such behavior. After all, the left has, what was it called, memo gate or Rathergate? Where they used a fake memo about Bush’s service record? To be fair, Rather was canned but he’s still hanging around the left wing sphere of influence.

But the right wing is taking this to a whole new level these days and it’s coming in no small part right from the top. Trump was after all pumping nutty birtherism for years. Alito was maybe murdered. Cruz’s dad might have helped kill JFK.

Not from Trump, but the QAnon stuff is bonkers. Some people can’t let Seth Rich alone. Clinton is supposedly having dozens of people murdered.

I’d argue there’s no real comparison here.
Every prominent Republican faces the conspiracy mill today, from TRUMP! to Kavanaugh, to just about anyone you care to name. Simply having an R behind their name seems to turn people who claim to be adults into mindless little children, throwing poop and thinking they're making great political arguments.

There's nothing remotely close to QAnon on the left.
Maybe not as public facing, but they are there. Otherwise, how would the internet drones on this board all know to start shrieking in unison about the latest faux outrage they're supposed to outrageously outraged about? Wait a year or two and QAnon will be small potatoes because somebody on the left had to top them.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.
None of you Biden apologists have provided a shread of evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. And saying that it was US policy just means that the Obama administration was involved in the extortion/bribery too, and Biden was just a lowly messenger but involved in the corruption nonetheless.

Biden most certainly did confess. He confessed/bragged that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He said Ukraine wouldn't get the billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor.

Trump is right. It's horrible!

Biden may have temporarily got the corrupt Zlovchesky and Burisma off the hook by getting rid of the honest prosecutor and replacing him with a corrupt prosecutor who closed the criminal proceedings against Burisma, but the new administration is reviewing all of those cases and obviously isn't going put up with the corruption, as evidenced by NABU's recent $6 million bribery bust.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.
These no evidence that Shokin was corrupt. And saying that it was US policy just means that the Obama administration was involved in the corruption too, and Biden was just a lowly messenger but involved in the corruption nonetheless.

Biden most certainly did confess. He confessed/bragged that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He said Ukraine wouldn't get the billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor.

Trump is right. It's horrible!

Biden may have temporarily got the corrupt Zlovchesky and Burisma off the hook by getting rid of the honest prosecutor and replacing him with a corrupt prosecutor who closed the criminal proceedings against Burisma, but the new administration is reviewing all of those cases and obviously isn't going put up with the corruption, as evidenced by NABU's recent bribery bust.

Idiot, It was U.S. policy just as it still is under Trump ...

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" ~ Impeached Trump.

... and yes, Shokin was corrupt. He was not going after oligarchs. At least two people in his office were caught with bribe jewels. The IMF wanted him out as did the Ukraine Rada.

Biden made it happen. And Shokin was not investigating Burisma when he was fired...

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”


The case against Zlochevsky and his Burisma Holdings was assigned to Shokin, then a deputy prosecutor. But Shokin and others weren’t pursuing it, according to the internal reports from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reviewed by Bloomberg.


Shokin took no action to pursue cases against Zlochevsky throughout 2015, said Kasko, who was Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation and helping in asset-recovery investigations. Kasko said he had urged Shokin to pursue the investigations.
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.
None of you Biden apologists have provided a shread of evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. And saying that it was US policy just means that the Obama administration was involved in the extortion/bribery too, and Biden was just a lowly messenger but involved in the corruption nonetheless.

Biden most certainly did confess. He confessed/bragged that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He said Ukraine wouldn't get the billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor.

Trump is right. It's horrible!

Biden may have temporarily got the corrupt Zlovchesky and Burisma off the hook by getting rid of the honest prosecutor and replacing him with a corrupt prosecutor who closed the criminal proceedings against Burisma, but the new administration is reviewing all of those cases and obviously isn't going put up with the corruption, as evidenced by NABU's recent $6 million bribery bust.

You’ve never shown a shred of evidence that Shokin was an honest prosecutor. You’ve never shown a shred of evidence Hunter did anything illegal. You’ve never shown a shred of evidence that firing Shokin got anyone off the hook.
Oh how precious. You're pretending the right is the only entity that engages in such behavior. It is just too cute. You know, I have a rainbow farting unicorn in my backyard I'll sell you, cheap. And yup, the popular vote doesn't elect you, never has. You might as well play the Super Bowl with the goal of controlling the ball for more time instead of scoring more points.

It would absolutely be wrong to imply the right is the only entity that engages in such behavior. After all, the left has, what was it called, memo gate or Rathergate? Where they used a fake memo about Bush’s service record? To be fair, Rather was canned but he’s still hanging around the left wing sphere of influence.

But the right wing is taking this to a whole new level these days and it’s coming in no small part right from the top. Trump was after all pumping nutty birtherism for years. Alito was maybe murdered. Cruz’s dad might have helped kill JFK.

Not from Trump, but the QAnon stuff is bonkers. Some people can’t let Seth Rich alone. Clinton is supposedly having dozens of people murdered.

I’d argue there’s no real comparison here.
Every prominent Republican faces the conspiracy mill today, from TRUMP! to Kavanaugh, to just about anyone you care to name. Simply having an R behind their name seems to turn people who claim to be adults into mindless little children, throwing poop and thinking they're making great political arguments.

There's nothing remotely close to QAnon on the left.
Maybe not as public facing, but they are there. Otherwise, how would the internet drones on this board all know to start shrieking in unison about the latest faux outrage they're supposed to outrageously outraged about? Wait a year or two and QAnon will be small potatoes because somebody on the left had to top them.
Not public facing? So there’s some sort of secret left wing channel that coordinates “faux outrage”?
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.
These no evidence that Shokin was corrupt. And saying that it was US policy just means that the Obama administration was involved in the corruption too, and Biden was just a lowly messenger but involved in the corruption nonetheless.

Biden most certainly did confess. He confessed/bragged that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He said Ukraine wouldn't get the billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor.

Trump is right. It's horrible!

Biden may have temporarily got the corrupt Zlovchesky and Burisma off the hook by getting rid of the honest prosecutor and replacing him with a corrupt prosecutor who closed the criminal proceedings against Burisma, but the new administration is reviewing all of those cases and obviously isn't going put up with the corruption, as evidenced by NABU's recent bribery bust.

Idiot, It was U.S. policy just as it still is under Trump ...

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" ~ Impeached Trump.

... and yes, Shokin was corrupt. He was not going after oligarchs. At least two people in his office were caught with bribe jewels. The IMF wanted him out as did the Ukraine Rada.

Biden made it happen. And Shokin was not investigating Burisma when he was fired...

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”
The case against Zlochevsky and his Burisma Holdings was assigned to Shokin, then a deputy prosecutor. But Shokin and others weren’t pursuing it, according to the internal reports from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reviewed by Bloomberg.
Shokin took no action to pursue cases against Zlochevsky throughout 2015, said Kasko, who was Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation and helping in asset-recovery investigations. Kasko said he had urged Shokin to pursue the investigations.

Fake news
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.
What a pity Shokin wouldn't go after Zlochevsky when he had the chance.
Not wouldn't. Couldn't, stupid jackass.

Shokin didn't have a chance to prosecute Zlovcheski because he fled to Moscow. And Burisma board members such a Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with the multiple investigations of Zlochevsky/Burisma in any way. The Burisma board members refused to even step foot in the country until after Joe Biden got rid of Shokin.

So Hunter Biden stonewalled him and Joe Biden later got caught on a live stream video confessing that he extorted top Ukrainian officials into firing PG Shokin and replacing him with a corrupt puppet PG who wasn't even an attorney and had recently got out of prison via a pardon at the behest of Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director, Alexander Kwasniewski. Likely due to another bribe.

What do you personally think that the payments to Biden were for, if not bribery?

Joe confessed to no such thing. Joe recalled how he got Shokin fired. Which U.S. policy at that time was to root out corruption.
These no evidence that Shokin was corrupt. And saying that it was US policy just means that the Obama administration was involved in the corruption too, and Biden was just a lowly messenger but involved in the corruption nonetheless.

Biden most certainly did confess. He confessed/bragged that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He said Ukraine wouldn't get the billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor.

Trump is right. It's horrible!

Biden may have temporarily got the corrupt Zlovchesky and Burisma off the hook by getting rid of the honest prosecutor and replacing him with a corrupt prosecutor who closed the criminal proceedings against Burisma, but the new administration is reviewing all of those cases and obviously isn't going put up with the corruption, as evidenced by NABU's recent bribery bust.

Idiot, It was U.S. policy just as it still is under Trump ...

"Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" ~ Impeached Trump.

... and yes, Shokin was corrupt. He was not going after oligarchs. At least two people in his office were caught with bribe jewels. The IMF wanted him out as did the Ukraine Rada.

Biden made it happen. And Shokin was not investigating Burisma when he was fired...

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”
The case against Zlochevsky and his Burisma Holdings was assigned to Shokin, then a deputy prosecutor. But Shokin and others weren’t pursuing it, according to the internal reports from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reviewed by Bloomberg.
Shokin took no action to pursue cases against Zlochevsky throughout 2015, said Kasko, who was Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation and helping in asset-recovery investigations. Kasko said he had urged Shokin to pursue the investigations.

Fake news


Your brain is fake. Shokin not prosecuting oligarchs, including Zlochevsky, is very real.
Colfax: If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

kaz: You're going to have to remind me when I said Trump blew people away

That was your question and my response. Explain without being pedantic how that is saying I said Trump did blow people away
That was my question but that was not your immediate reply.

If I was being as petty and nit picky as you, Id say that I never said you said Trump blew people away.

But when I asked why Trump didn’t blow the roof off the economy, you said he did.

You're a liar. You cut off the quote series now because it proved you wrong.

Yes, there were several posts in the middle, all were of YOU saying Trump was supposed to shock and awe you, none of me saying that he did
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....
"Expertise", Biff? Oh you mean like Barack Obama's? The guy never so much as ran a lemonade stand in his entire life and you made him President of the United States! The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump has been a business executive for most of his adult life and THAT expertise is what he used to give us some of the best economic numbers we've ever seen prior to the pandemic shutting down the country! He'll use that same expertise to help get us out of the recession that we're now in...or you can put Joe Biden in...someone who has no expertise fixing economies or creating jobs!
GDP growth of 2.4% in 2019 is not anywhere near the best economic numbers we’ve ever seen.

This myth that the economy was so amazing, even prior to COVID, is absurd.
JObs everywhere, wages actually gong up not down like they do under Obama, stock market at an all time high-------and you think you can convince people that the economy wasn't the best. Keep dreaming.
Obama added 10 million jobs. Increasing wages. Stock market at all time highs.

Trump said it was a disaster.

It was a disaster. Obama started at the bottom of a recession. He should have blown the roof off the sucker just getting back to where we started. Instead he decided to scare the shit out of business what he was going to do to us next and caused the worst recession recovery ever. It was his fault, but he took no responsibility for his own fuck up
So all you have is a counterfactual?

If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

He did. This is you again criticizing Trump for shutting down the economy while demand he shut down the economy.

Also, Trump didn't start at the bottom of a deep recession. Think about it. Try, really really hard

2.4% GDP growth is NOT blowing anyone away.

But I expect a litany or excuses as to why that’s good “considering”.

You're going to have to remind me when I said Trump blew people away.

Obama had lower GDP growth and he started with a tap in put at the bottom of a deep recession. Trump didn't have that huge advantage and did better. But the blowing people away shit is something you made up, not something I said

Dont be so pendantic.
why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

Blow people away, blow the roof off. Whatever. This is a meaningless nit pick for someone without a real argument.

Trump sure as hell didn’t campaign on promises of 2.4% GDP growth and in 2016 would have considered such a rate to be pathetic.

Pedantic is you exaggerating what people say, like saying Trump didn't blow people away when no one said he did

Good lord, that doesn’t even make sense. Do you know what pendantic even means?

I guess you’re done trying to convince me how great 2.4% GDP growth is. Too bad, I needed a laugh right about now.
Unlike you, I know how to spell it.

Yes, it means being annoying. Again, you're the one being pedantic. No one said "how great" anything is. I said Obama was a disappointment and now you're nagging that you wanted Trump to impress you, something I never said he did. That you keep going to a point I didn't make as if I did it totally pedantic

I asked why didn’t Trump blow the roof off the economy. You said he did. I quoted the relevant posts.

This is why trying to have a discussion with you is useless. You can’t even admit to the things you just said.

From the discussion in the quotes (above):

Colfax: If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

kaz: You're going to have to remind me when I said Trump blew people away

That was your question and my response. Explain without being pedantic how that is saying I said Trump did blow people away
We are still waiting for you to show us how Obama was such a screw up -- especially in a comparative analysis to Trump context...

As we speak....Trump is running for president as if he hasn't been president for the past 4 years....that is pathetic...

Who is "us?" The voices in your head? Who is it you think you speak for? I bunch of imaginary people in your living room?
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....
"Expertise", Biff? Oh you mean like Barack Obama's? The guy never so much as ran a lemonade stand in his entire life and you made him President of the United States! The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump has been a business executive for most of his adult life and THAT expertise is what he used to give us some of the best economic numbers we've ever seen prior to the pandemic shutting down the country! He'll use that same expertise to help get us out of the recession that we're now in...or you can put Joe Biden in...someone who has no expertise fixing economies or creating jobs!
GDP growth of 2.4% in 2019 is not anywhere near the best economic numbers we’ve ever seen.

This myth that the economy was so amazing, even prior to COVID, is absurd.
JObs everywhere, wages actually gong up not down like they do under Obama, stock market at an all time high-------and you think you can convince people that the economy wasn't the best. Keep dreaming.
Obama added 10 million jobs. Increasing wages. Stock market at all time highs.

Trump said it was a disaster.

It was a disaster. Obama started at the bottom of a recession. He should have blown the roof off the sucker just getting back to where we started. Instead he decided to scare the shit out of business what he was going to do to us next and caused the worst recession recovery ever. It was his fault, but he took no responsibility for his own fuck up
So all you have is a counterfactual?

If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

He did. This is you again criticizing Trump for shutting down the economy while demand he shut down the economy.

Also, Trump didn't start at the bottom of a deep recession. Think about it. Try, really really hard

2.4% GDP growth is NOT blowing anyone away.

But I expect a litany or excuses as to why that’s good “considering”.

You're going to have to remind me when I said Trump blew people away.

Obama had lower GDP growth and he started with a tap in put at the bottom of a deep recession. Trump didn't have that huge advantage and did better. But the blowing people away shit is something you made up, not something I said

Dont be so pendantic.
why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

Blow people away, blow the roof off. Whatever. This is a meaningless nit pick for someone without a real argument.

Trump sure as hell didn’t campaign on promises of 2.4% GDP growth and in 2016 would have considered such a rate to be pathetic.

Pedantic is you exaggerating what people say, like saying Trump didn't blow people away when no one said he did

Good lord, that doesn’t even make sense. Do you know what pendantic even means?

I guess you’re done trying to convince me how great 2.4% GDP growth is. Too bad, I needed a laugh right about now.
Unlike you, I know how to spell it.

Yes, it means being annoying. Again, you're the one being pedantic. No one said "how great" anything is. I said Obama was a disappointment and now you're nagging that you wanted Trump to impress you, something I never said he did. That you keep going to a point I didn't make as if I did it totally pedantic

I asked why didn’t Trump blow the roof off the economy. You said he did. I quoted the relevant posts.

This is why trying to have a discussion with you is useless. You can’t even admit to the things you just said.

From the discussion in the quotes (above):

Colfax: If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?

kaz: You're going to have to remind me when I said Trump blew people away

That was your question and my response. Explain without being pedantic how that is saying I said Trump did blow people away
We are still waiting for you to show us how Obama was such a screw up -- especially in a comparative analysis to Trump context...

As we speak....Trump is running for president as if he hasn't been president for the past 4 years....that is pathetic...

Who is "us?" The voices in your head? Who is it you think you speak for? I bunch of imaginary people in your living room?
No, you kazzer, i.e., liar, he mean "us" as in the posters reading this thread. Don't think readers here don't notice you whine about him saying, "us," to avoid addressing his challenge. Just as you did with colfax_m by constantly crying how you said "blow the roof off," not, "blow people away," to avoid addressing his challenge. Your schtick fails you because you're a loser.

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