Hunter Biden’s Laptops Scandal Exposes How Communist Influence Operations Work

You're more than a few talking points late.
The MSM now says that Hunter's laptop is real
That Bobulinsky is real
Clinton's bathroom server was illegal
Comey gave her a pass on it
The FBI has no business intimidating parents, period. Your claim of "proud boys" at school board meetings is laughable. Remember what happened in VA? That wasn't the proud boys. That was pissed off parents voting.
Barr said illegal spying occurred, period.
The IG said the FISA warrants were illegal, the FBI even falsified evidence, duh. You really need to stop lying.

Your talking points are just that.
The MSM is talking about e-mails which they were not allowed to see when Giuliani had e-mails. Also no one wanted a byline for the original story.
Bobulinski isa so much bullshit.
The IG found no fault with Comey's decision on the server. Clinton did not break any laws.
Right wing thugs have no business trying to intimidate school boards. Your claims show you want to defend these thugs shows you are a terrorist thug.
Barr is corrupt.
The IG said that the decision to not charge Clinton was justifiable.

The daily caller. A propaganda outlet for the right.
He left the laptop at the repair shop to get fixed. After two years of not picking it up it he legally gave up his ownership over it. The repair shop owner than had absolute right to do with it whatever chose to do.

He just happened to take it to a obscure dealer and then leaves it there. Instead of wiping it and selling them, he happens to read the e-mails and gives them to Giuliani a few weeks before the election. What a coincidence.

Both Fox and the Wall Street Journal saw nothing damning in the e-mails and no connection with Joe Biden.
Hunter biden at white house easter pagan event
"Hey little girl, wanna see my easter eggs."
Your talking points are just that.
The MSM is talking about e-mails which they were not allowed to see when Giuliani had e-mails. Also no one wanted a byline for the original story.
Bobulinski isa so much bullshit.
The IG found no fault with Comey's decision on the server. Clinton did not break any laws.
Right wing thugs have no business trying to intimidate school boards. Your claims show you want to defend these thugs shows you are a terrorist thug.
Barr is corrupt.
The IG said that the decision to not charge Clinton was justifiable.
The daily caller. A propaganda outlet for the right.
1. The FBI had the laptop, not Giuliani, the FBI and MSM covered up for the Bidens with the "Russian disinformation LIE".
2. Bobulinsky is a real whistleblower, not like the "fake evidence" FBI and deep state, and the lying democrats.
3. The bathroom server call was NOT Comey's to make, that was the DOJ's call. Ever hear of FOIA?
4. PARENTS have every right to let school boards know where their boundaries are.
5. PARENTS are NOT right wing thugs, you keep pushing that narrative...along with the FBI...
6. Link proving Barr is corrupt....

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