Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

the repair shop owner claims there were no naked pictures of Hunter on the laptop....

if this is actually true, then who put them on Giuliani's copy that was given to the New York Post?

if the laptop guy is lying to try to protect himself from the dissemination of naked pics, and it did have the naked pictures, we could confirm that by finding out if they were on the FBI s version of the laptop, or confirm they were not on it.....perhaps?

But then would that be Bannon disseminating them or Giuliani?
link to laptop repairman saying that…
He didn’t say that of course, of course. Care4all either made it up or heard it from someone who made it up.

In fact, it was the repairman’s father who approached the FBI about the laptop and he specifically told them that it had porn.

My father went on to explain the events and his concerns for my safety," Isaac wrote. "He mentioned that because I had seen content that was pornographic as well as geopolitically sensitive, my life could be in danger due to what people might do to make any potential public embarrassment disappear."

The FBI wasn’t interested at first. That’s understandable. They probably get plenty of nutjobs coming in to tell them about some secret information they have on some famous person. They took it very seriously when the got a look at the release Hunter had signed.

Describing how Isaac received Biden's laptop, his father told the agent that his son owned a laptop repair shop and that it was dropped off by Hunter Biden and never picked up. Isaac said his father offered to provide the agent with a copy of the laptop's drive and a copy of the contract signed by Hunter agreeing that property left at the shop past 90 days became his property, but the agent was only interested in the contract.

Isaac said the agent made a copy of the paperwork and left the room for nearly 10 minutes before returning and telling his father that he should get a lawyer.

"I consulted with a regional legal officer, and he suggested you should get a lawyer," the agent said. He also told Isaac's father that he "may be in possession of something you don’t own."

"You better lawyer up and don’t talk to anyone about this," the agent added, according to Isaac. "I don’t have anything else for you, and the door is on the left."

Isaac wrote that his father "sat there, disgusted, until the agent coldly reminded him where the door was."

What a surprise that the FBI’s reaction was to try to intimidate two citizens reporting evidence of crimes.

Not expecting a retraction from Care4all , nor an apology. I expect silence on this thread, but that the same lie will be repeated on another.
The computer shop owner, could not identify Hunter as the person who dropped off the laptop....he claimed he was legally blind,and that's why he couldn't identify him .....which is ridiculous and suspicious.

The computer shop owner going through Hunter's laptop personal info and calling Giuliani to give it to him, is very very very suspicious.

how many computer shop owners would do that, and risk their entire business's future to do that? The shop would be known as unethical, untrustworthy, a thief to all once future clients.

the computer shop owner claims he saw no naked pics of Hunter on the laptop before turning it over...

Why would the computer shop owner make several copies of Hunter's laptop so he could give one to Giuliani too, before giving it to the FBI? That's suspicious and just mind boggling for any honest, decent citizen to do....imo.

And the Giuliani version of the laptop, given to the New York Post by Steve Bannon, was given to some legitimate news sources by the NYP to verify it, found that many people had access to Hunter's laptop and had deposited stuff on it, both before and AFTER Hunter allegedly dropped it off for repair....the AFTER party is quite suspicious.

Do you really think democrats would or should believe anything Giuliani and Bannon are involved in without thinking criminals and crooked Trump campaign cronies creating an October surprise?
Your lack of information or wilful lack is somewhat stunning.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A lawyer for President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has asked the Justice Department to investigate close allies of former President Donald Trump and others who he says accessed and disseminated personal data from a laptop that was dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019.

In a separate letter, Biden’s attorneys have also asked Fox News host Tucker Carlson to retract and apologize for what they say are false and defamatory claims made repeatedly about him on-air, including implying without evidence that he had unauthorized access to classified documents found at his father’s home.

More at the link below...

Good to see Hunter fighting back. What do you think?
Lol, he signed a document saying it became property of the repairman. Sorry he has nothing to go on. Especially since it has child porn on it. Admitting it was his was a stupid thing to do. Unless you loons are going to overlook that. He should be executed for the child porn alone.
what’s the problem with a repairmen looking at the computer? it’s his job.
He needs to prove that he was somehow trying to fix a laptop by opening a file work income information of the guy he wrote a book on. If your case relies on a guy opening an income PDF as part of a repair work, your guy will need luck in court honey.
By the way, Delaware law says abandoned property switches ownership after a year, not 60 days:

 For the purposes of this chapter “abandoned personal property” shall be deemed to be tangible personal property which the rightful owner has left in the care or custody of another person and has failed to maintain, pay for the storage of, exercise dominion or control over, and has failed to otherwise assert or declare the ownership rights to the tangible personal property for a period of 1 year.
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And you claim to be a cop?


Hillary was hacked. A crime. What has happened to Hunter Biden was allegedly that an unscrupulous businessman made copies of his private files and has distributed them. He's correct to take action against the laptop repair guy. If you leave your car at a mechanic's shop can he legally use it as a getaway car from a bank heist? Nope.
There are peasants who have a long list of misdemeanors and felonies just for the drug use. And with a percentage of law enforcement believing it is a notch in their belts to destroy these people more it has left a bitter taste in the mouth of many.
Punching bag? The freaking pervert junkie crook has been treated with kid gloves for the last couple of years. When he ends up in Attica he will know what a punching bag is like.
The FBI has it.
Where do they have it, and how do you know they do? THe head of cybersecurity for the FBI said under oath to congress that he did not know where it is, so how do you?
As for your question. Biden does not have have a reasonable expectation that a REPAIR SHOP will disseminate HIS private pictures. Nor do I see you are able to identify the "hoes" by any other name than "hoe" something that suggests to me their privacy is a hell of a lot more protected than Hunter BIden's. Someone you are capable to mention by name.
Biden abandoned his privacy along with the laptop full of his nude and crack-addled pictures. I’d like to see this part of the law that if your name is not attached to nude pictures of you that someone disseminates, then your privacy isn’t violated. Just a quick link, please?
Thanks for being able to determine that people are "hoes" from a single picture.
I don’t know how YOU define “ho” but it is hard to imagine a definition that would not include those ladies having sex with a disgusting drug addict for money and crack.
Do you kiss your wife with that mouth?
Yes, because she is not a ho.
Where do they have it, and how do you know they do? THe head of cybersecurity for the FBI said under oath to congress that he did not know where it is, so how do you?

Biden abandoned his privacy along with the laptop full of his nude and crack-addled pictures. I’d like to see this part of the law that if your name is not attached to nude pictures of you that someone disseminates, then your privacy isn’t violated. Just a quick link, please?

I don’t know how YOU define “ho” but it is hard to imagine a definition that would not include those ladies having sex with a disgusting drug addict for money and crack.

Yes, because she is not a ho.
(a) A person is guilty of violation of privacy when, except as authorized by law, the person:

(9) Knowingly reproduces, distributes, exhibits, publishes, transmits, or otherwise disseminates a visual depiction of a person who is nude, or who is engaging in sexual conduct, when the person knows or should have known that the reproduction, distribution, exhibition, publication, transmission, or other dissemination was without the consent of the person depicted and that the visual depiction was created or provided to the person under circumstances in which the person depicted has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Delaware Code Title 11. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1335 | FindLaw
2. “Personally identifiable information” means any information about a person that permits the physical or online identifying or contacting of a person.  The term includes either a person's face or a person's first and last name or first initial and last name in combination with any 1 or more of the following

A. A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town;
B. An e-mail address;
C. A telephone number;
D. Geolocation data;
E. Any other identifier that permits the physical or online identifying or contacting of a person.

(considering the pictures invariably contain his name and there are plenty of pictures of him online. Identifying seems straightforward )
This is now the third time a share the link.

As for the ladies. You don't know anything about the ladies besides what you see in the picture. None whatsoever. I don't know they are hoes, maybe they are. Maybe they just liked Hunter Biden. Maybe they wanted to get busy with the son of a former vice-president. People have sex for lots a reason. The point is if you want to go after Hunter Biden for SOMEONE ELSE disseminating his private pictures and at the same time feel free to judge people on the basis of a picture, I will call you on it.
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I don't have the laptop, do you?
Giuliani has an alleged duplicate,the New York Post has an alleged duplicate.... For over three years....

Trump's DOJ had it for over a year...and the DOJ handed it over to one of their own district DC prosecutors to do the investigating before their admin departed....who is still investigating....

Honestly, can you tell me the crime that was committed by Hunter, besides what has been mentioned in main stream problems, and not declaring representation for a foreign entity.... or something like that....?

And yes it was unethical to boot that Hunter used his last name to benefit himself or even the appearance of such is wrong, wrong, wrong!!! It was even brought up at the time! And looked in to, by ethics, I think?

But none of that influence peddling by a politician's relative is criminal...

The politician, would have had to do a govt action, contrary to govt policy on it, as a favor to the politician,that was not in the best interest of the unitedstates, for some kind of harmful nefarious reason, or personal gain or monetary gain, and again, not in our Nation's best interest or contrary to US policy.

A legitimate, criminal QUID PRO QUO.
And even if the "big guy" was really referring to Joe, this jazz that's all about the 10% for the big guy, took place AFTER Joe left office in 2017... and he was free to make business deals or

Speculate and make up any crud and rumor y'all want about the Biden crime family ....all is fair in politics, I suppose.... even bogus investigations, I suppose....

But as far as breaking US Criminal code, and charges, y'all need to put up, or shut up! :p
Then that means all of the data disseminated will come under scrutiny: what data is his, what is not his. Should be interesting

Yup, and every one of these traitors needs to be subpoenaed to explain why they lied:

Heroine Hunter and Stolen Docs *Joe had better hope there’s no incriminating evidence against the Clintons and Obama’s on the laptop. They won’t be long for this world if that’s the case.
It really doesn't matter for the purpose of the OP I'm guessing. By the way that's not what the guy is claiming. He claims he didn't see those pictures. Meaning he could have simply missed them at the time.

I'm always weary with newspaper articles. Paying attention to what they say and what they don't say. If it's unclear I tend to reserve judgement.

Thanks! So he said he didn't see them there, NOT that they were not there.... He could have not even opened the picture files of hunter.... Good info to know.

but then what did he claim to see or read that was illegal, where he felt he had to turn it over to the FBI????

I guess I'm confused? Why did he feel the need to turn it over to the FBI? Which emails did he read to set that in motion?

and how and why did the FBI get a grand jury to issue a subpoena for it??? These are things I'd like to know before judgement as well....
He didn’t say that of course, of course. Care4all either made it up or heard it from someone who made it up.

In fact, it was the repairman’s father who approached the FBI about the laptop and he specifically told them that it had porn.

My father went on to explain the events and his concerns for my safety," Isaac wrote. "He mentioned that because I had seen content that was pornographic as well as geopolitically sensitive, my life could be in danger due to what people might do to make any potential public embarrassment disappear."

The FBI wasn’t interested at first. That’s understandable. They probably get plenty of nutjobs coming in to tell them about some secret information they have on some famous person. They took it very seriously when the got a look at the release Hunter had signed.

Describing how Isaac received Biden's laptop, his father told the agent that his son owned a laptop repair shop and that it was dropped off by Hunter Biden and never picked up. Isaac said his father offered to provide the agent with a copy of the laptop's drive and a copy of the contract signed by Hunter agreeing that property left at the shop past 90 days became his property, but the agent was only interested in the contract.

Isaac said the agent made a copy of the paperwork and left the room for nearly 10 minutes before returning and telling his father that he should get a lawyer.

"I consulted with a regional legal officer, and he suggested you should get a lawyer," the agent said. He also told Isaac's father that he "may be in possession of something you don’t own."

"You better lawyer up and don’t talk to anyone about this," the agent added, according to Isaac. "I don’t have anything else for you, and the door is on the left."

Isaac wrote that his father "sat there, disgusted, until the agent coldly reminded him where the door was."

What a surprise that the FBI’s reaction was to try to intimidate two citizens reporting evidence of crimes.

Not expecting a retraction from Care4all , nor an apology. I expect silence on this thread, but that the same lie will be repeated on another.
Thank you for the facts. We need more people like this repairman to come forward when they suspect criminality
He needs to prove that he was somehow trying to fix a laptop by opening a file work income information of the guy he wrote a book on. If your case relies on a guy opening an income PDF as part of a repair work, your guy will need luck in court honey.
By the way, Delaware law says abandoned property switches ownership after a year, not 60 days:

hahah no he doesn't....Hunter gave him the laptop to repair. It's like taking my car to a mechanic, and telling them I need it fixed...claiming they had no right to open the hood
he may have forfeited the laptop, if his receipt states clearly that if he did not pick it up under a certain amount of time, BUT HE DID NOT FORFEIT his personal and private papers on it....the contents should have been wiped clean off the laptop, before the store owner went to sell it....or give it away to a political Campaign....or a rag paper....
You have swallowed so much Cool Aid that I doubt there is any hope for you.

In case there a glimmer of hope.

Please read this.

Thanks! So he said he didn't see them there, NOT that they were not there.... He could have not even opened the picture files of hunter.... Good info to know.

but then what did he claim to see or read that was illegal, where he felt he had to turn it over to the FBI????

I guess I'm confused? Why did he feel the need to turn it over to the FBI? Which emails did he read to set that in motion?

and how and why did the FBI get a grand jury to issue a subpoena for it??? These are things I'd like to know before judgement as well....
Sometimes... a lot of times "I don't know" is the only intellectually honest response. Something I've noticed is a lesson lost on most people on this board.
Giuliani has an alleged duplicate,the New York Post has an alleged duplicate.... For over three years....

Trump's DOJ had it for over a year...and the DOJ handed it over to one of their own district DC prosecutors to do the investigating before their admin departed....who is still investigating....

Honestly, can you tell me the crime that was committed by Hunter, besides what has been mentioned in main stream problems, and not declaring representation for a foreign entity.... or something like that....?

And yes it was unethical to boot that Hunter used his last name to benefit himself or even the appearance of such is wrong, wrong, wrong!!! It was even brought up at the time! And looked in to, by ethics, I think?

But none of that influence peddling by a politician's relative is criminal...

The politician, would have had to do a govt action, contrary to govt policy on it, as a favor to the politician,that was not in the best interest of the unitedstates, for some kind of harmful nefarious reason, or personal gain or monetary gain, and again, not in our Nation's best interest or contrary to US policy.

A legitimate, criminal QUID PRO QUO.
And even if the "big guy" was really referring to Joe, this jazz that's all about the 10% for the big guy, took place AFTER Joe left office in 2017... and he was free to make business deals or

Speculate and make up any crud and rumor y'all want about the Biden crime family ....all is fair in politics, I suppose.... even bogus investigations, I suppose....

But as far as breaking US Criminal code, and charges, y'all need to put up, or shut up! :p
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Thanks! So he said he didn't see them there, NOT that they were not there.... He could have not even opened the picture files of hunter.... Good info to know.

but then what did he claim to see or read that was illegal, where he felt he had to turn it over to the FBI????

I guess I'm confused? Why did he feel the need to turn it over to the FBI? Which emails did he read to set that in motion?

and how and why did the FBI get a grand jury to issue a subpoena for it??? These are things I'd like to know before judgement as well....
I had seen content that was pornographic as well as geopolitically sensitive
"Dealing with foreign interests, a pay-for-play scheme linked to the former administration, lots of foreign money,"

And you claim to be a cop?


Hillary was hacked. A crime. What has happened to Hunter Biden was allegedly that an unscrupulous businessman made copies of his private files and has distributed them. He's correct to take action against the laptop repair guy. If you leave your car at a mechanic's shop can he legally use it as a getaway car from a bank heist? Nope.
Hillary ran the State Department through hidden servers to escape Congressional oversight! That was the crime.
If you leave your car at a mechanic's shop and never pick it up the title goes to the repair shop and the car and everything in it belongs to the mechanic!
If a mechanic finds evidence of a crime while repairing your car he has every right to call the authorities to report what he's found.
Hunter will NEVER take legal action against the laptop repair guy because he'd get eaten alive during discovery and his lawyers know it!
what’s the problem with a repairmen looking at the computer? it’s his job.
Sure. He's gonna convince the judge
hahah no he doesn't....Hunter gave him the laptop to repair. It's like taking my car to a mechanic, and telling them I need it fixed...claiming they had no right to open the hood
Uh oh. This legal analyst says that abandoned equipment doesn't give the repairman the right to use the copyrighted pictures in Hunter Biden's computer (the data is separate from the hardware).
You're going to have to type "hahaha" again, pretending your confident instead of embarrassed. You are praying that nobody would cite legal analysts. Sorry, I don't get my legal information from a right wing nickname in a message board

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