Hunter Biden's laptop reveals a deeper scheme involving Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden must be in the media's version of the witness protection program...pretty quiet since daddy stole the election.

Where is that mysterious laptop? It's like "Where's Waldo?"..or trying to find Jimmy Hoffa. :)

I have an idea where it is! :cool-45:
The FBI has it, you ignorant fool. The FBI issued a subpoena for Hunter's laptop and seized it.
The left doesn't care about facts, they lie through their teeth in spite of them.
Your failure to be able to bring links to back up your claim is a clear admission you are a lying sack of shit.
Holy crap. Are you so stupid you can’t even figure out who has the power to indict someone?

Use your head.
Your failure to be able to bring links to back up your claim is a clear admission you are a lying sack of shit.
Your failure to demonstrate the ability to think for yourself is a clear admission that you are a complete moron.
Your failure to be able to bring links to back up your claim is a clear admission you are a lying sack of shit.
It’s funny when Ds ridicule Rs for believing delusional stories, when lefties still believe an evidence free conspiracy in Russiagate.

Except it isn't evidence free. 17 intelligence agencies concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election.
Wrong dummy, go back and get the true story it wasn't 17.
The 17 agencies "under the DNI" gives the illusion that the White House is in control.

Did everyone know the CIA was created by the Council on Foreign Relations ?
Because they’re above the law.
Right. Because Trump really has a vested interest in making sure the people he'd railed against continue to walk free.

If they were indictable, they'd have been indicted.
No. Trump’s a fool. He surrounded himself with establishment swamp creatures, while claiming he was draining the swamp. Putting Barr as AG, a long time Bush asshole, proves he’s dumb. Nearly all his cabinet picks were against him. Keeping Comey then appointing Wray to FBI, is further proof Don’s a dummy.
He was quite a fool. Labeling people "establishment" is lazy. Barr had no reason to let anyone off the hook.
Lol. That’s terribly naive. Barr was all about protecting the establishment.

You’re giving Trump too much credit. He’s dumber than you think.
Like I said, saying "the establishment" is lazy and meaningless. Barr was about protecting Trump and the executive. He'd have no problem going after the enemies of the executive if there were legitimate reasons to do so.
Like I said that’s funny. If you don’t think there is an establishment, you’re deluding yourself.

Trump is so dumb he knew many Obama officials committed treason, yet did nothing. His inability to understand that the establishment, oligarchy if you prefer, was out to get him for his attacks on them, proves once again what a fool he was.
Of course there's "establishment", but that doesn't mean they all get together and promise to protect each other. Bill Barr was just a hot to trot about the FBI using investigatory powers against the president elect as Trump was. In fact, going after such actions would be defending "the establishment".

Establishment is just lazy. It neglects that different people who have long histories in institutions have different motives and different biases. Yes, they're all part of government and seek to perpetuate the form of government but that doesn't mean they're all on the same "side" and interested in protecting each other.

You're being simplistic.
There is absolutely no evidence of that.

The ultra wealthy (aka oligarchy) run the show. They have for decades. The politicians and bureaucrats know this. They know too if they go against the oligarchy as Trump claimed he would, your career is in jeopardy. So, they tow the line.

Regards Bill Barr, he’s without question an establishmentarian. He worked for the Bush’s. You can’t get more establishmentarian than that. Which again proves one of my points, Don’s dumb.
So you have nothing.
It's sad how many Americans don't understand the constitution.

Do you know what executive power means?
You still have nothing, clown.

Keep squirming, this is fun.
It's not fun. It's sad.

You're just an idiot.
Still nothing.

Keep squirming.
I feel bad for you.

I feel pity for ALL sore Nostrils! :)
Hunter Biden must be in the media's version of the witness protection program...pretty quiet since daddy stole the election.

Where is that mysterious laptop? It's like "Where's Waldo?"..or trying to find Jimmy Hoffa. :)

I have an idea where it is! :cool-45:
The FBI has it, you ignorant fool. The FBI issued a subpoena for Hunter's laptop and seized it.

And the FBI's been sitting on it for what
Evidence, dumbass.

Are you even aware that Hunter is under criminal investigation? He's been under criminal investigation for money laundering since 2018 and that's why the FBI seized his laptop in 2019. He's also under investigation for tax evasion.

The same things that Burisma owner Zlochevsky was under investigation for by Prosecutor General Shokin when Quid Pro Joe got Shokin fired in exchange for payments to Hunter.

That's fucking corrupt as hell.

And now we find out from the laptop that Hunter was paying Joe's bills. That's likely an arrangement for Quid Pro Joe to get his cut of the take without disclosing it.
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Ha ha ha. Hunters laptop! You know Joe is killing it when they’re back to Hunters laptop.

Yes! Dementia Riddled *Joe who can’t answer a simple question from a cashier at an ice cream parlor without looking at notecards places in his pocket by his handlers is clearly killing it! We see him killing at the border. We see him killing it on the world stage. We see the respect world leaders shower on *Joe.
It’s funny when Ds ridicule Rs for believing delusional stories, when lefties still believe an evidence free conspiracy in Russiagate.

Except it isn't evidence free. 17 intelligence agencies concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Yes little Joey, everybody agrees Russia interferes in our elections and has been for decades just like we do in theirs.
Have you every read a history book? This is no secret.
Do you have anything of substance to add?
And now we find out from the laptop that Hunter was paying Joe's bills.
How did we "find this out" when the FBI has the laptop and hasn't said shit??
I see, you're so completely ignorant of the matter that you don't know that the whistleblower cloned the hard drive before he called the FBI.

It doesn't surprise me that you're that ignorant.
And now we find out from the laptop that Hunter was paying Joe's bills.
How did we "find this out" when the FBI has the laptop and hasn't said shit??
I see, you're so completely ignorant of the matter that you don't know that the whistleblower cloned the hard drive before he called the FBI.

It doesn't surprise me that you're that ignorant.
I believe that soupnazi Lesh, Faun, and candycorn are all the same robot.
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The Laptop that keeps on giving.

It's like a walk through a Benghazi Park, everyday they can makeup any shit they want, they have his (wink, wink) laptop!
The Laptop that keeps on giving.

It's like a walk through a Benghazi Park, everyday they can makeup any shit they want, they have his (wink, wink) laptop!
Keep showing your complete blindness blinky.
It suits you well.

Bringing up Libya too...that's pretty special.
View attachment 510890

Hey, yer Pizza's here. The driver put your anchovies on the side this time!
And now we find out from the laptop that Hunter was paying Joe's bills.
How did we "find this out" when the FBI has the laptop and hasn't said shit??
I see, you're so completely ignorant of the matter that you don't know that the whistleblower cloned the hard drive before he called the FBI.

It doesn't surprise me that you're that ignorant.
I believe that soupnazi Lesh, Faun, and candycorn are all the same robot.
As usual you're wrong
Evidence, dumbass.

Are you even aware that Hunter is under criminal investigation? He's been under criminal investigation for money laundering since 2018 and that's why the FBI seized his laptop in 2019. He's also under investigation for tax evasion.

The same things that Burisma owner Zlochevsky was under investigation for by Prosecutor General Shokin when Quid Pro Joe got Shokin fired in exchange for payments to Hunter.

That's fucking corrupt as hell.

And now we find out from the laptop that Hunter was paying Joe's bills. That's likely an arrangement for Quid Pro Joe to get his cut of the take without disclosing it.

LoL - Potential Hunter Biden's crimes are piddly ass compared to those of your Toxic Orange Turd. Hide and watch! :D

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